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02-23-2010, 01:52 AM
Here ya go climate change deniers, another article for you to deny. From the mainstream media, of course.


02-23-2010, 04:15 AM
Ask someone in NY or DC with the 3 feet of snow if they still believe in warming!!!!!!


02-23-2010, 07:11 AM
Ask someone in NY or DC with the 3 feet of snow if they still believe in warming!!!!!!


Lol right, and don't forget Ohio...............and Feb. is not over yet.

Damn global warming.


There's never been this much snow by this time in February. So far this month, we’ve seen 23.1 inches of snow, according to the National Weather Service. The previous record was 21.4 inches in 1914.

Sir Evil
02-23-2010, 08:00 AM
Here ya go climate change deniers, another article for you to deny. From the mainstream media, of course.

Someone needs to deny you of air..... :lol:

02-23-2010, 08:17 AM
Awesome snow this winter. Most of the ski areas are extending their season. :laugh2:

red states rule
02-23-2010, 08:26 AM
OK, Gabby tell us again how if we don't enact Cap and Trade how Al Gore's Oscar will be under water one day

Climate scientists withdraw journal claims of rising sea levels

Scientists have been forced to withdraw a study on projected sea level rise due to global warming after finding mistakes that undermined the findings.

The study, published in 2009 in Nature Geoscience, one of the top journals in its field, confirmed the conclusions of the 2007 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It used data over the last 22,000 years to predict that sea level would rise by between 7cm and 82cm by the end of the century.

At the time, Mark Siddall, from the Earth Sciences Department at the University of Bristol, said the study "strengthens the confidence with which one may interpret the IPCC results". The IPCC said that sea level would probably rise by 18cm-59cm by 2100, though stressed this was based on incomplete information about ice sheet melting and that the true rise could be higher.

Many scientists criticised the IPCC approach as too conservative, and several papers since have suggested that sea level could rise more. Martin Vermeer of the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland and Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany published a study in December that projected a rise of 0.75m to 1.9m by 2100.

Siddall said that he did not know whether the retracted paper's estimate of sea level rise was an overestimate or an underestimate.

Announcing the formal retraction of the paper from the journal, Siddall said: "It's one of those things that happens. People make mistakes and mistakes happen in science." He said there were two separate technical mistakes in the paper, which were pointed out by other scientists after it was published. A formal retraction was required, rather than a correction, because the errors undermined the study's conclusion.


plus this from the enviro wackos. We have been told how the US would be haamered by many Cat 5 storms due to global warming

So far nothing has happened

BROOKLIN, Canada, Aug 31, 2006 (IPS) - One year after Hurricane Katrina devastated the U.S. Gulf Coast, a new survey reveals a majority of U.S. citizens now believe global warming is responsible for extreme weather events in recent years.

Most climate scientists have been saying this for some time, but with the proviso that no single event - like Hurricane Katrina - can be conclusively blamed on climate change. Instead, it is the accumulation of evidence over many decades and from many sources that rising global temperatures are likely to result in more and stronger hurricanes in the Atlantic in future.

"The number of named storms is nearly 50 percent higher in the last decade than in the previous four decades," said Judy Curry, who heads Georgia Tech's School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.

Tropical storms are named when sustained winds reach speeds of 62-117 km/hr, and become hurricanes when wind speeds are higher than 118 km/hr.

Statistically it is clear that in the Atlantic, hurricanes are becoming more frequent and bigger, Curry told IPS. And climate change, which has increased atmospheric and sea surface temperatures, is the likely cause, she said


02-23-2010, 09:18 AM
Snow is a normal atmospheric event. It has nothing to do with Global Warming, or lack thereof.

02-23-2010, 09:21 AM
Gabs another difference in opinion here, but here is the big difference you believe what a guy tells you that spends the winter hiding and turning down invites to ice sculptures where they had the coldest winter in history, I look threw my own eyes and see 49 out of 50 states covered with some snow, colder than normal temps, but I guess listening to the guy hiding in his mansion from all the invites counting the money yahoos like you sent him is a much better thing to do :poke:

God gave us all a brain, some should learn to fully occupy it:cool:

red states rule
02-23-2010, 09:27 AM
Snow is a normal atmospheric event. It has nothing to do with Global Warming, or lack thereof.

Get with the current talking points Gabby. The enviro wackos and global warming nuts are syaing the heavy snow IS due to global wamring

According Time magazine's very latest wisdom, the epochal blizzards that have hit the Northeast this winter are a likely consequence of global warming.

Really? As I write these words, blizzard number two rages unabated outside, with bitter cold (12 degrees at last check) combining with wind and heavy snow to deposit (so far) at least nine inches of new white stuff on top of the nearly two feet visited on my zip code by last weekend's blast. And these figures, coming from west-central Pennsylvania, are benign in comparison to the two to three feet of snow visited on portions of Maryland and the Philadelphia and D.C. metropolitan areas last weekend. At the moment, we in the Alleghenies are cut off (by interstate highway closures and general paralysis) from points east, but all indications are that this blizzard is striking already hard-pressed Philadelphia and Washington with strength comparable to the first blizzard. The First Great Blizzard of 2010 set all kinds of snowfall records, including in the D.C. area; one can only wonder what the record books will tell us about the second.

And it hasn't just been the snow. In the wake of the first great storm, temperatures plunged into the single digits for several nights in a row, ascending (in the bright sun) into the upper teens or low twenties by day. In short, if this is global warming, I'd hate to see what global cooling might entail!

Yet Time hasn't missed a beat in its latest contribution to what must be regarded as one of the most persistent mistaken orthodoxies in the history of science and politics. "There is some evidence that climate change could in fact make such massive snowstorms more common, even as the world continues to warm," writes Time's Bryan Walsh — even as the snow continues to fall. "As the meteorologist Jeff Masters points out in his excellent blog at Weather Underground, the two major storms that hit Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C., this winter — in December and during the first weekend of February — are already among the 10 heaviest snowfalls those cities have ever recorded. The chance of that happening in the same winter is incredibly unlikely."

Oh, so? What if the climate were in a cooling cycle? Or were the people who experienced the Little Ice Age a few hundred years ago (or the Big Ice Age a few millennia back, for that matter!) merely being vexed by persistent flurries? What, in point of fact, produced those massive glaciers that overwhelmed the northern portions of what is now the continental United States and all of Canada, if not snow, and lots of it? While it is true that warmer temperatures can produce heavier snow — as anyone who lives within range of lake-effect snow, which mostly falls before the Great Lakes freeze over or become too cold to generate the condensation responsible for heavy snow, can attest — we have been seeing both heavier snow and colder temperatures, both in the United States and in Europe, and not merely this winter, but for a number of winters running.


red states rule
02-23-2010, 09:39 AM
BTW Gabby, a few years ago it was Dems in the floor of Cingress wanring us how the LACK of snow in DC was a result of global wamring

Which is it girl? Is the heavy snow a result of global warming - or the lack of snow a result of global warming?

Or will some enviro wacko tell us it is both?

<embed src="http://blip.tv/play/hJNRgcS7EQI%2Em4v" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="364" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>

02-23-2010, 10:10 AM
Snow is a normal atmospheric event. It has nothing to do with Global Warming, or lack thereof.

Hurricanes are a normal atmospheric event as well.

If we were having weak hurricanes it would be evidence for Warming to you. IF we have strong hurricanes it's evidence for warming. If the tempature increases it's evidence of warming. If it decreases it's evidence for warming. If we have lots of snow it's evidence fo warming. If we have mild winters it's evidence for warming.

There isn't a single thing that could happen that would disprove global warming to you. That's the problem. Everything is evidence for global warming to you.

Tell me, what would disprove global warming to you?

02-23-2010, 10:37 AM
Someone needs to deny you of air..... :lol:


02-23-2010, 10:40 AM
Gabs another difference in opinion here, but here is the big difference you believe what a guy tells you that spends the winter hiding and turning down invites to ice sculptures where they had the coldest winter in history, I look threw my own eyes and see 49 out of 50 states covered with some snow, colder than normal temps, but I guess listening to the guy hiding in his mansion from all the invites counting the money yahoos like you sent him is a much better thing to do :poke:

God gave us all a brain, some should learn to fully occupy it:cool:

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: That's just mean, man. I mean mean.....:laugh2:

02-23-2010, 11:50 AM
Here ya go climate change deniers

Name one.

There seems to be a trend happening, where desperate leftists make up something conservatives never said, pretend the conservatives said it, and then bash them for it.

I suppose they do this because their own party, and its agenda, is becoming so malodorous that they must do something, anything, to divert attention from their failures and hysteria.

It's not easy being a liberal nowadays, is it. :poke:


Back to the subject:
There is still no evidence that man's activites have had any effect on climate change. Nothing but leftists screaming that it must be so, and pointing to other leftist screamers who say the same thing (but without any factual reference) as their "evidence".

02-23-2010, 12:32 PM
Climate change is real. It happens four times every year.

Global warming is real. It has happened many times in the history of the earth.

Global cooling is real. It has happened many times in the history of the earth.

This shit is cyclical, always has been, always will be.

Anything we as residents of this planet contribute to the factors which effect the climate are minimal at best.

02-23-2010, 01:06 PM

02-23-2010, 01:57 PM
Here ya go climate change deniers, another article for you to deny. From the mainstream media, of course.



Actually the denying is on the part of people still clinging onto the belief that "climate change" or "global warming" is a viable political issue. The climate change issue has taken so many body blows in the last few months that feeble attempts to progress the issue is not just beating a dead horse it is placing false hopes into a corpse that is not only stiff as a board but also putting off a stench.

02-23-2010, 02:11 PM
Gabs stinks up the room just by being there.

02-23-2010, 02:15 PM
Gabs stinks up the room just by being there.

Don't worry, she's long gone.

Her technique is to spew a few insults and lies, then run away. She might show up again if someone asks a really easy question she can answer. But when people refute her, she's nowhere to be found.

02-23-2010, 05:46 PM
Gabs stinks up the room just by being there.

At least it is not the collective stench of your home. A entire family of ignorant shitheads. Someone needs to call the sanitation department.

And why do I leave? I have a job. Unlike those who sit around all day doing nothing.

02-23-2010, 06:12 PM
At least it is not the collective stench of your home. A entire family of ignorant shitheads. Someone needs to call the sanitation department.

Gabs, consider this a warning. Unless I missed something, I don't see Glock bringing your family into this. Family is off limits, period.

02-23-2010, 06:14 PM
At least it is not the collective stench of your home. A entire family of ignorant shitheads. Someone needs to call the sanitation department.

And why do I leave? I have a job. Unlike those who sit around all day doing nothing.

Better watch it Glock she is now attacking family members next IT will be wishing you death, and IT does work in a school,:eek: sure am glad it is out there in the land of fruits and nuts, cause IT wouldn't make it working in a school with children anywhere else :afro: thought I might post a picture of ITS man :laugh2:

Sir Evil
02-23-2010, 06:15 PM
Gabs, consider this a warning. Unless I missed something, I don't see Glock bringing your family into this. Family is off limits, period.

:fu: Nigga!

02-23-2010, 06:17 PM
:fu: Nigga!


That cracked me up, the little nigga Ho is on her way out, :laugh2:

02-23-2010, 07:25 PM
Better watch it Glock she is now attacking family members next IT will be wishing you death, and IT does work in a school,:eek: sure am glad it is out there in the land of fruits and nuts, cause IT wouldn't make it working in a school with children anywhere else :afro: thought I might post a picture of ITS man :laugh2:

I'm used to it from her, she's attacked my family before. Like terrorists, liberals are weak, so resort to attacking the innocent.

I'll never forget that Gabs the slut and Virgil the perv did that.

02-23-2010, 07:48 PM
At least it is not the collective stench of your home. A entire family of ignorant shitheads. Someone needs to call the sanitation department.

And why do I leave? I have a job. Unlike those who sit around all day doing nothing.

You could atleast pretend to discuss some of the arguments in the thread when you got done work. Instead of just insulting someone and their family.

02-23-2010, 08:02 PM
Not that Glock hasn't done it before. He just gets away with it because he is Glock.

The collective thoughts about global warming in this forum is a dead giveaway of the general lack of education and informed thought. Think what you are told to think and do what you are told to do.
It's mass stupidity in the broadest sense.

02-23-2010, 08:06 PM
Not that Glock hasn't done it before. He just gets away with it because he is Glock.

The collective thoughts about global warming in this forum is a dead giveaway of the general lack of education and informed thought. Think what you are told to think and do what you are told to do.
It's mass stupidity in the broadest sense.

and so?


BREAKING: Senator Barbara Boxer and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson Throw IPCC Under the Bus
Following the release of the Inhofe Report, Boxer claimed she was only quoting "American scientists," and Jackson reversed herself on the use of the IPCC as the "gold standard."

February 23, 2010 - by Charlie Martin

During the review of the Environmental Protection Agency budget in today’s Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing, both Senator Barbara Boxer — the chair of the committee — and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson distanced themselves from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4).

Boxer and Jackson’s statements, in addition to being a striking change in policy, are problematic because U.S. climate science is very closely tied to the IPCC reports (as Christopher Horner showed in his recent PJM series on the NASA FOIA emails.)

The statements by Boxer and Jackson followed Senator Inhofe’s release (see the PJM exclusive report) in his opening statement of a minority staff report documenting many flaws in the IPCC report and the other evidence revealed in the Climategate files. (See the full hearing on CSPAN here; the exchanges with Senator Boxer and Inhofe, and Administrator Jackson begin at about 56 minutes into the video.)

Both Boxer and Jackson appeared to be trying to distance the EPA from the IPCC report. Boxer said:

In my opening statement, I didn’t quote one international scientist or IPCC report. … We are quoting the American scientific community here.

When Inhofe directly asked Jackson if she still considered the IPCC report the “gold standard,” she answered:

The primary focus of the endangerment finding was on climate threat risks in this country.

Jackson also noted:

[The errors Inhofe had presented were] international events. The information on the glaciers and other events doesn’t weaken … the evidence we considered [to make the Endangerment Finding on CO2.]

The EPA has specifically cited the IPCC AR4 report as the primary source from which it drew information to make the Endangerment Finding on CO2 as a pollutant. In the past, the worldwide nature of the climate changes, and of the data, had been cited as one of the reasons for using the IPCC report, but now it appeared that Jackson was trying to separate the Endangerment Finding from the IPCC.

However, when Inhofe asked Jackson if she was considering asking the EPA inspector general to investigate the IPCC science, she answered:

If anything changes … certainly I would call for a review of the finding, but I haven’t seen that.

Sir Evil
02-23-2010, 08:22 PM
Think what you are told to think and do what you are told to do.
It's mass stupidity in the broadest sense.

You live in CA and have the audacity to make such an ignorant statement?

Oh shit, forgot that you are just that. :lame2:

02-23-2010, 08:46 PM
Not that Glock hasn't done it before.... Prove it, slut. :slap:

02-23-2010, 08:54 PM
Not that Glock hasn't done it before. He just gets away with it because he is Glock.

The collective thoughts about global warming in this forum is a dead giveaway of the general lack of education and informed thought. Think what you are told to think and do what you are told to do.
It's mass stupidity in the broadest sense.

So everyone else is stupid but you despite the fact that you havent been able to argue one single solitary point and everyone else has. That makes no sense whatsoever.

02-23-2010, 09:40 PM
So everyone else is stupid but you despite the fact that you havent been able to argue one single solitary point and everyone else has. That makes no sense whatsoever.


I was thinking the same thing as I was going threw the posts, Talk about being told something, hell everyone else hear is talking about what they see, Gabby is the only one going with what she has heard, Maybe all the smog out there has her a bit confused :dunno:

02-23-2010, 11:15 PM
The collective thoughts about global warming in this forum is a dead giveaway of the general lack of education and informed thought. Think what you are told to think and do what you are told to do.
It's mass stupidity in the broadest sense.

So the sum of this thread is this:

If you do not think as Gabo thinks, you're stupid.

Got it.

02-24-2010, 01:01 AM
The collective thoughts about global warming in this forum is a dead giveaway of the general lack of education and informed thought. Think what you are told to think and do what you are told to do.
It's mass stupidity in the broadest sense.

I guess you think Donald Trump is uneducated and uninformed and is part of the mass stupidity??? He thinks "global warming" is a liberal scam to hurt business.

Wish I were as stupid as he is.

02-24-2010, 05:54 AM
Here ya go climate change deniers, another article for you to deny. From the mainstream media, of course.


Oh Puh-lease, Louise. Give it a rest, will ya?

When I was 12, we were told that the world was going to become uninhabitable by 1985 because of pollution.

When I was 19, we were told that an Ice Age was imminent.

When I was 29, we were told that we were going to die of radiation poisoning because of the Ozone Hole.

You know what I think at 52? That the Left has to make up a crisis every few years to scare people half to death or else they lose their phony baloney jobs.

You know what the REAL problem is? All of this panic and consternation that is induced on the public by a bunch of Left Wing parasites is having a very deleterious effect on the public mental health. Anxiety prescriptions are at an all time high.

The best thing to do is ignore these Chicken Littles and carry on as if nothing is wrong because, very likely, nothing actually is.

02-24-2010, 06:52 AM
Not that Glock hasn't done it before. He just gets away with it because he is Glock.

Can you specifically point me to where Glock has done the same to you? I will handle both issues equally if you can do so.

02-24-2010, 08:33 PM
Oh Puh-lease, Louise. Give it a rest, will ya?

When I was 12, we were told that the world was going to become uninhabitable by 1985 because of pollution.

When I was 19, we were told that an Ice Age was imminent.

When I was 29, we were told that we were going to die of radiation poisoning because of the Ozone Hole.

You know what I think at 52? That the Left has to make up a crisis every few years to scare people half to death or else they lose their phony baloney jobs.

You know what the REAL problem is? All of this panic and consternation that is induced on the public by a bunch of Left Wing parasites is having a very deleterious effect on the public mental health. Anxiety prescriptions are at an all time high.

The best thing to do is ignore these Chicken Littles and carry on as if nothing is wrong because, very likely, nothing actually is.

I remember being like 12 or 13 and being told that all the major coastal cities would be underwater in 2010 because of global warming melting the polar ice caps.

So far, only New Orleans has been underwater. And that was because of local incompetence.

cat slave
02-24-2010, 09:17 PM
Oh Puh-lease, Louise. Give it a rest, will ya?

When I was 12, we were told that the world was going to become uninhabitable by 1985 because of pollution.

When I was 19, we were told that an Ice Age was imminent.

When I was 29, we were told that we were going to die of radiation poisoning because of the Ozone Hole.

You know what I think at 52? That the Left has to make up a crisis every few years to scare people half to death or else they lose their phony baloney jobs.

You know what the REAL problem is? All of this panic and consternation that is induced on the public by a bunch of Left Wing parasites is having a very deleterious effect on the public mental health. Anxiety prescriptions are at an all time high.

The best thing to do is ignore these Chicken Littles and carry on as if nothing is wrong because, very likely, nothing actually is.

Im with you till the very last statement. I do think something is wrong.

Other than that.....a standing ovation......:clap::clap::clap:

cat slave
02-24-2010, 09:18 PM
I remember being like 12 or 13 and being told that all the major coastal cities would be underwater in 2010 because of global warming melting the polar ice caps.

So far, only New Orleans has been underwater. And that was because of local incompetence.

A voice of reason.:clap:

02-24-2010, 11:45 PM
Here ya go climate change deniers, another article for you to deny. From the mainstream media, of course.


Make shit up and accuse the right of saying something it didn't....

No one I know denies that climate change or glabal warming and global cooling exists....the world heats up and cools off regularly....so pedal you lies elsewhere.....