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View Full Version : my dealing with ghetto racist thugs on a bus

03-02-2010, 02:30 PM
I was on a bus and this group of black people, 3 males and one female was being so loud, I couldnt even hear my head phones over them. They were at the back of the bus, and I was at the front. They were laughing, and cursing, so i asked them politely to please tone it down.

BIG MISTAKE: This ghetto girl, said its a public place we can do whatever we want, and shut up, i said i dont have to shut up, and you dont have to be rude about it.

Then they called me twinkie and white boy, and threatened me several times. I complained to my local mts, but other then that, this other girl who had no business getting involved got involved and i ended up calling her a bitch.

Now, I know this has nothing to do with their race, it has to do with their culture, cause many blacks were not born in the ghetto, and not all blacks who were born in the ghetto act like this, but I wish we had adult abortions for people like this (ghetto people, those who act without class and without mannors,)

your thoughts?


what is wrong with people, sometimes I just hate them, and wish I was 6'6 250 instead of 5'8 250, if ya know what i mean.

Abbey Marie
03-02-2010, 02:34 PM
I think next time you should try harder to ignore them. You are just poking the bear, and we don't want you to be attacked.

03-02-2010, 02:34 PM
good point.

Thanks Abbey


I think next time you should try harder to ignore them. You are just poking the bear, and we don't want you to be attacked.

03-02-2010, 04:07 PM
There are people who serve no purpose in life, that the world would be a much better place for everyone else without.

Have you ever heard the old saying; "The only reason some people are alive is because it's against the law to kill them"?

03-02-2010, 04:14 PM
my solution: adult abortions :coffee:

There are people who serve no purpose in life, that the world would be a much better place for everyone else without.

Have you ever heard the old saying; "The only reason some people are alive is because it's against the law to kill them"?

03-02-2010, 04:30 PM
my solution: adult abortions :coffee:Six of one, a half dozen of the other. :beer:

03-02-2010, 07:05 PM
My solution: move to a better neighborhood.

03-02-2010, 10:02 PM
Martin next time this happens hit the first one as hard as ya can, when he screams the other 2 will jump out of the bus and leave the rude girl there, give her 5 bucks and have fun :laugh2::laugh2:

03-02-2010, 10:39 PM
Martin, the smart thing to do in situations like this is shut up and MYOB. If you don't bother people, they won't bother you.

03-02-2010, 10:57 PM
Martin, the smart thing to do in situations like this is shut up and MYOB. If you don't bother people, they won't bother you.

Good advice if you are a chicken shit, why would you ignore a group of Thugs, since when should we as law abiding citizens have to ignore scum? I for one will not sit quiet like a chicken shit and let others infringe on my space, The Bus is public property I guess my conservative up bringing of respect others is wrong but I still believe in it, Well I guess along with all the rest on the list liberals are spineless :poke:

03-02-2010, 11:51 PM
It's because they've been ignored that they've become so obnoxious. People need to speak up.

I saw a couple of teenage girls in a department store being destructive so I just kept watching them so I could get a good description of them to tell the store clerk who did the damage. One of the turned to me and said "What?!!! What are you looking at?!!!" I very calmly said "I was just looking at how beautiful you two are - I just couldn't help myself". Both of them were shocked, embarassed and suddenly became very focused on something else. I kept looking and when the clerk got there I told her what they had been doing.

BTW - I grew up in a pretty hard environment so I've been told that I'm a very intimidating person even though I'm just 5'2". When you have brothers that have tried to kill you, you learn how to intimidate in other ways than through size.

03-03-2010, 05:45 AM

Some people don't respect politeness and a gentle manner, they respect a 2x4 to the back of the head. Unfortunately, living in a civilized society, you could not do much more than you did without risking having the force of the law come down on you.

Sure, you could have started something. Even if you were 6'8" and built like an Adonis, you still could have been shot (you don't know what those jokers might have been carrying).

My community has been infiltrated with a lot of ghetto trash, too. They are not people who are looking for work, they're lazy, they're troublemakers, they bring all of their bad habits with them. Frankly, I'd like to see them all shipped back to the hell hole that they came from.

What to do? Perhaps some activism of some sort. Call the company (or the bureau of the local government) that runs the bus line and complain. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Go to a city town hall meeting, and see if something legal can be done about this type of behavior. If this happened to you, it's happened to a lot of others, you might be surprised at the response you get.

P.S. thanks to years of welfare and feel good social programs, we've created a permanent underclass of these animals. They won't go away until real reform happens in Washington and our state capitals.

03-03-2010, 08:45 AM
Martin, the smart thing to do in situations like this is shut up and MYOB. If you don't bother people, they won't bother you.
But Gabs they're just poor minorities that society has abandoned. You need to help them out.

03-03-2010, 09:02 AM
I would suggest buying better headphones, skull candy's if possible, then you won't hear any of their nonsense. The only thing that would of annoyed me is the fact that they were swearing, and if there were young children on the bus then they would of been subjected to that, however given past experiece when you tell someone to stop swearing because of young children they normaly do.

03-03-2010, 09:52 AM
That assumes that you are dealing with normal people, who behave normally.

03-03-2010, 10:07 AM
That assumes that you are dealing with normal people, who behave normally.

My reply?
I would not consider anyone swearing loudly in the presence of children as behaving normally,
I did once get told to "fuck off" though when i gave a women a dirty look because she was teaching her child (of maybe 3 years old) to swear, and she found it funny, but apparently i was in the wrong xD

03-03-2010, 12:46 PM
That assumes that you are dealing with normal people, who behave normally.
That assumes that you're dealing with people, period... these are little better than animals or barbarians, if you prefer.

03-03-2010, 09:16 PM
That assumes that you're dealing with people, period... these are little better than animals or barbarians, if you prefer.The Politically Incorrect truth of the matter is, these people are ignorant uncivilized savages...Imagine for a minute what America would be like without them.

03-03-2010, 09:18 PM
The Politically Incorrect truth of the matter is, these people are ignorant uncivilized savages...Imagine for a minute what America would be like without them.

Heaven ????

03-03-2010, 09:32 PM
The Politically Incorrect truth of the matter is, these people are ignorant uncivilized savages...Imagine for a minute what America would be like without them.

Who cares about the removal of racial minorities? The far more pressing issue is the repatriation of interlopers who think to rule America back to where they belong.

03-04-2010, 08:00 AM
Who cares about the removal of racial minorities? The far more pressing issue is the repatriation of interlopers who think to rule America back to where they belong.

In your dreams, little brown girl, just ain't happening. Since you are the one who likes to separate "us" from "your kind" - I can fairly state that we OWN this land and you have a better chance of the skies raining peanut butter than you do getting rid of "us" or taking back any land your deluded little brain thinks is yours or anyone of your kind. You're a minority with a chip on your shoulder, probably due to discrimination in Mexifornia, and somehow think your rants all over the internet will make any kind of difference. Just come to terms with the shortcomings you were born into and move on with your life and enjoy some homemade burritos.

03-04-2010, 08:14 AM
Who cares about the removal of racial minorities? The far more pressing issue is the repatriation of interlopers who think to rule America back to where they belong.

I like that idea! Eventually we would ALL end up living in Central Africa or (depending on your personal beliefs) the Garden of Eden! Of course, it will get pretty darned crowded, but at least then everyone will have the land that is "rightfully" theirs.

03-04-2010, 10:26 AM
Martin, if it makes you feel any better, I saw a bus drive right by a group similar to your description waiting at a bus stop and never even slow down. Those idiots were in parkas in the middle of summer waiting for the bus. They ended up out in the middle of the street screaming at and flipping off the driver. I drove by slow enough to laugh at them.

03-04-2010, 11:47 AM
Who cares about the removal of racial minorities? The far more pressing issue is the repatriation of interlopers who think to rule America back to where they belong.I am at least the 6th generation of my bloodline in the America's.

My family has fought in every war to create and maintain this nation since it's conception.

A herd of wild butterflies couldnt make me leave much less a weakling like you, little Aggy.

Maybe you should be planning a new life south of the border with the rest of your people?

03-04-2010, 03:08 PM
In your dreams, little brown girl, just ain't happening. Since you are the one who likes to separate "us" from "your kind" - I can fairly state that we OWN this land and you have a better chance of the skies raining peanut butter than you do getting rid of "us" or taking back any land your deluded little brain thinks is yours or anyone of your kind. You're a minority with a chip on your shoulder, probably due to discrimination in Mexifornia, and somehow think your rants all over the internet will make any kind of difference. Just come to terms with the shortcomings you were born into and move on with your life and enjoy some homemade burritos.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Are you fucking kidding me? You don't own anything, kraut, except for your twice-ravaged little brusterwersenheinzin mudpit or whatever the hell they call it. I see you're stupid enough to still think that I'm "Mexican" even after I demonstrated to you in the thread on the topic (that your cowardly ass ran away from), that you would idiotically call plenty of Apaches "Mexican" and that Mexicans are Indians, at that. (Remember braying about those three white girls not being "real" Mexicans? :laugh2:) There's no discrimination, except that the Serrano and Pechanga rake in millions from poor palefaced saps like you (though you're not a true white, of course). :lol:

I am at least the 6th generation of my bloodline in the America's.

My family has fought in every war to create and maintain this nation since it's conception.

A herd of wild butterflies couldnt make me leave much less a weakling like you, little Aggy.

Maybe you should be planning a new life south of the border with the rest of your people?

That you are an anchor baby will not alter the reality that you are a Scot squatter who belongs in the swamps of Aberdeen if you're to insist that blacks belong elsewhere.

What the hell "south of the border" shit are you talking about, idiot? The only border around here is the Atlantic Ocean, and my paternal stock's from the U.S. Southwest, at that. More than can be said for you, anchor baby. :lol:

03-04-2010, 03:15 PM
Are you fucking kidding me? You don't own anything, kraut, except for your twice-ravaged little brusterwersenheinzin mudpit or whatever the hell they call it. I see you're stupid enough to still think that I'm "Mexican" even after I demonstrated to you in the thread on the topic (that your cowardly ass ran away from), that you would idiotically call plenty of Apaches "Mexican" and that Mexicans are Indians, at that. (Remember braying about those three white girls not being "real" Mexicans? :laugh2:) There's no discrimination, except that the Serrano and Pechanga rake in millions from poor palefaced saps like you (though you're not a true white, of course).

I'm willing to bet I own a whole lot more than a beaner like you! And not only that, but I get treated better simply because I'm not a little brown kid with a chip on his shoulder. Maybe you can get some skin lightening treatment and you won't have such an inferiority complex and feel the need to rant off and get banned at every forum on the 'net!

And the only thing the prisoners in the reservations ever get from me is a few bucks when I buy their tax free cigarettes, but then I just file a Paypal complaint and the teepee living fuckers don't get jack shit! LOL

03-04-2010, 03:19 PM
I'm willing to bet I own a whole lot more than a beaner like you! And not only that, but I get treated better simply because I'm not a little brown kid with a chip on his shoulder. Maybe you can get some skin lightening treatment and you won't have such an inferiority complex and feel the need to rant off and get banned at every forum on the 'net!

And the only thing the prisoners in the reservations ever get from me is a few bucks when I buy their tax free cigarettes, but then I just file a Paypal complaint and the teepee living fuckers don't get jack shit! LOL

You don't own jack shit, you little canuck. Hell, your entire damn country is having its height with these Special Olympics; do you think anyone pays attention to you any other time? :laugh:

Incidentally, I don't know how things are done up in the backwater tundra, but we don't have Mounties down here, and no one in the good old U S of A gives a shit when the rez owners rob your dumb asses blind.

03-04-2010, 03:24 PM
You don't own jack shit, you little canuck. Hell, your entire damn country is having its height with these Special Olympics; do you think anyone pays attention to you any other time? :laugh:

Incidentally, I don't know how things are done up in the backwater tundra, but we don't have Mounties down here, and no one in the good old U S of A gives a shit when the rez owners rob your dumb asses blind.

MY country is where we step on people like you and call you little brown minorities. MY country IS the USA, the very place where you get your angst from for being treated like a little brown girl. I know your kind all too well, which is why the LA are is known as being a huge cesspool. We have similar issues in certain sections of NYC where the beaners have infiltrated. That's why we moved to an uppity neighborhood. I have to deal with snobs unfortunately, but my hubcaps are safe, none of your beaners are on street corners begging for jobs & the crime rate is exponentially lower than non-beaner infested areas.

03-04-2010, 03:27 PM
MY country is where we step on people like you and call you little brown minorities. MY country IS the USA, the very place where you get your angst from for being treated like a little brown girl. I know your kind all too well, which is why the LA are is known as being a huge cesspool. We have similar issues in certain sections of NYC where the beaners have infiltrated. That's why we moved to an uppity neighborhood. I have to deal with snobs unfortunately, but my hubcaps are safe, none of your beaners are on street corners begging for jobs & the crime rate is exponentially lower than non-beaner infested areas.

Your country is the great frozen tundra, you retarded canuck. Pale skin, brown hair, and from the north, and you think you could disguise the fact that you're a little imported beaver? We have issues in all of the USA where the beavers have infiltrated. Hell, I'm just glad that the Southwest remains a non-beaver infested area, even if it's not under the Indian sovereignty that it should be at the moment.

03-04-2010, 03:31 PM
Your country is the great frozen tundra, you retarded canuck. Pale skin, brown hair, and from the north, and you think you could disguise the fact that you're a little imported beaver? We have issues in all of the USA where the beavers have infiltrated. Hell, I'm just glad that the Southwest remains a non-beaver infested area, even if it's not under the Indian sovereignty that it should be at the moment.

Don't care where we call originally came from, all I know is that WE own the USA now and your little beaner ass gets treated like a 3rd class citizen.

I've done my share for beaner relations though. I have a Chihuahua that I gave a good home. He doesn't steal hubcaps and doesn't smell like a burrito, and he's also not brown. Can't fully take the beaner out of him though and he occasionally craps on the floor.

03-04-2010, 03:36 PM
Don't care where we call originally came from, all I know is that WE own the USA now and your little beaner ass gets treated like a 3rd class citizen.

I've done my share for beaner relations though. I have a Chihuahua that I gave a good home. He doesn't steal hubcaps and doesn't smell like a burrito, and he's also not brown. Can't fully take the beaner out of him though and he occasionally craps on the floor.

"You" own the USA, canuck? No, you own Canada, and should remain there.

We have to deal with enough of your kind, though. The amount of bestiality that people practice in trailer parks would make you think they're training for Royal Mounties coursework. I don't doubt that your Chihuahua problems are due to your rectal penetration habits, canuck. :)

03-04-2010, 03:39 PM
"You" own the USA, canuck? No, you own Canada, and should remain there.

We have to deal with enough of your kind, though. The amount of bestiality that people practice in trailer parks would make you think they're training for Royal Mounties coursework. I don't doubt that your Chihuahua problems are due to your rectal penetration habits, canuck. :)

Sorry, little brown girl, none of your whining on the internet will change the facts. You can THINK you own this land, then reality sinks in when you walk out the door into your cesspool because your kind can't make it anywhere else. Enjoy the smog!

03-04-2010, 03:42 PM
Sorry, little brown girl, none of your whining on the internet will change the facts. You can THINK you own this land, then reality sinks in when you walk out the door into your cesspool because your kind can't make it anywhere else. Enjoy the smog!

Yes, unfortunately, Europeans imported a good deal of pollution when they invaded the Americas. But hey, canuck, at least the Metis don't bother you much. That's sure as hell going to change down here in the good old US of A, but up in Canuckistan, you little Quebec princesses wouldn't hear much about it. :beer:

03-04-2010, 03:50 PM
Yes, unfortunately, Europeans imported a good deal of pollution when they invaded the Americas. But hey, canuck, at least the Metis don't bother you much. That's sure as hell going to change down here in the good old US of A, but up in Canuckistan, you little Quebec princesses wouldn't hear much about it. :beer:

Ok, ok, I give! I'll let you believe I'm a canuck or a canadian, I don't really care either way. But I'm white, I live in the USA now, and I'm better than you simply by default. How much does that suck to be you? :laugh2:

03-04-2010, 03:56 PM
Ok, ok, I give! I'll let you believe I'm a canuck or a canadian, I don't really care either way. But I'm white, I live in the USA now, and I'm better than you simply by default. How much does that suck to be you? :laugh2:

Son, no white anchor baby can ever be "better" than the indigenous population. He's of naturally inferior stock simply as a result of his foreign wetback status. Due to the fact that you live in Quebec, it grows that much more complicated. :lol:

03-04-2010, 03:59 PM
Son, no white anchor baby can ever be "better" than the indigenous population. He's of naturally inferior stock simply as a result of his foreign wetback status. Due to the fact that you live in Quebec, it grows that much more complicated. :lol:

Indigenous population = prisons (reservations) or slums

If that's the case, I guess I'm proud to be from Quebec! Now I'm "free" to laugh at you beaners!

03-04-2010, 04:03 PM
Indigenous population = prisons (reservations) or slums

If that's the case, I guess I'm proud to be from Quebec! Now I'm "free" to laugh at you beaners!

You're too geographically distant to do so...and laugh at the beaners all you want; it's kind of sad what your fellow whites have done in their governance of Mexico:


Your stupidity never ends, does it, canuck? :lol:

03-04-2010, 04:07 PM
Your stupidity never ends, does it, canuck? :lol:

I can be the stupidest white man alive and I'll still be treated better than a little brown girl from the slums! :coffee: :dance:

03-04-2010, 04:17 PM
I can be the stupidest white man alive and I'll still be treated better than a little brown girl from the slums!

But you're not a white man, kraut. You're immigrant vermin, and the real white people know it, Fritz:


Plus, you're a sad little canuck pretending to be American. :lol:

03-04-2010, 04:45 PM
But you're not a white man, kraut. You're immigrant vermin, and the real white people know it, Fritz:

Plus, you're a sad little canuck pretending to be American. :lol:

Yet, I'm still not a little brown girl, and none of your whining will change the FACT that I will get treated better almost everywhere I go, simply because I don't look like you!

03-04-2010, 04:50 PM
Yet, I'm still not a little brown girl, and none of your whining will change the FACT that I will get treated better almost everywhere I go, simply because I don't look like you!

Doesn't happen, kraut. America knows that America's the property of Amerindians, not sad little krauts. Imagine getting deported right after you squawked Guten Tag...:D

03-04-2010, 04:55 PM
Doesn't happen, kraut. America knows that America's the property of Amerindians, not sad little krauts. Imagine getting deported right after you squawked Guten Tag...:D

Sure, keep telling yourself that! You know damn well, deep down inside, that it sucks to be a little beaner and be treated differently just because of your appearance. I feel for you, I really do. Ok, no I don't, I think it's funny as hell! LOL :coffee:

03-04-2010, 06:52 PM
Come on Jim. You are proving to be as intolerant and racist as your brothers.
Being multi-lingual is a great benefit when looking for a job. My sister has survived many job cuts in the film industry through her ability to speak Spanish, German and French.
If you are unemployed and laying around on the couch doing nothing, you might think about it.

03-04-2010, 07:17 PM
Come on Jim. You are proving to be as intolerant and racist as your brothers.
Being multi-lingual is a great benefit when looking for a job. My sister has survived many job cuts in the film industry through her ability to speak Spanish, German and French.
If you are unemployed and laying around on the couch doing nothing, you might think about it.

Funny, you'll join this thread long enough to call Jim a racist, but you are unwilling to call out Agna. Typical of your hit and run posting style.:lame2:

03-04-2010, 08:29 PM
Funny, you'll join this thread long enough to call Jim a racist, but you are unwilling to call out Agna. Typical of your hit and run posting style.:lame2:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Trigg again.

Sorry Trigg I tried to rep you!

03-04-2010, 09:04 PM
Come on Jim. You are proving to be as intolerant and racist as your brothers.
Being multi-lingual is a great benefit when looking for a job. My sister has survived many job cuts in the film industry through her ability to speak Spanish, German and French.
If you are unemployed and laying around on the couch doing nothing, you might think about it.

What the hell does being multi-lingual have to do with anything? A person can know 9 languages and yet be full blooded German. I don't see where what language one speaks has anything to do with this discussion or what you might be replying to.

Yes, like my brothers I am intolerant of racists who come to this board and try to state that those of us who were born and raised in the USA are truly not Americans and that we need to be repatriated to another country and give our land to others.

And yes, I am racist against those who speak as if they are superior to me, and that they are more deserving of anything within this country than I am. I like to give them a big heaping spoonful of their dog shit right back to them.

Those that have known me for many years on various boards know what I'm tolerant of and know of any issues with race I may have. Those, like you, who come to troll and do drive by posting, generally have a tendency to not see these traits in others, they only see what they want to see.

03-04-2010, 09:06 PM
Funny, you'll join this thread long enough to call Jim a racist, but you are unwilling to call out Agna. Typical of your hit and run posting style.:lame2:

She's mad at all my funny beaner comments as I think she has beaner in her blood or by law. I guess I offended her. Now go ahead and ask me if I give a shit what she thinks.

03-05-2010, 07:46 AM
Come on Jim. You are proving to be as intolerant and racist as your brothers.
Being multi-lingual is a great benefit when looking for a job. My sister has survived many job cuts in the film industry through her ability to speak Spanish, German and French.
If you are unemployed and laying around on the couch doing nothing, you might think about it.

You know you are really starting to fucking piss me off, so now I am a racist because I wont sit silently and let some idiots scream and yell and disturb my bus ride, Gabby you have to be one of the biggest idiots I have ever seen on the board, your advice is to sit like a scared little twit and hope the bad blacks don't notice ya :eek:

It must really suck being you, living in a fantasy world, telling people what a grade A Mom you are but in fact I wonder who is teaching who, and if this sounds a bit nasty I apologize, but tell me why in the hell I should have to take a bus ride and have to ignore 4 people making fools of themselves ?? Cause I am a scared little girl, I don' think so, I try and teach my kids when in public act like little gentleman, that means sit quietly and respects others rights to have a nice peaceful ride on the bus, I guess Mother of the year here teaches her kid to hush and the bad black people won't hurt us so who is the real racist here gabby ?

You know I wonder who is raising who in your household , does your husband keep you on a leash, is he that much of a worm to allow you to spew your bull shit to your child, or does he give you 15 minutes a day to act like a fool on the computer and then give ya your meds?

Your statements make you a racist Gabby, I am surprised a intelligent (lunch room worker) hasn't realized it, but by ignoring the bad blacks you have just taught your kid to be a racist like you:poke:

03-07-2010, 12:59 AM
Sure, keep telling yourself that! You know damn well, deep down inside, that it sucks to be a little beaner and be treated differently just because of your appearance. I feel for you, I really do. Ok, no I don't, I think it's funny as hell! LOL :coffee:

Racially, I'm an Indian. Nationally, I'm an American, though you know I don't give a shit about either. Mexicans/beaners are a national group, and I'm just as much one as you're a Canadian. All you've really demonstrated, canuck, is that the maple syrup you be chuggin' at the national hockey tournaments is about 95% Jack Daniels. I guess there's a bit of south even in the Deep North, iceback. :laugh:

What the hell does being multi-lingual have to do with anything? A person can know 9 languages and yet be full blooded German. I don't see where what language one speaks has anything to do with this discussion or what you might be replying to.

That's what a "Hispanic" is, idiot. The term refers to a group of nationalities that speak Spanish; it has nothing to do with race, which is why it can include a black man like Sammy Sosa or a white man like Fidel Castro.

Yes, like my brothers I am intolerant of racists who come to this board and try to state that those of us who were born and raised in the USA are truly not Americans and that we need to be repatriated to another country and give our land to others.

And yes, I am racist against those who speak as if they are superior to me, and that they are more deserving of anything within this country than I am. I like to give them a big heaping spoonful of their dog shit right back to them.

Stupid fool, you're merely knocking off my own tactics. My strategy is to demonstrate to white nationalists like HogWash the consequences of the consistent application of their ideology, i.e. this is Amerindian territory.

03-07-2010, 06:29 AM
Racially, I'm an Indian. Nationally, I'm an American, though you know I don't give a shit about either. Mexicans/beaners are a national group, and I'm just as much one as you're a Canadian. All you've really demonstrated, canuck, is that the maple syrup you be chuggin' at the national hockey tournaments is about 95% Jack Daniels. I guess there's a bit of south even in the Deep North, iceback.

Don't like Jack, I prefer Southern Comfort. I do like the Corona you make sometimes too though.

That's what a "Hispanic" is, idiot. The term refers to a group of nationalities that speak Spanish; it has nothing to do with race, which is why it can include a black man like Sammy Sosa or a white man like Fidel Castro.

And a pure blooded German speaking multiple languages would also be "Multi-lingual". In fact, as per the actual definition, I don't see nationality in the definition at all. It can be an American who speaks English, Russian & Arabic.


Stupid fool, you're merely knocking off my own tactics. My strategy is to demonstrate to white nationalists like HogWash the consequences of the consistent application of their ideology, i.e. this is Amerindian territory.

And yet you lose on both fronts.

03-07-2010, 06:40 AM
Racially, I'm an Indian. Nationally, I'm an American, though you know I don't give a shit about either. Mexicans/beaners are a national group, and I'm just as much one as you're a Canadian. All you've really demonstrated, canuck, is that the maple syrup you be chuggin' at the national hockey tournaments is about 95% Jack Daniels. I guess there's a bit of south even in the Deep North, iceback. :laugh:

That's what a "Hispanic" is, idiot. The term refers to a group of nationalities that speak Spanish; it has nothing to do with race, which is why it can include a black man like Sammy Sosa or a white man like Fidel Castro.

Stupid fool, you're merely knocking off my own tactics. My strategy is to demonstrate to white nationalists like HogWash the consequences of the consistent application of their ideology, i.e. this is Amerindian territory.

I'm curious, how did the American Indian become owners of this land mass? Were they just dropped here from above and granted ownership? Did they evolve from long dead monkeys that used to roam over the North American territory? Or did they come here from Africa some how, lose their black skin and obtain red skin, longer noses, thinner lips and straight hair......... why red skin, thin lips and straight hair? Hell, why do asians have yellowish skin?