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03-14-2010, 12:20 PM
Hi Folks first post.

Most astute political observers who know American history know that the American people tend to favor Democrats in times of crisis as clearly shown over the last 80 years, (for some real strange reason), strange to me anyhoo. :eek:

FDR exploited this tendency in a huge way when he swept to power in 1932. He used his huge political power, (with the willing Democrats who controlled Congress), to fundamentally transform the American system. He packed the Courts, (the US Sepreme Court), so that the tenth amendment could be ignored, and Democrat appointed tyrants in black robes have worked to ignore sections of the 20 page document that is the foundation of the Republic since that time. :p

FDR then grew the Gubment in a massive way that is now reaching a tipping point that we have been approaching for many years. His actions clearly made a nasty Depression a Great one as America suffered much more then the rest of the world between 1929 and 1940. He used the spoils of his style of politics to get elected 4 times, and did a lot of damage. :p

Had WW2 not wiped out the rest of the world's economy we would never had enjoyed the relative success we have enjoyed post WW2.

LBJ exploited the assasination of JFK to gain power and install the Great Society and lie his way into a very expensive war, (in terms of lives and treasure). He and the Democrats who controlled Congress changed the budget process to include social security receipts to fund these massive Uncornstitutional programs and his war, (corntrary to the tenth amendment as was the case with most of FDR's massive Nanny Gubment programs). :p

Jimmy Carter, ("the worthless one"), rode to power after the resignation of Nixon, and nearly ran us off the cliff from 1976 to 1980. Thank God for Ronald Reagan and Paul Volker, (a Democrat).

The failure of Lehman Brothers (which brought the US and the rest of the world near a financial black hole) gave us the least qualified POTUS in terms of past experience since Abe Lincoln. The Chicago thug installed his windy city team, and Rahm 'ballerina boy" Emanual stated never let a "crisis go to waste". They are not letting the mess we are in go to waste.

We are now (after 80 years of run away Gubment growth) on the brink of bankruptcy. Glenn Beck claims that if 100% of the Standard and Poors 500 profits, (the largest companies in America) are confiscated it takes only 140 years to pay off the $12.5 Trillion of disclosed debt. BTW $12.5 is about 10% of the real number. Beck is correct about this bleak assessment.

Even with this massive and obvious problem Obamaprompter wants to take corntrol of 1/6 of the private tax paying economy. What qualifies any politician to run the health care system of this Country????? With all the problems it is the best in the world.

Federal and State Gubmnet interferance, (forcing health insurance policies to have polically correct provisions), is the reason health care costs have run away in the first place.

He is banking on historical tendencies that the economic crisis he is prolonging with massive taxes and spending will allow him to get re-elected by dishing out his Chicago slush fund, (the unspent portion of the porkulas fund), very similar to the way his hero: FDR did to wid 4 terms.

How can that ever work over the long term?

It can't.

Let's all "hope" enough Democrats in the House think long and hard and vote this health care mess down. Then if we can blow out enough dim wit Democrats and wobbly Republicans in 2010 and 2012 (who are not much better, epecially from 2000 to 2006 when they spent way to much), maybe we can move away from the brink as we did once before in 1980.

This historical trend Obamaprompter is counting on must be broken.

Me overpriced $.02. JR

Dang Straight
03-14-2010, 12:37 PM
All most time for a "3rd" party to enter the arena with something "new" to offer.

03-14-2010, 12:49 PM
All most time for a "3rd" party to enter the arena with something "new" to offer.

You would need to destroy one of the two parties (as occured pre civil war). Dunno that will happen, but it could.

You would need a wealthy iconic person, (like a Ross Perot), to run for POTUS at the top of the ticket in 2012 and lots of people to run for Congress and State positions at the same time.

If the tea party doesn't join one of the two majors, Democrats will win and run us down the terlet.

Better to work on dismantling dim wit Democrats everywhere, (except Brian Sontag ;) ) and hold wobby Republicans feet to the fire to reduce the size and scope of Gubment. JR

Dang Straight
03-14-2010, 01:10 PM
You would need to destroy one of the two parties (as occured pre civil war). Dunno that will happen, but it could.

You would need a wealthy iconic person, (like a Ross Perot), to run for POTUS at the top of the ticket in 2012 and lots of people to run for Congress and State positions at the same time.

If the tea party doesn't join one of the two majors, Democrats will win and run us down the terlet.

Better to work on dismantling dim wit Democrats everywhere, (except Brian Sontag ;) ) and hold wobby Republicans feet to the fire to reduce the size and scope of Gubment. JR

I agree, in what you say about the creation of a 3rd party. The Dems have to be put back in the cave where they belong.

You are from the Seattle area. You face a double whammy, Seattle and King County. Love to see the power more dispersed around the state.

03-14-2010, 01:25 PM
I agree, in what you say about the creation of a 3rd party. The Dems have to be put back in the cave where they belong.

You are from the Seattle area. You face a double whammy, Seattle and King County. Love to see the power more dispersed around the state.

Yup. Let's just hope the dim wit Democrat fools don't shove an income tax down our throats to pay for all those unionized State employees past dim wit Democrat administartions hired. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

03-14-2010, 08:39 PM
All most time for a "3rd" party to enter the arena with something "new" to offer.

3rd party? How many parties does one already have to choose from? Let's see there is;

Communist Party
Libertarian Party
Green Party
Constitution Party
Reform Party
Socialist Labor Party

just to name a few, so which one is going to take over?

03-14-2010, 08:44 PM
neither nor, there will be no 3rd party take over. The 2 we have are too entrenched. It's a pipe dream.

Cap'n Chew
03-14-2010, 08:51 PM
3rd party? How many parties does one already have to choose from? Let's see there is;

Communist Party
Libertarian Party
Green Party
Constitution Party
Reform Party
Socialist Labor Party

just to name a few, so which one is going to take over?

Would be interesting to see an actual Socialist become a big contender. I wouldn't vote for him or her, but it would be interesting to see how Americans would react to the ideas and views of a real Socialist Presidential candidate.

Same with a Libertarian, Green, or a hard right-winger from the Constitution Party.

03-14-2010, 09:39 PM
Hi Folks first post.

Most astute political observers who know American history know that the American people tend to favor Democrats in times of crisis as clearly shown over the last 80 years, (for some real strange reason), strange to me anyhoo. :eek:

FDR exploited this tendency in a huge way when he swept to power in 1932. He used his huge political power, (with the willing Democrats who controlled Congress), to fundamentally transform the American system. He packed the Courts, (the US Sepreme Court), so that the tenth amendment could be ignored, and Democrat appointed tyrants in black robes have worked to ignore sections of the 20 page document that is the foundation of the Republic since that time. :p

FDR then grew the Gubment in a massive way that is now reaching a tipping point that we have been approaching for many years. His actions clearly made a nasty Depression a Great one as America suffered much more then the rest of the world between 1929 and 1940. He used the spoils of his style of politics to get elected 4 times, and did a lot of damage. :p

Had WW2 not wiped out the rest of the world's economy we would never had enjoyed the relative success we have enjoyed post WW2.

LBJ exploited the assasination of JFK to gain power and install the Great Society and lie his way into a very expensive war, (in terms of lives and treasure). He and the Democrats who controlled Congress changed the budget process to include social security receipts to fund these massive Uncornstitutional programs and his war, (corntrary to the tenth amendment as was the case with most of FDR's massive Nanny Gubment programs). :p

Jimmy Carter, ("the worthless one"), rode to power after the resignation of Nixon, and nearly ran us off the cliff from 1976 to 1980. Thank God for Ronald Reagan and Paul Volker, (a Democrat).

The failure of Lehman Brothers (which brought the US and the rest of the world near a financial black hole) gave us the least qualified POTUS in terms of past experience since Abe Lincoln. The Chicago thug installed his windy city team, and Rahm 'ballerina boy" Emanual stated never let a "crisis go to waste". They are not letting the mess we are in go to waste.

We are now (after 80 years of run away Gubment growth) on the brink of bankruptcy. Glenn Beck claims that if 100% of the Standard and Poors 500 profits, (the largest companies in America) are confiscated it takes only 140 years to pay off the $12.5 Trillion of disclosed debt. BTW $12.5 is about 10% of the real number. Beck is correct about this bleak assessment.

Even with this massive and obvious problem Obamaprompter wants to take corntrol of 1/6 of the private tax paying economy. What qualifies any politician to run the health care system of this Country????? With all the problems it is the best in the world.

Federal and State Gubmnet interferance, (forcing health insurance policies to have polically correct provisions), is the reason health care costs have run away in the first place.

He is banking on historical tendencies that the economic crisis he is prolonging with massive taxes and spending will allow him to get re-elected by dishing out his Chicago slush fund, (the unspent portion of the porkulas fund), very similar to the way his hero: FDR did to wid 4 terms.

How can that ever work over the long term?

It can't.

Let's all "hope" enough Democrats in the House think long and hard and vote this health care mess down. Then if we can blow out enough dim wit Democrats and wobbly Republicans in 2010 and 2012 (who are not much better, epecially from 2000 to 2006 when they spent way to much), maybe we can move away from the brink as we did once before in 1980.

This historical trend Obamaprompter is counting on must be broken.

Me overpriced $.02. JRGreat post Merc!...Welcome aboard. :salute:

Is your "Merc" nick for automobile or mercenary?

03-14-2010, 11:20 PM
Great post Merc!...Welcome aboard. :salute:

Is your "Merc" nick for automobile or mercenary?

Actually I have posted mainly on boating sites, (iboats used to allow political threads on their "dockside chat" until 9/2007), where I started out posting. The Hull truth is another place I have hung from time to time.

Sorry about the blue butt: I luv that color. ;)

My Liberal buds call me "Murky" (for the clarity of me posts or some such). :D

I'm a "tower of power" fan. (Mercury outboards, the old inline6s), I call 'em me purdy tall black girls. They are fast on light hulls, n' MMM...MM...M the smell of the two stroke fumes n' the scream when ya put the hammer down makes me a fan.

It really makes the fourpoke owners mad when I blow right on by 'em.

Seattle has lots of water nearby, and water skiers like the torque of the old inlines with zero wake. :D

03-14-2010, 11:25 PM
Would be interesting to see an actual Socialist become a big contender. I wouldn't vote for him or her, but it would be interesting to see how Americans would react to the ideas and views of a real Socialist Presidential candidate.

Same with a Libertarian, Green, or a hard right-winger from the Constitution Party.

I'd say the Obamaprompter is purdy close.

He didn't claim to be an outright Socialist but he sure bought his Union buddies who spent $450 Million in the last election cycle a couple of auto companies did he not?

03-15-2010, 03:21 AM
Actually I have posted mainly on boating sites, (iboats used to allow political threads on their "dockside chat" until 9/2007), where I started out posting. The Hull truth is another place I have hung from time to time.

Sorry about the blue butt: I luv that color. ;)

My Liberal buds call me "Murky" (for the clarity of me posts or some such). :D

I'm a "tower of power" fan. (Mercury outboards, the old inline6s), I call 'em me purdy tall black girls. They are fast on light hulls, n' MMM...MM...M the smell of the two stroke fumes n' the scream when ya put the hammer down makes me a fan.

It really makes the fourpoke owners mad when I blow right on by 'em.

Seattle has lots of water nearby, and water skiers like the torque of the old inlines with zero wake. :D You are definately a much more tolerant man than myself Murky.

I can't stomach being around a liberal long enough to develope a friendship.

03-15-2010, 10:42 AM
You are definately a much more tolerant man than myself Murky.

I can't stomach being around a liberal long enough to develope a friendship.

I grew up, went to college, live and have worked most of my professional life in Seattle Metro HogT. Many if not the majority of me clients that I did or do bidness with are Liberals. I also have friends and family who are Liberal as well.

Seattle is very close to San Francisco (as to it's political positions). Baghdad Jim McDermott wins landslide elections every two years, and Liberals will key yer SUV if they see a Republican sign on yer lawn or bumper, (they only do it once if I ever catch 'em). My brother who lives in Alaska calls Seattle "Gay Bay North". :D

I do believe Liberals are missguided, (and I do tend to slap 'em on the internet), but we are all Americans.

Life is tooooo short to not make friends with people. One of me Liberal internet buds (who also lives in this bright blue city) also accused me of having only one functional brain cell, so I though that was kinda cute tooooo.

I will have to install an avatar here that reflects such. ;)

03-15-2010, 01:15 PM
[COLOR="Blue"]You would need to destroy one of the two parties (as occured pre civil war)

how about both?.....

03-15-2010, 01:44 PM
I'd can the blue Merc as its hard on the eyes. :cool:

03-15-2010, 04:44 PM
how about both?.....

We are in a time where growing systemic risks (that are gonna hit us real REAL hard, IMHO) are likely gonna dictate what happens to the political system within this Republic. It is possible that one or both political parties will go away. I suspect they are soooooo entrenched that they will wane in relative power and adapt to what the actual governed demand of their Gubment.

The majority of Americans since 1932 have wanted larger Federal Gubment or we would have changed both political parties a long time ago. In 1980 we elected a defining POTUS that was also unable to stem the tide of bigger Gubment (as the majority of pols in Congress are and have been free spenders), and any POTUS can only do sooooo much in our system. 1994 was the closest we got to resisting this trend under a Republican Congress and a purdy fair dim wit Democrat POTUS: BJ Clinton.

The current inexperienced hard Left POTUS, and MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY the hard Left Congress we have elected in 2006 and 2008 are in the process of exaggerating existing systemic risks to our system to gain additional Gubment power over all of our lives.

The two big systemic risks I see are Islamo facism and debt. Obamaprompter, Nasty Nancy and Horrible Harry pile on the debt with Chicago style spending that buys their political supporters auto companies and such. Eric Holder clearly has a 9/10/2001 approach to terrorism that in effect welcomes another attack and ties the hands of our military and intelligence people who kept us safe after 9/11/2001 under Bush 43. If yer in the military or intelligence you have good reason to fear Mr. Holder and Mr. Obamaprompter who seem to promote prosecution of those who protect us. If yer a terrorist you know Holder was the read yer Miranda rights and provide a Lawyer at tax payer expense type of Attorney General who hires justice lawyers who also used to work for your side. GRRRRRRRRRR

I'm not sure why the Left thinks they can complain, (with very good cause I might add), about the debt piled on during Bush 43 by a nearly even butt still Republican lead Congress, (even though dim wit Democrats wanted greater spending at every turn during Bush 43). The massive spending now just proves what hypocrites we all really do know dim wit Democrats are. This system was in deep trouble with excessive leverage before Nasty Nancy and Horrible Harry and the Obamaprompter run us over the cliff with grabbing health care from the private sector.

Me thinks we were headed to a deflationary depression prior to the dim wit Democrat's foolish attempt to make things much worse, (as they clearly have).

If the American people wake up, (shake off the "main stream media" kool aid), and look around (as seems to be the case with the tea parties), I can see where the dim wit Democrat party of treasonous fools: (John PUKE Kerry); crooks: Alcee pay the judge Hastings, Chris get me a mortgage Dodd, Barney HO house Frank et al, and perverts: (Massa et al) tries to put us over the edge and generates a huge kick back when something breaks.

The real difference between the two parties is their respective supporters. The dim wit Democrats get support regardless of their crimes, (think about how BJ Clinton in 1997 made felony for private cornsideration a qualification for any future dim wit Democrat POTUS). Treason, the dim wit Democrats elevated John PUKE Kerry to candidate fer POTUS in 2004, and elected and re-elected him for years as they did with Teddy Oldsmobile, and Barney HO House. Can you name any similar pol in the Republican party that gets elected for decades with similar baggage as those three have? NOT.

I can't ever imagine a hard Left fruit fly from Hyde Park Chicago with very limited experience, (Obamaprompter's only executive experience prior to POTUS was the Annenberg Challange an abject failure, and he voted "present" when in State Congress), ever getting elected to a Republican office with his past associations with Racists: Jerrimiah the bull frog Wright, Farrakhan; Commies: Frank Marshall Davis: Crooks: Tony Rezko; and terrorists: B. Dorn and William Ayers.

Me thinks the up to 30% of the American electorate who tend ta vote for William dollars in the freezer Jefferson, Marion snow Berry, Blaggo et al are still gonna be part of the voters who will still try to elect the very worst of the ends justify the means types of Pols who grow Gubment relentlessly. They just will likely loose corntrol of the dim wit party of fools they now do corntrol.

Fortunately the Republican supporters are not soooo quick to re-elect Republican creeps once their problems are known. Both partys have corruption, dim wit Democrats elect 'em anyway. For that reason one party may survive.

I do know one thing for sure. Once or if one or both big systemic risks hit; the American people aren't gonna be happy, (IMHO).

Respectfully, JR

03-15-2010, 04:45 PM
I'd can the blue Merc as its hard on the eyes. :cool:

Sorry Glock I've been posting in blue fer three years.

03-15-2010, 04:48 PM
Sorry Glock I've been posting in blue fer three years.

That's too bad, as it makes it too much trouble to read the first, longer post. From your earlier response to me, I think you have things to say I'd like to read, but not at that cost to my eyes.

It also makes it very difficult to respond, when you fail to use quotes.

Cap'n Chew
03-15-2010, 04:58 PM
I'd say the Obamaprompter is purdy close.

How original, a teleprompter joke, because no president has ever used one of those until Obama came around. The only thing saving grace you have is that you're not making a teleprompter joke whilst using one of those things.

President Obama is no socialist. If you wanted one of those, you should have voted for Brian Moore.

He didn't claim to be an outright Socialist but he sure bought his Union buddies who spent $450 Million in the last election cycle a couple of auto companies did he not?

I believe the UAW is the majority stockholder for Chrysler, not the government.

As for GM, while the Dept. of Treasury owns 61% of the stock, have they actually told GM what to do on anything when it comes to production, distribution, and sales?

03-15-2010, 05:53 PM
Sorry Glock I've been posting in blue fer three years. Sorry then you don't get read as often.

03-15-2010, 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by OldMercsRule
I'd say the Obamaprompter is purdy close.

Cap'n Chew states:
How original, a teleprompter joke, because no president has ever used one of those until Obama came around.

Obamaprompter is a master at the prompter butt: not so hot when the prompter screws up, (he jus' keeps on readin'), or if he is off the prompter, (he is terrible when winging it). Anti white statements about his white Granny et al.

His mean prompter readin' won the election for him with the kool aid drinkin' masses voting for their messiah. He still flapps his gums in the breeze, (while readin' a mean prompter), with obvious outright lies. Doesn't seem to be werkin' out sooooo hot now eh?????

Or are you one of those who still thinks yer fruit fly Chicago thug POTUS is doing great?

The only thing saving grace you have is that you're not making a teleprompter joke whilst using one of those things.

President Obama is no socialist. If you wanted one of those, you should have voted for Brian Moore.

Methinks he is clearly a Socialist.

Murky states: He didn't claim to be an outright Socialist but he sure bought his Union buddies who spent $450 Million in the last election cycle a couple of auto companies did he not?

Cap'n Chew:
I believe the UAW is the majority stockholder for Chrysler, not the government.

N' how do ya think that happened? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?????? Ya think it was the tooth fairy or some such? Hint: Quid Pro Quo Chicago style.

As for GM, while the Dept. of Treasury owns 61% of the stock, have they actually told GM what to do on anything when it comes to production, distribution, and sales?

N' the next largest shareholder is?????????

Obamaprompter fired the Chairman and installed his own hand picked feller ta run the place: eh?

Socialism, Gubment owns the means of production, (jus' in case ya fergot). :D:D

03-15-2010, 06:17 PM
Sorry then you don't get read as often.

That's fair fer me: Sir! :beer:

03-15-2010, 06:21 PM
That's annoying too, not knowing how to use the quote key. :lame2:

03-15-2010, 06:43 PM
That's annoying too, not knowing how to use the quote key. :lame2:

Blue is yer cue......

03-15-2010, 06:45 PM
The little button on the lower right of every fucking post that says "quote" is yers.

03-15-2010, 06:49 PM
The little button on the lower right of every fucking post that says "quote" is yers.

Calm down I don't force ya ta read do I?

03-15-2010, 07:04 PM
You haven't seen me not calm.

03-15-2010, 07:06 PM
You haven't seen me not calm.

Whatever floats yer boat then...........

Cap'n Chew
03-15-2010, 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by OldMercsRule
I'd say the Obamaprompter is purdy close.

Cap'n Chew states:
How original, a teleprompter joke, because no president has ever used one of those until Obama came around.

Obamaprompter is a master at the prompter butt: not so hot when the prompter screws up, (he jus' keeps on readin'), or if he is off the prompter, (he is terrible when winging it). Anti white statements about his white Granny et al.

His mean prompter readin' won the election for him with the kool aid drinkin' masses voting for their messiah. He still flapps his gums in the breeze, (while readin' a mean prompter), with obvious outright lies. Doesn't seem to be werkin' out sooooo hot now eh?????

Or are you one of those who still thinks yer fruit fly Chicago thug POTUS is doing great?


The only thing saving grace you have is that you're not making a teleprompter joke whilst using one of those things.

President Obama is no socialist. If you wanted one of those, you should have voted for Brian Moore.

Methinks he is clearly a Socialist.

Methinks your clarity is a bit murky.

Mr. P
03-15-2010, 08:51 PM
I'd can the blue Merc as its hard on the eyes. :cool:

That's too bad, as it makes it too much trouble to read the first, longer post. From your earlier response to me, I think you have things to say I'd like to read, but not at that cost to my eyes.

It also makes it very difficult to respond, when you fail to use quotes.

Same here. I've stopped reading yer posts because of eye strain, Merc.

Cap'n Chew
03-15-2010, 08:54 PM
Same here. I've stopped reading yer posts because of eye strain, Merc.

Could be worse,much worse.

03-16-2010, 12:41 PM
Could be worse,much worse.

Yup have to agree with Cap'n Chew on this. Likely rare that I will agree with him very often here. :D

03-16-2010, 12:43 PM
Same here. I've stopped reading yer posts because of eye strain, Merc.

Your choice Mr. P.

At least the blue make it easy to skip me posts! :D

03-16-2010, 04:55 PM
I don't understand what you people are complaining about....

03-16-2010, 07:45 PM
i actually don't mind the blue.

03-16-2010, 08:22 PM
i actually don't mind the blue.

Thanks I guess we agree on at least one thing. JR :thumb: