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View Full Version : The worst food you've ever eaten

Mr. P
02-26-2010, 08:36 PM
Give it up for YUK!!

For me it was escargot (snails)...

02-26-2010, 08:44 PM
Horseradish greens

02-26-2010, 08:57 PM
I once ate oysters, holyyyy Christ, i have never had them before and i didn't know you were not meant to bite, and ended up with a mouth full of salty water, worst of all i was a guest at someones table at the time, so i had to just wince and bare it =/

02-26-2010, 09:03 PM
Raw oysters are like snot, steamed are actually pretty good.

The only thing I can say that I absolutely don't like is spinach, can't stand the stuff.

02-26-2010, 09:58 PM
Hamburger Helper :puke3:

02-26-2010, 10:12 PM
Oysters on the half-shell. Tasted em twice........once going down and.......well you can guess the rest.

02-27-2010, 01:07 AM
Pizza at the mess hall at Thule Air Base, northern Greenland.

At least I think it was supposed to be pizza.

Also tuba in Cebu City, Philippines (coconut wine). Might have been spoiled. Like drinking a rotten egg out of the shell. But I was being stared at by about a hundred children of various ages who had never seen a longnose before, filling the house and looking in every window and door, very politely, and so I went thru the whole glass without tossing my cookies, somehow.

02-27-2010, 02:30 AM
cottage cheese and buttermilk!!! Gag everytime.

02-27-2010, 06:13 AM
Pork skin ... I think it was boiled... I ate it as a kid

02-27-2010, 10:41 AM
Give it up for YUK!!

For me it was escargot (snails)...

Whoa, I love escargot. Sauted in garlic and shallots, flamed with some Pernod, then placed under the broiler with some hazelnut compound butter grated parmesan cheese untill nice and brown, good stuff.

One awful dinning experience was at a dinner theater and you know its bad when the salad is warmer then the prime rib.

02-27-2010, 11:19 AM
I am not a picky eater. Growing up with my grandparents,I have tried many different things that most people probably would not consider eating these days. There is not that much I don't like,or wont try BUT....

Spahgetti Squash is disgusting...(so are Lima Beans for that matter).

I also had a really gross Baskin Robbins Mocha/Cookies and Cream milkshake at the state fair last year that looked good in the picture they were advertising but really made me gag when I tasted it *shudder*.

03-06-2010, 02:17 PM
Peas! It was the one thing my mom didn't make me eat cause I would gag when I ate them

03-06-2010, 02:19 PM
Hamburger Helper :puke3:


You would fit in great at my house. I love hamburger helper,but my son and husband hate it.

03-06-2010, 02:27 PM
It's amazing what people in other cultures eat. Cat, dog, snakes, bats, rats, insects. Perhaps to those people the things we eat are just as repulsive.

Luna Tick
03-06-2010, 03:04 PM
Spam is the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten. Egg Nogg is a close second.

03-06-2010, 03:08 PM
Oranges are pretty gross...but, I can choke them down if I have to. Watermelon,honey dew and cantelope ...NO WAY!

03-06-2010, 07:58 PM
I thought of another one. When I visited my sister in Finland I tried pickled Herring....gross gross gross gross gross gross.

03-06-2010, 09:43 PM
Spam is the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten. Egg Nogg is a close second.

Abbey Marie
03-06-2010, 11:24 PM
Sloppy Joes

(But to be honest, I never could even bring myself to take a bite. The smell alone makes me seriously gag to the point of almost losing it).

03-06-2010, 11:48 PM
interesting.....I was pressured into eating escargot once, did not enjoy it at all....I am also opposed to oysters, but one thing I have absolutely refused to try is crawfish.....have you seen where those things live?.....

now, that being said, I grew up in a Dutch family......one of the family delicasies is balkenbrij.....loosely translated, headcheese.....

now the secret of making headcheese is that you scrape all the tiny bits of meat that remain on the head of a pig after butchering....then you add the liver, kidneys, heart and various other bits of flesh that normally are not eaten and you grind them up......this concoction is then fried like loose meat hamburger, spooned onto a slice of bread, covered in corn syrup and eaten with gusto....

prospective inlaws are given the headcheese test before being admitted into the family....we tolerate no faint hearted projeny.....

03-07-2010, 12:20 AM
I had some really bad barbeque at a place called Quarters in Rio Rancho New Mexico. Do any of your have in idea how hard it is to find decent barbeque in the Albuquerque area? This close to Texas you'd think someone could do it right, but noooo...

Luna Tick
03-07-2010, 12:29 AM
Ew, I just remembered I ate a pickled egg one time. Gross, gross, gross.

03-07-2010, 12:40 AM
Thai food. I found out after the fact that every time a group of engineers would come into town they would take someone new (who had never eaten Thai food before) out to lunch for Thai food. They would order for the person since the person didn't know what to order, then sit back and have a great laugh at thats persons expense. I have no idea what I ate but it was terrible. I also loved being pranked like that, no hard feelings at all. I'm a bit of a prankster so when someone gets me, I have to tip my hat to them and admit it was a job well done. Those guys got me good!

05-26-2010, 01:43 PM
Raw oysters are like snot, steamed are actually pretty good.

The only thing I can say that I absolutely don't like is spinach, can't stand the stuff.

As a teenager, I tried oysters. It was like having a huge ball of snot lodged at the back of my throat. Gotta be the most gross thing I've ever eaten. Totally disgusting.....

Oh wait a second, I've also had a side dish at a mid eastern restaurant that we would normally use for a garnish. You want nasty tasting? That was it. I will never eat any mideastern food again. Just plain disgusting.

Mr. P
05-27-2010, 01:33 AM
Anyone ever had beef tongue?

05-27-2010, 02:55 PM
Sea Urchin eggs...

05-27-2010, 03:22 PM
Peas! It was the one thing my mom didn't make me eat cause I would gag when I ate them

Let me guess- they were canned?

05-30-2010, 08:35 PM
Anyone ever had beef tongue?

Yes, tastes kind of like roast beef.

05-31-2010, 07:20 PM
There is really only one food that I cannot stand, one that the merest scent of makes me literally want to puke... Beets. Yup that stuff is the devil!

05-31-2010, 10:54 PM
The only disgustingly awful thing I have eaten that comes to mind is 'menudo' since I don't like cow stomach or hominy, which are it's main ingrediants.

Oddly enough though, I do enjoy hominy grits for breakfast occassionally.

I once ate oysters, holyyyy Christ, i have never had them before and i didn't know you were not meant to bite, and ended up with a mouth full of salty water, worst of all i was a guest at someones table at the time, so i had to just wince and bare it =/I suppose I didn't know this either since I thoroughly chew my oysters as well as other shell fish, whether they're cooked or raw.

05-31-2010, 11:00 PM
I thought of another one. When I visited my sister in Finland I tried pickled Herring....gross gross gross gross gross gross.I love seafood, but I have to agree with you about "pickled herring".

06-05-2010, 07:43 PM
a breakfast burrito in hobbs new mexico, I got food poisoning and really sick and cannot eat those things to this day:cool:

Mr. P
06-05-2010, 09:52 PM
a breakfast burrito in hobbs new mexico, I got food poisoning and really sick and cannot eat those things to this day:cool:

I know what yer talkin about. In 1975 I got food poisoning after eating tater-tots. To this day my stomach turns at the thought of those things.

06-26-2010, 11:15 AM
I love seafood, but I have to agree with you about "pickled herring".

Men who eat pickled herring know how to please women.


06-26-2010, 05:23 PM

You would fit in great at my house. I love hamburger helper,but my son and husband hate it.

that's funny............ I hate it, Ry loves it, and dad likes it, I won't say love cause i'm not sure on that one.....:coffee:

Mr. P
06-26-2010, 05:28 PM
Men who eat pickled herring know how to please women.


Now that's a tasteless post..PUN intended.

06-26-2010, 07:24 PM
Something I ate in an Indian restaurant. Tasted like olive and roses, with extra olive and rose flavor. I almost threw up!

08-07-2010, 10:46 PM
The worst tasting crapola I've ever had in my life was some east indian cusine... It was disgusting. We'd gone to a mid eastern restaurant. They had the nastiest tasting dishes. One dish looked like a dish of baby poop and tasted like gruel... Nasty, nasty, nasty. I don't know how mid eastern people can eat foods that have disgusting flavors. Needless to say we've never biten the bullet and tried eating it again. Ain't gonna happen... I'd rather eat a plain bologna sandwich. :coffee:

08-07-2010, 10:54 PM
that's funny............ I hate it, Ry loves it, and dad likes it, I won't say love cause i'm not sure on that one.....:coffee:

Blec, blec, blec......I haven't eaten that stuff in decades. It was a cheap way to eat back in the 70's. It seems the noodles and/or macironi would always become mushy. Nasty stuff. From then on hubs and I always made homemade meals. But no more of that stuff......

08-07-2010, 11:00 PM

Smells great in the frying pan, tastes like shit on the plate.

Liverwurst is another story. Thinly sliced liverwurst on rye with onions and limburger cheese and a little horseradish, now that's the shizzle.

08-22-2010, 02:49 AM
Anyone ever had beef tongue?

Yep, I have and it was about three decades ago. Actually, near as I can remember it just tasted like a beef roast. But is has been a very long time so maybe I'm remembering it tasting better than it really did. I don't think so tho'. It didn't seem all that bad.

08-22-2010, 02:56 AM
interesting.....I was pressured into eating escargot once, did not enjoy it at all....I am also opposed to oysters, but one thing I have absolutely refused to try is crawfish.....have you seen where those things live?.....

now, that being said, I grew up in a Dutch family......one of the family delicasies is balkenbrij.....loosely translated, headcheese.....

now the secret of making headcheese is that you scrape all the tiny bits of meat that remain on the head of a pig after butchering....then you add the liver, kidneys, heart and various other bits of flesh that normally are not eaten and you grind them up......this concoction is then fried like loose meat hamburger, spooned onto a slice of bread, covered in corn syrup and eaten with gusto....

prospective inlaws are given the headcheese test before being admitted into the family....we tolerate no faint hearted projeny.....

I have not tried eating head cheese. After seeing it in the deli sitting there looking so damn gross, I have never been able to even think about eating that stuff. It is about the nastiest looking stuff I've ever seen. Disgusting.

However, I have caught and eaten crawfish. Once we caught them we just put them in a big pot of boiling water......Once they cooked for whatever time it was, we'd pull them apart and eat them. They just tasted fishy to me, but I'm not much of a fish eater. Never bothered to eat them again.

08-23-2010, 11:53 AM
I tried Limburger Cheese once... just out of curiosity.... it was every bit as bad as they say it is. Think of the stinkiest cheese you ever smelled then multiply it by 10 or 100.

I also tried a hot sauce named "Dave's Insanity Sauce", again, just out of curiosity. A colleague at work thought I was crazy and recommended that I toss it in the trash immediately. Uncowed, that night I went home and put a pin prick of the stuff on my tongue......... my entire mouth went numb from the intense heat..... I then threw the bottle in the trash.

08-23-2010, 03:45 PM
I tried Limburger Cheese once... just out of curiosity.... it was every bit as bad as they say it is. Think of the stinkiest cheese you ever smelled then multiply it by 10 or 100.

I also tried a hot sauce named "Dave's Insanity Sauce", again, just out of curiosity. A colleague at work thought I was crazy and recommended that I toss it in the trash immediately. Uncowed, that night I went home and put a pin prick of the stuff on my tongue......... my entire mouth went numb from the intense heat..... I then threw the bottle in the trash.

That sounds like the homemade hot sause my brother use to make. Need to wear rubber gloves while making it. One drop in a bowl of chile and you can watch the sweat pour down as they eat. Getting it on your skin directly would raise blisters. I said, And your eating that?

08-23-2010, 03:47 PM
a mug of fresh goat blood that I had to drink while at a masai village

08-23-2010, 04:43 PM
That sounds like the homemade hot sauce my brother use to make. Need to wear rubber gloves while making it. One drop in a bowl of chili and you can watch the sweat pour down as they eat. Getting it on your skin directly would raise blisters. I said, And your eating that?

Those ultra hot sauces are boosted with capsasin extract... which add no flavor. The super hot sauces appeal to people who want to be tough or something. If a hot sauce does not add to the flavor of the dish you're putting it on, then there is no sense in having it. Plus those sauces have hurt some people that have tried them... definitely not worth the risk.

I ran across a new hot sauce made by the Tabasco sauce people that is made from Habenero peppers... it's hot but very tasty.

10-15-2010, 02:52 PM
interesting.....I was pressured into eating escargot once, did not enjoy it at all....I am also opposed to oysters, but one thing I have absolutely refused to try is crawfish.....have you seen where those things live?.....

now, that being said, I grew up in a Dutch family......one of the family delicasies is balkenbrij.....loosely translated, headcheese.....

now the secret of making headcheese is that you scrape all the tiny bits of meat that remain on the head of a pig after butchering....then you add the liver, kidneys, heart and various other bits of flesh that normally are not eaten and you grind them up......this concoction is then fried like loose meat hamburger, spooned onto a slice of bread, covered in corn syrup and eaten with gusto....

prospective inlaws are given the headcheese test before being admitted into the family....we tolerate no faint hearted projeny.....

I've seen headcheese in supermarkets on occasion. It is one of the most disgusting things on this planet. Makes me want to hurl just thinking about it.... Nasty...

10-15-2010, 02:56 PM
Anyone ever had beef tongue?

Yep, I've had it many long years ago. It actually didn't taste all that bad. As I recall it had a beefy taste to it. Go figure. But just the idea of it being a tongue has turned me off from ever eating it again.....

10-15-2010, 02:58 PM
Oranges are pretty gross...but, I can choke them down if I have to. Watermelon,honey dew and cantelope ...NO WAY!

Man, that stuff is delish....I esp. love watermelon and cantelope...Ymmm. I sprinkle some salt on each bite to bring out the flavor and I am in Heaven...,.:coffee:

10-15-2010, 03:00 PM
Ew, I just remembered I ate a pickled egg one time. Gross, gross, gross.

I've made them before. They weren't that bad if you like pickled foods. I boiled them and then put them in a jar of pickle juice for a couple of days and walla.............pickled eggs......

10-15-2010, 03:06 PM
that's funny............ I hate it, Ry loves it, and dad likes it, I won't say love cause i'm not sure on that one.....:coffee:

I hate that stuff. Had to eat enough of it when my kids were little because it was cheap to make. I just can't stand the way any of the pasta ends up all mushy. Disgusting. I only make my meals from scratch and don't use that crapola anymore. Nasty, nasty, nasty and oh so gross....

10-15-2010, 03:08 PM
Something I ate in an Indian restaurant. Tasted like olive and roses, with extra olive and rose flavor. I almost threw up!

Sounds like that mid eastern crapola we got sucked into eating and paying well over $100 for. That is some seriously nasty food....

10-15-2010, 03:16 PM

Smells great in the frying pan, tastes like shit on the plate.

Liverwurst is another story. Thinly sliced liverwurst on rye with onions and limburger cheese and a little horseradish, now that's the shizzle.

Beef liver isn't bad. And fried chicken livers are terrific. When you cook them and then smash them up into gravy it only makes the gravy that much richer tasting. Very flavorful. Pork liver is gross. Too grizzily for me. And I can't stand liverwurst. That's some nasty stuff and smells awful.

10-15-2010, 03:19 PM
Ham Omelet MRE

Most disgusting thing I've ever attempted to eat.

10-16-2010, 05:56 PM
I suppose I didn't know this either since I thoroughly chew my oysters as well as other shell fish, whether they're cooked or raw.

You like the salty water?

10-17-2010, 12:27 PM
A balut, couldn't get a single bite down. Too gross for words.