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03-20-2010, 03:42 AM
Perhaps not what you thought? Obama does in a year + months, what it took 8 years for Bush to accomplish!


Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Friday, March 19, 2010

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 23% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -21. That matches the lowest Approval Index rating yet recorded for this President (see trends)....


President Bush Job Approval
Presidential Approval Index: Bush -30
Monday, January 05, 2009

In the final full month of his Presidency, just 13% of American adults said they Strongly Approved of the way that George W. Bush performed his job as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapproved. That gives the President a -30 rating on the Presidential Approval Index (daily updates are available along with ratings of the President-elect).

03-20-2010, 06:35 AM
Bush didn't have this terrible economy. Worst in two decades.

03-20-2010, 06:38 AM
Bush didn't have this terrible economy. Worst in two decades.

My dear, you are so mistaken about what Bush was dealing with at the same point. Different issues, no less devastating.

03-20-2010, 10:33 AM
Bush didn't have this terrible economy. Worst in two decades.

All times are somewhat different: LN.

Fox News may dominate the news bidness today, butt: 80% of the news viewership is still through the hard Left filter from the so called "main stream media" which cheer leads Democrats and Left issues and hammers Republicans and edits or smears issues from the Right.

A little history for you, (that the "main stream media" may have filtered):

In 1999-2000 we had a "dot bomb" peak, (the all time peak in market capitalization) in the equity markets, (a huge liquidity bubble that crashed). This was the direct result of the Greenspan Rubin BJ Clinton fix in 1997-8 of the Meriwether/ Long Term Capital crash which was a hedge fund disaster that was "fixed" with more borrowed money and monitery expansion. The media largely edited this issue and was preoccupied with making personal felony a qualification for a dim wit Democrat POTUS, if you recall. BTW: I don't blame BJ for allowing Greenspan and Rubin to kick this massive can down the road as most pols don't want a recession on their watch. Greenspan and Rubin are the main villians IMHO.

The collapse of the dot bombs was followed by a recession and fortunately for our Republic George W Bush beat Algore (the buffoon), fer POTUS in 2000, or Jimmy Carter's second term would have begun in 2000. Near the likely end of the recession of 2001 OBL delivered a massive hit to Lower Manhatten that shut down the US markets for a week. That forced a huge amount of borrowing, and we corntinued our parabolic debt expansion to fund two wars, (which I feel were necessary to protect the Republic against Islamo facists), butt: Liberals and the main stream media do not.

Democrats tried to force defeat in Iraq, which fortunately for all of us they failed butt: they did succeed in trashing Bush to get an inexperienced fruit fly from Chicago elected to run the Country into the dirt with majorities for Nasty Nancy and Horrible Harry.

Katrina in 2005 was the deal that broke the system, (financially). Bush should never have let the Democrats lever up the system to fix a worthless French built city in a place it should never have been built, butt: he did. His biggest mistake! Grrrrr. That huge amount of money expanded the housing/banking bubble to the point where it burst in late 2007 creating a huge banking crisis that had largely been kicked down the road by Henry Paulson when Obama took over, (who doesn't want to waste any crisis).

Democrats are following a templet thay have used successfully since 1932 where they ignore the Constitution and grow Gubment and take away the private sector's power. They did it in the mid to late 1970s after a defeat in Vietnam and the resignation of a Liberal Republican POTUS.

The problem we have is we have been over spending and over levering since the mid 1930s, accelerated in the mid 1960s. Every POTUS has had the problem which originates with Congress, (that we the poeple do elect so the buc stops with the person ya see when ya look in the mirror IMHO), dating back to the 1930s, (in the mid 1960s the Congress counted social security revinues to corntinue and accelerate the massive spending). BJ Clinton had a responsible Congress in the 1990s which "balanced the budget" in the late 1990s if yer brain doesn't werk: that is, as we still had social security in the revenue stream, (Algore's ficticious "lockbox" is bull chit). :eek:

The surprize today is that pols (who do know this history I have stated herein), yet finances be darned the dim wit Democrat party of fools have decided to try to hit the nitrous oxide and turbo charger to lever us on top of where we are :eek: and spend on health care and pork and tax the private sector to grab even more power for Nanny Gubment.

This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back IMHO.

If they succeed Sunday it will not have a happy ending.

The USA will collapse within a decade, and then we shall see were we go from there.

Hope I'm wrong, bet I'm not. JR

03-20-2010, 02:42 PM
My dear, you are so mistaken about what Bush was dealing with at the same point. Different issues, no less devastating.

Bush certainly did have other issues that were just as bad. The biggest thing is though, that Mr. Bush was not a socialist with Marxist ideologies who is so self loathing that he cannot wait to fundamentally change the country.