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View Full Version : Democrats plan hospitable greeting for Tea Partiers

red states rule
03-16-2010, 07:02 AM
I thought Dems dismissed the Tea Party movement as Nazi's, evil, racists, and gun nuts

Now they will "welcome" them?

Tea Partiers are storming the Capitol tomorrow, and Democrats are preapring to roll out the red carpet.

In a memo sent to freshman and sophomore lawmakers, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), a member of the House leadership, urges lawmakers to make special accomodations to prepare for the protesters, ranging from refreshments to extra staff members.

"Activists are expected to begin arriving around 9am and they have been given instructions to wait in your office until they can have a meeting," the memo says. "Please have an orderly process and enough staff and interns to welcome what could be a very large number of visitors throughout the day."

Among the suggestions:

Consider having some light snacks, H2O, and coffee available;

Have multiple guest books/comment sheets available for all visitors to sign-in and leave comments

Have a Capitol Directory and map available to direct visitors to their Member of Congress and written instructions on how to get over to the Senate side of the Hill

Listen and communicate in small groups:

But lawmakers and their staff should also understand that the tea partiers are reacting merely to a "caricature of the reform bill presented by right-wing media outlets" and aren't intimately familiar with the legislation, the memo says.


03-16-2010, 09:34 AM
"But lawmakers and their staff should also understand that the tea partiers are reacting merely to a "caricature of the reform bill presented by right-wing media outlets" and aren't intimately familiar with the legislation, the memo says."

Want to bet no one in the Congress is "intimately familiar" with teh legislation either? as for caricatures, this administration is a caricature of a demcratic republic's government at work!

red states rule
03-16-2010, 09:36 AM
"But lawmakers and their staff should also understand that the tea partiers are reacting merely to a "caricature of the reform bill presented by right-wing media outlets" and aren't intimately familiar with the legislation, the memo says."

Want to bet no one in the Congress is "intimately familiar" with teh legislation either? as for caricatures, this administration is a caricature of a demcratic republic's government at work!

Hell, the posters here know more about what is in Obamacare then Obama, Reid, and Pelosi do

That is why we are opposed to it, and they are not

03-16-2010, 09:51 AM
they will all get an email with talking points and 'facts' on it. you know...a 'Cliff Notes for Healthcare Reform' sorta thing. I'd buy that.

For those of you going "huh?" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Notes

red states rule
03-16-2010, 09:52 AM
they will all get an email with talking points and 'facts' on it. you know...a 'Cliff Notes for Healthcare Reform' sorta thing. I'd buy that.

For those of you going "huh?" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Notes

Yea, facts like employers health care costs will go down by 3000% :laugh2:

red states rule
03-16-2010, 10:48 PM
CBS News has the typical spin on the story

In 'Angry' and 'Nasty' Atmosphere, CBS's Reid Contends Anti-ObamaCare Protesters 'Got Ugly'

Based on some mild and indiscernible shouts by people in a hallway outside the office of a House member, CBS's Chip Reid on Tuesday night tried to discredit anti-ObamaCare protesters, claiming “at times, it got ugly.”

Reid recounted: “Outside the Capitol, a few hundred members of the conservative Tea Party movement called on Congress to kill the Democratic health care reform bill as Republicans urged them to keep fighting.” Following a clip of Republican Congressman Mike Pence, Reid announced over the hallway video: “Moving inside, they tried to lobby undecided Democrats. At times, it got ugly.” [Later tonight I will add video to illustrate CBS hardly showed anything “ugly”]. Then, leading into pro and con TV ads, Reid asserted: “The angry war of words over health care reform in Washington is echoing across the nation.”

After citing “a growing controversy over a parliamentary maneuver the Speaker may use to get reform passed,” Katie Couric had introduced Reid by maintaining that “as a vote nears, the tension, confusion, and anger are all building.” Reid agreed: “The closer we get to a vote, the nastier the debate becomes. Some on Capitol Hill say it gives new meaning to the expression 'March Madness.'

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/brent-baker/2010/03/16/angry-and-nasty-atmosphere-cbss-reid-contends-anti-obamacare-protesters#ixzz0iOzoWZlc

03-17-2010, 08:03 AM
aren't intimately familiar with the legislation

looks like everyone has already focused in on the real problem.....nobody is familiar with the legistlation at this point....as Pelosi says, you gotta pass it to see it........