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03-19-2010, 02:16 PM
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” -Barack Obama

This quote from Obama is an ominous reminder of what he and the other extreme-left Democrats have as their goal, not just in this weekend's vote to establish socialized medicine, but in more and more votes to come.

America was founded as a country where people could determine their own fate - for better or worse. It was based on the idea that a nation could prosper more, and do better for its people, if they were left to make their own decisions and take responsibility for the results themselves, instead of relying on government to take care of them.

Now we have a President and majority Congress that no longer believes that. Their overiding goal, is to reinstate government control over the people's decisions. The vote for socialized Health Care, is just one of many such votes we can expect, where the Democrats try to take away people's choice of how to run their own lives, and place more and more of the country's activity under the "benevolent" control of government.

Though he said it just before the November elections, this idea has remained a consistent theme thoughout his presidency. The Democrats have tried hard to deny there is any central theme to their actions. But each and every one of their initiatives somehow result in bigger government, more regulations and restrictions, and greater government spending. The facts become clearer and clearer, despite their denials and evasions.

They are, indeed, trying to "fundamentally transform the United States of America". They are trying to change it from a country of individuals who determine their own fate, to a collective where people must conform to the will of a government that has no restrictions on what it can impose on them.

If we don't stop it now, we may never have another chance.

03-19-2010, 06:50 PM
For once I agree with this fascist. It's transformative alright, the USA if transforming into a banana republic that Chavez will find comfortable.

This bill may even bring HT and me together for a short, bonding moment. I guess Obama is a 'uniter.':rolleyes:


March 19, 2010

Obamacare's Sad Racial Provisions

Posted by John Leo

One of the problems with Obamacare is that both the House and Senate versions are larded with diversity-speak, including "underrepresented minorities" and "the underserved." "Underepresented minorities," means "no Asians need apply" and maybe no middle-easterners either. The context is federal money for medical schools. As Joe Hicks pointed out on Pajamas media today, the proposed revision "Give[s] preferences to entities that have a demonstrated record of ... training individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds."

This is a nudge---more like a shove, actually---in the direction of preferences. Is it constitutional to dole out money to benefit certain racial and ethnic groups, but not others? It doesn't seem so, but of course the courts will decide. The final phrase "of disadvantaged backgrounds" is much less controversial than the rest of the sentence, and has likely been added to deter litigation. Linda Chavez, Roger Clegg and, in a close 4-3 vote, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights have challenged the racial provision in the legislation.

Obamacare money for colleges is also aimed directly at predominately black and Hispanic schools. On its for-pay site, the Chronicle of Higher Education says: "The plan also includes $255-million a year to help historically black colleges, as outlined in the House bill. It includes $750-million over five years for College Access Challenge grants, which would support state efforts to enroll and graduate underrepresented students, down from $3-billion over 10 years in the earlier House version."

Why has the legislation been written this way, and can it withstand constitutional scrutiny?

03-19-2010, 08:09 PM
It looks to me as tho' BO is sealing his own fate. There's a darn good chance he won't get reelected nor will any other dem for a long time to come......

Cap'n Chew
03-20-2010, 01:05 AM
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” -Barack Obama

This quote from Obama is an ominous reminder of what he and the other extreme-left Democrats have as their goal, not just in this weekend's vote to establish socialized medicine, but in more and more votes to come.

America was founded as a country where people could determine their own fate - for better or worse. It was based on the idea that a nation could prosper more, and do better for its people, if they were left to make their own decisions and take responsibility for the results themselves, instead of relying on government to take care of them.

Now we have a President and majority Congress that no longer believes that. Their overiding goal, is to reinstate government control over the people's decisions. The vote for socialized Health Care, is just one of many such votes we can expect, where the Democrats try to take away people's choice of how to run their own lives, and place more and more of the country's activity under the "benevolent" control of government.

Though he said it just before the November elections, this idea has remained a consistent theme thoughout his presidency. The Democrats have tried hard to deny there is any central theme to their actions. But each and every one of their initiatives somehow result in bigger government, more regulations and restrictions, and greater government spending. The facts become clearer and clearer, despite their denials and evasions.

They are, indeed, trying to "fundamentally transform the United States of America". They are trying to change it from a country of individuals who determine their own fate, to a collective where people must conform to the will of a government that has no restrictions on what it can impose on them.

If we don't stop it now, we may never have another chance.


Socialized medicine? Srsly?

Where in the bills does it say the government is actually going to take over our private health care system? Where does it say the feds will take over our country's private hospitals, clinics, hospices, pharmaceutical and insurance companies, doctors, nurses, dentists, medical technicians, accountants, and well anyone at all working in the medical field? Where in the bill does it say Rite Aid will belong to the US government? Where's the beef?

Nowhere, that's where.

You know what, keep up the idiotic, fear-mongering rhetoric, keep it going. In fact, ratchet it up a bit, bring back the death panels and the moronic commercials which physically depict a bureaucrat in the same room with a doctor and his patient. Double down on the bullshit, do it. It's not a perfect piece of reform, but it will be awesome when folks under the GOP fear spell realize they are full of shit after this bill becomes law.

cat slave
03-20-2010, 01:08 AM
Swweeeet! It will be a rude awakening for those who thought it would never happen...WA getting a pink slip
that is. Bah bye libs....you s*** in your nest!

cat slave
03-20-2010, 01:15 AM
It looks to me as tho' BO is sealing his own fate. There's a darn good chance he won't get reelected nor will any other dem for a long time to come......

Wow....what a short honeymoon the messiah had! Just
over a year and he is chopped liver along with anyone he
stumps for.

Many former supporters have found out that his charisma
is really mostly arrogance and lies. He talks good but how
far does that go? We see how far it goes.:lol:

03-20-2010, 11:37 AM
Where does it say the feds will take over our country's private hospitals, clinics, hospices, pharmaceutical and insurance companies, doctors, nurses, dentists, medical technicians, accountants, and well anyone at all working in the medical field? Where in the bill does it say Rite Aid will belong to the US government? Where's the beef?

This talking point is so tired and shopworn, it's getting hard to read without falling asleep.

We keep hearing frantic denials from the government-uber-alles leftists, insisting that if it's not 100% perfect-by-the-book socialism, then it's "not socialism".

90% socialism "isn't socialism", they keep telling us, as if the difference made any difference at all.

Government used to banned from exercising huge authority over every aspect of Health Care, by force of law and the Constitution. (in fact, they still are, a ban Democrats seem to feel they can ignore.) If this plan passes, the govt will refrain from exercising that huge authority ONLY BY THEIR OWN WHIM, instead of by force of law. And how often have we seen Democrats' whims change in a blink?

But "Hey, the govt isn't controlling everything, so what's your problem???", chirps the fanatic leftist in glee, as though the socialized Health Care plan hasn't changed anything.

"We are within five days of fundamentally transforming the United States of America", announced Obama. Well, this is the fundamental transformation he is bringing us. We are no longer a government of laws, where the Fed is forbidden to take any authority not expressly given them by the Constitution. We are becoming a "government of men", where any official can take any power he likes, simply because he thinks it will somehow help someone, somewhere. And his (often faulty) judgement becomes the Law of the Land, whether the people like it or not.

As I pointed out in the OP, this country was founded on the then-novel idea that the people themselves, depsite their faults, would do a better job of running their own lives and their own governments, than dictators who didn't answer to them. But we now have people in our Fed govt who don't, in fact, answer to them. Even the threat to vote them out of office (a likely outcome of the brazen legislating against the will of the people we're seeing today), is not working... a symptom dictatorship the govt is becoming.

It's the exact opposite of what the Framers intended. In fact, it's exactly what the Framers tried so hard to ban for all time... a ban that we now see breaking down.

So spare us your bleating of "If it's not complete, by-the-dictionary-definition Socialism, then it's not Socialism at all" nonsense. You'll be asking us next to THANK you for spreading the govt takeover thru many bills, instead of doing it all in one fell swoop.

03-20-2010, 11:51 AM
I saw an article in The Washington Times "Impeach the president?".. it doesn't specifically talk about impeaching the president, but the unconstitutional means by which the Obama Health Care plan is being put into law..... perhaps the cries for impeachment will become louder as time goes on.

03-20-2010, 07:28 PM
I saw an article in The Washington Times "Impeach the president?".. it doesn't specifically talk about impeaching the president, but the unconstitutional means by which the Obama Health Care plan is being put into law..... perhaps the cries for impeachment will become louder as time goes on.

If there's not an impeachment soon, there will be a war. There may be anyway.