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View Full Version : Obama to tell us what we really want AGAIN

02-25-2010, 08:46 AM
Obama once again is going to try to tell Americans he knows what they need/want better than they do, when is this guy going to give up already?

President Barack Obama’s “summit” Thursday is officially billed as a meeting of the minds with congressional Republicans — but, in truth, Republicans are the least of his concerns.

Obama will kick off the event, according to its schedule, by speaking to the congressional leaders seated around the table with him. But his most important listeners may not be in the small room at Blair House where the event will take place.

He’ll be making the sale, for the umpteenth time, to an American public that supports aspects of health care legislation but opposes the bill. He’ll be pitching Beltway graybeards obsessed, as always, with bipartisanship. He’ll be appealing to moderate Senate Democrats to back reconciliation.

But most important will be his pitch to a handful of conservative Democrats in the House who will have to switch their votes and vote for the Senate health care bill for it to pass into law.

“It’s a classic situation where he’s got multiple audiences,” said former Sen. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska. “The American people are obviously one big piece of his audience, especially independent voters who are moving away from Democratic policies. But he’s got to persuade those Democrats who are at risk to vote for this thing.


02-25-2010, 09:09 PM
Americans are indisposed to support health care reform as it now stands precisely because it <b>lacks</b> a public option.

<center><a href=http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5B20OL20091203>Most in U.S. want public health option: poll</a></center>

02-25-2010, 10:28 PM
Bully it lacks Public option's because the Dumbass in charge has decided he will do it his way , he just announced tonight that he will push his plan threw no matter what, seems the American people showed him they didn't want his plan and will do so again in November , he has killed the Democratic party, but that isn't bad thing :cool:

02-26-2010, 09:21 AM
Americans are indisposed to support health care reform as it now stands precisely because it <b>lacks</b> a public option.

<center><a href=http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5B20OL20091203>Most in U.S. want public health option: poll</a></center>

<a href=http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_events/healthcare/february_2010/47_oppose_public_option_health_plan_58_oppose_if_w orkers_forced_to_change_coverage>A More up to date Poll of what People think on the Public Option</a>

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 42% favor the establishment of a government-sponsored non-profit health insurance option that people could choose instead of a private health insurance plan. But slightly more voters (47%) oppose the creation of a so-called “public option.” Eleven percent (11%) are undecided.

02-26-2010, 09:28 AM
Americans are indisposed to support health care reform as it now stands precisely because it lacks a public option.

<center>Most in U.S. want public health option: poll (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5B20OL20091203)</center>

Your poll is from early December - and the more and more the public find out about the shit they've been trying to hide in the bill, the less supportive they are becoming. If they weren't trying to hide shit and pull fast ones, why are they so adamant about writing the bill behind locked doors? McCain asked Obama about that yesterday and he replied that they aren't campaigning anymore. I take that to mean he made the transparency statements while campaigning and now that he is elected he will not honor is word. IMO, a man who doesn't honor his word on something that can very easily be done is a lowlife. It's not like he had to backout on that promise for the best of the nation, he just chose not to intervene so that the pork and other crap could be included so that he can garner more votes for the stupid bill. Now I HOPE they CHANGE their strategy and force crap through with the reconciliation against what their constituents want, and we'll see a whole new look to congress VERY fast.

02-26-2010, 12:27 PM
Americans are indisposed to support health care reform as it now stands precisely because it <b>lacks</b> a public option.

<center><a href=http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5B20OL20091203>Most in U.S. want public health option: poll</a></center>

No. Americans are indisposed to support health care "reform" because we arent idiots and we realize that the 1500+ page bill that none of the politicians have bothered to read does nothing to fix our system and does everything to make it worse.

02-26-2010, 04:17 PM
Americans are indisposed to support health care reform as it now stands precisely because it <b>lacks</b> a public option.

<center><a href=http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5B20OL20091203>Most in U.S. want public health option: poll</a></center>

BTW, if you are so certain that the American people want the public option, why on earth are you settling for a clearly defficient bill? I would think that you would also like us to scrap this monstrousity and start back at the beginning so you can get the public option.

After all, you're convinced the American people want that. They clearly don't want what's currently on the table. So why do you accept it rather than encourage a redrafting? Preferably one that isnt written by special interests and is actually written and read by the members of Congress.

cat slave
02-27-2010, 05:31 PM
Bully it lacks Public option's because the Dumbass in charge has decided he will do it his way , he just announced tonight that he will push his plan threw no matter what, seems the American people showed him they didn't want his plan and will do so again in November , he has killed the Democratic party, but that isn't bad thing :cool:

Hes such an arrogant sob! Hes dangerous.

cat slave
02-27-2010, 05:37 PM
No. Americans are indisposed to support health care "reform" because we arent idiots and we realize that the 1500+ page bill that none of the politicians have bothered to read does nothing to fix our system and does everything to make it worse.

Exactly! The majority of people are running from it and scared to death...
possibly literally.....of OSAMACARE.

Someone needs to remind the annoited one of his oath of the office he
pulled so many strings to obtain and that congress is in service of the people...
not to decide what we need or dont need, let alone want or not.

Lets fire um all and doesnt this kind of rogue behavior warrant impeachment?