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03-02-2010, 06:38 PM
Seems my age, experience, and all-around awesomeness has caught up with me...Today, after a week of severe back pain the doctor took a series of spinal xrays. He believes I suffer from 'unofficially' "Old Man's Spine". I've lost substantial percentages of 'padding' between my vertebrae and have a moderate case of arthritis. While he didn't give me an age he generally sees this type of thing, he did note he "rarely" sees such a spine in somebody as relatively young as I am.


no idea, really. Right now on pain peds, muscle relaxers - but should start physical therapy as soon as tomorrow. There's no cure for arthritis, but hopefully, thru hard work, prayer, and good-lovin' I might find a way to manage things. :)

03-02-2010, 06:41 PM
Seems my age, experience, and all-around awesomeness has caught up with me...Today, after a week of severe back pain the doctor took a series of spinal xrays. He believes I suffer from 'unofficially' "Old Man's Spine". I've lost substantial percentages of 'padding' between my vertebrae and have a moderate case of arthritis. While he didn't give me an age he generally sees this type of thing, he did note he "rarely" sees such a spine in somebody as relatively young as I am.


no idea, really. Right now on pain peds, muscle relaxers - but should start physical therapy as soon as tomorrow. There's no cure for arthritis, but hopefully, thru hard work, prayer, and good-lovin' I might find a way to manage things. :)

I'm much older than you! :laugh2: However I've had arthritis since late 20's, partially heredity, partially many old gymnastic injuries. Swimming helps, walking helps, keeping weight down helps. With that said, I hurt all the time.

03-02-2010, 07:07 PM
Calcium, Vitamin D and tap water that contains fluoride.

03-02-2010, 07:22 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Heat pads work great.
2. Spinal Decompression, I recently used, its worth it, they pull your lower spine.
3. Your muscles need time to heal up, so give it time.
4. Unless you've done something to it real bad, like a bad fall or something severe like try to catch something real heavy, then its more likely a pulled muscle.
5. And I can attest, a pulled muscle will stop you in your tracks!
6. So if its that, just give it time, it will heal.
7. Do nothing to test it for 6 weeks.
8. Take two aspirins a day.
9. Okay now, that will be 50.00 bucks, pay-pal works for me,..hehehehe,....:laugh2:


03-02-2010, 07:25 PM
thanks guys - my doctor mentioned Vitamin D. The xrays were pretty conclusive/suggestive of the arthritis - first thing is to get the pain under control, then the rehab/strengthening.

Here goes....

03-02-2010, 07:33 PM
hope u feel better mate :dance:

03-02-2010, 08:15 PM
thanks guys - my doctor mentioned Vitamin D. The xrays were pretty conclusive/suggestive of the arthritis - first thing is to get the pain under control, then the rehab/strengthening.

Here goes....

Man I hope you get some relief soon. Back pain is terrible. You will definitely be in my thoughts for some kind of lasting relief, especially if we are talking about arthritis.

03-02-2010, 08:39 PM
thanks guys - my doctor mentioned Vitamin D. The xrays were pretty conclusive/suggestive of the arthritis - first thing is to get the pain under control, then the rehab/strengthening.

Here goes....

Another over the counter is Glucosamine and Chondroitin . It is for joint fluidity and cartilage building and helps with arthritis. Not sure how well for the back though but since the back really is just a bunch of small joints held together it should give some relief.... What ya got to lose.. Stuff has been around a long time with many studies so it is very safe....

Found this ..

Glucosamine and Chondroitin as Back Pain Treatments
G&C will not work specifically to relieve back pain. They will help to build cartilage, and keep your joints functioning smoothly. Osteoarthritis in the spine can erode the cartilage around the spinal bones. Without the protective cartilage, the vertebrae can rub against each other, causing pain. Bone spurs can also form around the spinal facet joints. Facet Joint Syndrome can also wear away the cartilage protecting the vertebral facet joints. Degeneration of the cartilage leads to increased friction in the spinal joints. This bone on bone contact is the reason for facet joint pain. Using glucosamine and chondroitin helps to re-build lost cartilage and increase the protective measures in the spinal joints.

03-02-2010, 09:10 PM
thanks guys a lot for the thoughts and suggestions!

03-02-2010, 09:59 PM
I hate to hear that Darin, a bad back is a curse, I sure hope ya get to feeling better soon, My Dad's back goes out so bad he has to stay in bed, he has been taking something over the counter everyday for years , it helped him, I will check with him and let ya know

03-02-2010, 10:31 PM
Seems my age, experience, and all-around awesomeness has caught up with me...Today, after a week of severe back pain the doctor took a series of spinal xrays. He believes I suffer from 'unofficially' "Old Man's Spine". I've lost substantial percentages of 'padding' between my vertebrae and have a moderate case of arthritis. While he didn't give me an age he generally sees this type of thing, he did note he "rarely" sees such a spine in somebody as relatively young as I am.


no idea, really. Right now on pain peds, muscle relaxers - but should start physical therapy as soon as tomorrow. There's no cure for arthritis, but hopefully, thru hard work, prayer, and good-lovin' I might find a way to manage things. :)

Welcome to my world....oh feeble one. :laugh2: I slipped and fell flat on my back on a concrete floor 30 years ago and have had arthritis in it ever since. I get stiff as heck from the neck all the way down. I have to be careful in how I bend and turn or I can feel a disc slipping out of place. I literally live on pain killers and weed (to ease the pain and relax my back). Some days are worse than others but all have pain. Letting hot water run over my back helps to loosen it up but then, right back to feeling crappy within a half an hour. It helps to be mobile and moving around. When I sit too long the old spine seizes up and it takes me a few minutes of pain and stiffness to get going again. I can only imagine what it will be like in the next 10-15 years.....:eek:

03-02-2010, 10:36 PM
My husband has severe back problems. Some of it is hereditary.
He gets prescription medication and uses a special heating pad that covers from waist to neck. You might try it.

03-02-2010, 10:38 PM
thanks Gabs...this thing is really throwing a monkey wrench in my life plans. :-/

03-02-2010, 10:39 PM
Stay off pain meds, they'll ruin your life.

03-02-2010, 10:41 PM
that's the rub....without them I have no life right now

03-02-2010, 10:45 PM
I understand.

I know someone who recently had spinal surgery after living with the pain for quite awhile (6 months)- with meds. He's a total junkie now. Just be careful, and I REALLY hope things work out.

03-02-2010, 10:45 PM
thanks...will keep things measured.

03-02-2010, 11:57 PM
thanks guys - my doctor mentioned Vitamin D. The xrays were pretty conclusive/suggestive of the arthritis - first thing is to get the pain under control, then the rehab/strengthening.

Here goes....

I don't have arthritis, but was recently diagnosed with severe vitamin D deficiency and my doctor put me on a prescription .... 50,000 IU per week for four months and then I have to take 5,000/day until further notice. I also have to take massive amounts of calcium because my bones lost mass partially due to the Vitamin D deficiency.

Also, in addition to Vitamin D and Calcium, I do weight bearing exercises...which will help build the bone mass back up. If it doesn't improve soon I will have to take something like Boniva and I don't want to take any more meds!!

03-03-2010, 08:39 AM
My husband has severe back problems. Some of it is hereditary.
He gets prescription medication and uses a special heating pad that covers from waist to neck. You might try it.

No doubt you steal his pills.

03-03-2010, 09:44 AM
I don't have arthritis, but was recently diagnosed with severe vitamin D deficiency and my doctor put me on a prescription .... 50,000 IU per week for four months and then I have to take 5,000/day until further notice. I also have to take massive amounts of calcium because my bones lost mass partially due to the Vitamin D deficiency.

Also, in addition to Vitamin D and Calcium, I do weight bearing exercises...which will help build the bone mass back up. If it doesn't improve soon I will have to take something like Boniva and I don't want to take any more meds!!

My pastors wife went through something similar. She has a weighted vest that shes wears while doing stuff at home. I think she wears it for 1-2 hours a day.

03-03-2010, 09:48 AM
Seems my age, experience, and all-around awesomeness has caught up with me...Today, after a week of severe back pain the doctor took a series of spinal xrays. He believes I suffer from 'unofficially' "Old Man's Spine". I've lost substantial percentages of 'padding' between my vertebrae and have a moderate case of arthritis. While he didn't give me an age he generally sees this type of thing, he did note he "rarely" sees such a spine in somebody as relatively young as I am.


no idea, really. Right now on pain peds, muscle relaxers - but should start physical therapy as soon as tomorrow. There's no cure for arthritis, but hopefully, thru hard work, prayer, and good-lovin' I might find a way to manage things. :)

I spent years in severe back pain. Chiropractic and MRT (massage therapy) made a huge difference. I started out going twice a week, then once a week
and now I go twice a month. Its a long process but worth the time and expense to be relatively pain free.