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03-18-2010, 11:35 PM
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03-19-2010, 01:24 AM
So, other than the fact that Bret is tenacious, what did we learn from this that we didn't already know?

It seems to me that this President wants anything re health care to pass because nothing has been done since Roosevelt and he wants to be the one that goes down in history with his name attached to comprehensive health care reform....regardless of the fiscal impact it will have on the nation.


Cap'n Chew
03-19-2010, 01:55 AM
So, other than the fact that Bret is tenacious, what did we learn from this that we didn't already know?

We learned that Bret Baier is an asshat who has no idea how to interview someone. Just because the President's answers don't fit on a bumper sticker or a 3 second sound bite it doesn't mean Mr. Baier should constantly interrupt him. What shoddy journalism and just a plain show of disrespect.

It seems to me that this President wants anything re health care to pass because nothing has been done since Roosevelt and he wants to be the one that goes down in history with his name attached to comprehensive health care reform....regardless of the fiscal impact it will have on the nation.


CBO says the reform bill will reduce deficits. Now IDK about you, but I'd like to see shortfalls go down for a change . We've had thirty years of near non-stop increasing budget gaps, (Except for a couple of years when Clinton was President... hmmm... damn tax-and spend libs lmao.) we need to reverse course soon.

03-19-2010, 03:04 AM
CBO says the reform bill will reduce deficits. Now IDK about you, but I'd like to see shortfalls go down for a change . We've had thirty years of near non-stop increasing budget gaps, (Except for a couple of years when Clinton was President... hmmm... damn tax-and spend libs lmao.) we need to reverse course soon.

This health care bill is about soooo much more than reducing deficits.

Cap'n Chew
03-19-2010, 05:15 AM
This health care bill is about soooo much more than reducing deficits.

Well you brought up the alleged fiscal impact.

03-19-2010, 08:01 AM
Obama said there were a lot of presidents, starting with Teddy Roosevelt, who had tried to get health care reform passed and were never able to accomplish it. Bret should have asked Obama if he thought maybe the people had something to do with that. The people didn’t want it then, and they don’t want it now. Obama's problem is that he is more interested in what he wants than in what the people want.

03-19-2010, 09:48 AM
This health care bill is 2700 pages long. There it no way on earth our political figures have read thru the entire thing. And to think it's being pushed and shoved at people because it comes up for vote on Sunday. I don't even want to think about what is actually in it. Whatever it is, is going to effect Americans forever......in some way or form.... Can you imagine having to sit there and read thru that monstrous thing and get it all done in 48 hours? Give me a friggin' break.

03-19-2010, 10:07 AM
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Thanks for posting these. I didn't see them when they aired on TV.

03-19-2010, 10:08 AM
CBO says the reform bill will reduce deficits. Now IDK about you, but I'd like to see shortfalls go down for a change . We've had thirty years of near non-stop increasing budget gaps, (Except for a couple of years when Clinton was President... hmmm... damn tax-and spend libs lmao.) we need to reverse course soon.

not confirmed yet... that was a preliminary report.

03-19-2010, 10:53 AM
CBO says the reform bill will reduce deficits. Now IDK about you, but I'd like to see shortfalls go down for a change . We've had thirty years of near non-stop increasing budget gaps, (Except for a couple of years when Clinton was President... hmmm... damn tax-and spend libs lmao.) we need to reverse course soon.

You want to see lower deficits? CUT SPENDING!!!!!!

03-19-2010, 02:16 PM
You want to see lower deficits? CUT SPENDING!!!!!!

I know, what a concept right?

These people are idiots.

03-19-2010, 02:27 PM
Related by topic. A fair look at how Noonan used to write weekly:


Now for the Slaughter
On the road to Demon Pass, our leader encounters a Baier.

Excuse me, but it is embarrassing—really, embarrassing to our country—that the president of the United States has again put off a state visit to Australia and Indonesia because he's having trouble passing a piece of domestic legislation he's been promising for a year will be passed next week. What an air of chaos this signals to the world. And to do this to Australia of all countries, a nation that has always had America's back and been America's friend.

How bush league, how undisciplined, how kid's stuff.

You could see the startled looks on the faces of reporters as Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, who had the grace to look embarrassed, made the announcement on Thursday afternoon. The president "regrets the delay"—the trip is rescheduled for June—but "passage of the health insurance reform is of paramount importance." Indonesia must be glad to know it's not.

The reporters didn't even provoke or needle in their questions. They seemed hushed. They looked like people who were absorbing the information that we all seem to be absorbing, which is that the wheels seem to be coming off this thing, the administration is wobbling—so early, so painfully and dangerously soon.

Thursday's decision followed the most revealing and important broadcast interview of Barack Obama ever. It revealed his primary weakness in speaking of health care, which is a tendency to dodge, obfuscate and mislead. He grows testy when challenged. It revealed what the president doesn't want revealed, which is that he doesn't want to reveal much about his plan. This furtiveness is not helpful in a time of high public anxiety. At any rate, the interview was what such interviews rarely are, a public service. That it occurred at a high-stakes time, with so much on the line, only made it more electric.

I'm speaking of the interview Wednesday on Fox News Channel's "Special Report With Bret Baier." Fox is owned by News Corp., which also owns this newspaper, so one should probably take pains to demonstrate that one is attempting to speak with disinterest and impartiality, in pursuit of which let me note that Glenn Beck has long appeared to be insane.

That having been said, the Baier interview was something, and right from the beginning. Mr. Baier's first question was whether the president supports the so-called Slaughter rule, alternatively known as "deem and pass," which would avoid a straight up-or-down House vote on the Senate bill. (Tunku Varadarajan in the Daily Beast cleverly notes that it sounds like "demon pass," which it does. Maybe that's the juncture we're at.) Mr. Obama, in his response, made the usual case for ObamaCare. Mr. Baier pressed him. The president said, "The vote that's taken in the House will be a vote for health-care reform." We shouldn't, he added, concern ourselves with "the procedural issues."...