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View Full Version : Suburban Long Island high school erupts into race war

03-08-2010, 10:38 PM
Massive high school brawl sends 8 to the hospital

Josh Einiger
More: Bio, News Team
Eyewitness News

The 1,400-student high school has a history of violent confrontations among students, particularly fueled by racial divisions between those of African-American and Latino descent.

Video tv news report http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=news/local&id=7319160

Uncivilized Savages...

As they move from minority status to majority status by 2047 they will be coming to a white school near you.

I suppose it will be your great grand children by then so what the fuck, huh?

Oh wait a minute, this was suburbia!...They're already moving to your childrens schools!

I guess we're gonna hafta start packing pistols and switchblades in little Johnny's and Suzie's lunchboxs. :thumb:

03-08-2010, 10:48 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah this country is screwed.
2. But what can be done?
3. Its a crying shame, America the land of a shit hole.
4. I didn't think it would get here this quick, but here it is.
5. I blame neoliberals!
6. That school sounds more like a prison setting.


03-09-2010, 12:47 PM
Does everybody think that if they ignore this problem it will simply dissappear or that my concerns are invalid?

03-09-2010, 12:56 PM
Does everybody think that if they ignore this problem it will simply dissappear or that my concerns are invalid?

Concern yourself all you want, but what do YOU propse to do about it.....???? Kill em all!!??? is that your answer. Moron!!!!!!!!!

03-09-2010, 01:12 PM
Concern yourself all you want, but what do YOU propse to do about it.....???? Kill em all!!??? is that your answer. Moron!!!!!!!!!"Moron"???...My apologies sir, I wasn't aware I was addressing someone of such obvious superior intelligence. :bow2:

03-09-2010, 01:14 PM
exhibit B, hogwash you are such a racist, cuz white kids never get into brawls.

03-09-2010, 01:43 PM
exhibit B, hogwash you are such a racist, cuz white kids never get into brawls.It sounds as if you are making a challenge in the comparison of whites to minorities, regarding violence, brutality and savagery.

To find the answer you should consider the daily news, police statistics and personal observations and life experiences, providing you have had any.

One small bit of advise before you attempt this...To find the truth you must first abandon political correctness and accept what you find with an open mind.

03-09-2010, 04:14 PM
brawls between blacks and mexicans are a huge problem in schools and prisons, gabs, just likes to make everything equal when its not

cat slave
03-09-2010, 09:55 PM
It sounds as if you are making a challenge in the comparison of whites to minorities, regarding violence, brutality and savagery.

To find the answer you should consider the daily news, police statistics and personal observations and life experiences, providing you have had any.

One small bit of advise before you attempt this...To find the truth you must first abandon political correctness and accept what you find with an open mind.

Libs dont have the mental capacity to view facts without
putting political correctness before anything else.

Liberalism really is a mental disorder.

03-09-2010, 10:11 PM
Libs dont have the mental capacity to view facts without
putting political correctness before anything else.

Liberalism really is a mental disorder.You got that right Cat Slave Savage. :salute:

Speaking of liberals, there aren't many around here.

You don't suppose they're all in hiding do you?

Damn, I sure do miss shredding liberals.

cat slave
03-09-2010, 10:17 PM
Well, dont give up hope HT.

They have good reason to be in hiding....theyve much to
be ashamed of.

Must be discouraging to have been had so royally!:lol:

03-09-2010, 11:37 PM
wtf our you talkin bout.

As for those crime stats you tout, ever think racism, poverty, and disenfranchisment might have something to do with them.

03-09-2010, 11:48 PM
wtf our you talkin bout.

As for those crime stats you tout, ever think racism, poverty, and disenfranchisment might have something to do with them.

Don't you think these excuses are getting rather old and worn out. It's a cultural thing.

03-10-2010, 12:54 AM
No I don't, racism is still very much with us.

03-10-2010, 01:08 AM
No I don't, racism is still very much with us.


03-10-2010, 01:14 AM
Here is a very interesting article on the difference between racism and cultural norms.

Crippled by Their Culture
Race doesn't hold back America's "black rednecks." Nor does racism. by THOMAS SOWELL
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:01 A.M. EDT

For most of the history of this country, differences between the black and the white population--whether in income, IQ, crime rates, or whatever--have been attributed to either race or racism. For much of the first half of the 20th century, these differences were attributed to race--that is, to an assumption that blacks just did not have it in their genes to do as well as white people. The tide began to turn in the second half of the 20th century, when the assumption developed that black-white differences were due to racism on the part of whites.

Three decades of my own research lead me to believe that neither of those explanations will stand up under scrutiny of the facts. As one small example, a study published last year indicated that most of the black alumni of Harvard were from either the West Indies or Africa, or were the children of West Indian or African immigrants. These people are the same race as American blacks, who greatly outnumber either or both.

If this disparity is not due to race, it is equally hard to explain by racism. To a racist, one black is pretty much the same as another. But, even if a racist somehow let his racism stop at the water's edge, how could he tell which student was the son or daughter of someone born in the West Indies or in Africa, especially since their American-born offspring probably do not even have a foreign accent?

What then could explain such large disparities in demographic "representation" among these three groups of blacks? Perhaps they have different patterns of behavior and different cultures and values behind their behavior.

There have always been large disparities, even within the native black population of the U.S. Those blacks whose ancestors were "free persons of color" in 1850 have fared far better in income, occupation, and family stability than those blacks whose ancestors were freed in the next decade by Abraham Lincoln.
What is not nearly as widely known is that there were also very large disparities within the white population of the pre-Civil War South and the white population of the Northern states. Although Southern whites were only about one-third of the white population of the U.S., an absolute majority of all the illiterate whites in the country were in the South.

The North had four times as many schools as the South, attended by more than four times as many students. Children in Massachusetts spent more than twice as many years in school as children in Virginia. Such disparities obviously produce other disparities. Northern newspapers had more than four times the circulation of Southern newspapers. Only 8% of the patents issued in 1851 went to Southerners. Even though agriculture was the principal economic activity of the antebellum South at the time, the vast majority of the patents for agricultural inventions went to Northerners. Even the cotton gin was invented by a Northerner.

Disparities between Southern whites and Northern whites extended across the board from rates of violence to rates of illegitimacy. American writers from both the antebellum South and the North commented on the great differences between the white people in the two regions. So did famed French visitor Alexis de Tocqueville.

None of these disparities can be attributed to either race or racism. Many contemporary observers attributed these differences to the existence of slavery in the South, as many in later times would likewise attribute both the difference between Northern and Southern whites, and between blacks and whites nationwide, to slavery. But slavery doesn't stand up under scrutiny of historical facts any better than race or racism as explanations of North-South differences or black-white differences. The people who settled in the South came from different regions of Britain than the people who settled in the North--and they differed as radically on the other side of the Atlantic as they did here--that is, before they had ever seen a black slave.

Slavery also cannot explain the difference between American blacks and West Indian blacks living in the United States because the ancestors of both were enslaved. When race, racism, and slavery all fail the empirical test, what is left?

Culture is left.

The culture of the people who were called "rednecks" and "crackers" before they ever got on the boats to cross the Atlantic was a culture that produced far lower levels of intellectual and economic achievement, as well as far higher levels of violence and sexual promiscuity. That culture had its own way of talking, not only in the pronunciation of particular words but also in a loud, dramatic style of oratory with vivid imagery, repetitive phrases and repetitive cadences.

Although that style originated on the other side of the Atlantic in centuries past, it became for generations the style of both religious oratory and political oratory among Southern whites and among Southern blacks--not only in the South but in the Northern ghettos in which Southern blacks settled. It was a style used by Southern white politicians in the era of Jim Crow and later by black civil rights leaders fighting Jim Crow. Martin Luther King's famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963 was a classic example of that style.

While a third of the white population of the U.S. lived within the redneck culture, more than 90% of the black population did. Although that culture eroded away over the generations, it did so at different rates in different places and among different people. It eroded away much faster in Britain than in the U.S. and somewhat faster among Southern whites than among Southern blacks, who had fewer opportunities for education or for the rewards that came with escape from that counterproductive culture.

Nevertheless the process took a long time. As late as the First World War, white soldiers from Georgia, Arkansas, Kentucky and Mississippi scored lower on mental tests than black soldiers from Ohio, Illinois, New York and Pennsylvania. Again, neither race nor racism can explain that--and neither can slavery.

The redneck culture proved to be a major handicap for both whites and blacks who absorbed it. Today, the last remnants of that culture can still be found in the worst of the black ghettos, whether in the North or the South, for the ghettos of the North were settled by blacks from the South. The counterproductive and self-destructive culture of black rednecks in today's ghettos is regarded by many as the only "authentic" black culture--and, for that reason, something not to be tampered with. Their talk, their attitudes, and their behavior are regarded as sacrosanct.The people who take this view may think of themselves as friends of blacks. But they are the kinds of friends who can do more harm than enemies.

Mr. Sowell, the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, is author, most recently, of "Black Rednecks and White Liberals," published this week by Encounter Books.

03-10-2010, 07:50 AM
I can agree with most of this and even relate to it...My ancesters are those who were ""rednecks" and "crackers" before they ever got on the boats to cross the Atlantic" and settled here in the south.

I am the first generation of my family born and raised outside the south...I began life in a northern inner-city ghetto with other southern white and black families looking for jobs and escaping southern poverty.

I believe that many of the black races problems are definately cultural related but I also believe they have a genetic propensity for violence and savagery more so than any other race...Consider modern Africa.

I also believe that political correctness and government policies regarding race has played major roles in the stagnation of certain minorities, especially the blacks...They have been held back for political greed.

The sad part is, they have been such willing participants in their own stagnation...They have accepted that it is easier to blame slavery, racism and whitey for their failures rather than live the American dream.

03-10-2010, 09:32 AM
I also believe they have a genetic propensity for violence and savagery more so than any other race...Consider modern Africa.
exhibit C, you really are a racist fuck.

03-10-2010, 09:37 AM
exhibit C, you really are a racist fuck.

hahaha LN... if you are talking to Hog... oh man... don't even bother. He will come back with how you are PC programmed which is somehow easily shown with your name and your leaning towards liberal programming.

03-10-2010, 09:46 AM
exhibit C, you really are a racist fuck.The evidence that blacks are more violent and savage is overwelming.

They have proven this in every nation on every continent they inhabit.

Do you believe I am a "racist" because I attribute this fact to genetics?

03-10-2010, 09:50 AM
you are wrong, look at all the wars and killing the mideast, arabs are caucasion. Look at all the wars we have fought and killing here. The white man held them as slaves and killed more than they have ever done to us.

03-10-2010, 10:35 AM
you are wrong, look at all the wars and killing the mideast, arabs are caucasion. Look at all the wars we have fought and killing here. The white man held them as slaves and killed more than they have ever done to us.You are dancing around the point...We are not talking about the history of the "human" race...No doubt all of mankind has had a violent past.

Our history is filled with savagery, war and killing for countless reasons including greed and religion but even though we still have our problems, most of us have become more civilized.

The middle eastern muslim "caucasions" you used as an example are definately prone to violence, savagery and oppression, but I attribute much of this to their extremely intolerant religious beliefs.

Middle easterners may be classified as "caucasions" but there are obviously very distinct differences in them and european caucasions, just as there is in southeast asian orientals and chinese orientals.

The point is, of the modern day people who now populate the planet, the african race is by far the most violent, savage and uncivilized race of people on earth with the native latin americans running a close second.