View Full Version : "The first time is expensive, but the rest are free"

03-22-2010, 11:44 AM
With the Democrat imposition of Socialized Medicine yesterday, we have now entered a frightening time - possibly the most dangerous in our country's history since the Civil War.

Our country's political system is based on Checks and Balances. Politicians will refrain from voting for theings their constituents don't want, because they know heir constituants will vote them out of office if they do it. This is what kept them from imposing this kind of Socialized Medicine in 1993 - enough Democrats heard rising protests from their voters, to turn away from voting for Hillarycare, and the measure failed.

It happened again later, as Democrats and liberal Republicans like McCain tried to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who had already shown disdain for our laws by crashing the border and staying. A rising howl from more than 80% of the people, caused many of those liberals to change their votes from YES to NO, and that measure also failed.

And in both cases, the politicians who had treied to push these unwanted measures, were left with the stark knowledge that if they tried it again, they could kiss their Congressional seats goodbye.

But today, we are left with politicians - all Democrats this time - who flatly ignored the rising howls of "NO!" from the people. And they have actually done it - they have imposed an extremely unpopular system on those people, flatly against the will of those people.

It's reasonable to assume that those extreme-left politicians are now toast. When November rolls around, many of them will be voted out of offfice, and there's a chance that Republicans may get majorities in one or both Houses, if they get their act together.

But... that's not for another 3/4 of a year.

These extreme-left Democrats are political "Dead Men Walking", whose offices are going to be removed next November.

And they know it.

And therein lies the frightening danger.

These people are still in office NOW, and will be for the next 8 months, until the people can vote them out. And they still have their full legislative power, augmented with majority status in both Houses, and a compliant extreme-left President who is himself in the same position. And as we have seen, they are so fanatical in their leftist ideology, that they are willing to sacrifice their offices for the sake of imposing their socialistic systems on the rest of us.

What can we look forward to from these lame ducks, who now have nothing left to lose politically? NOW what can possibly keep them from taking over more and more of the country? From forbidding people to drop their Health Insurance even to take the less-expensive fines they've already imposed? From natioalizing the banking system as they have nationalized much of the auto industry? From granting amnesty, and even citizenship rights (i.e. voting for Democrats) to illegal aliens whose only common characeristic is a disdain fro U.S. laws they've already broken? From censoring conservative protests under a false flag of "Fairness"? From stripping away from every American, the right to keep and bear arms?

This is not idle speculation. These Dead Men Walking, have already tried every one of these moves in various degrees, and not very long ago. Every time, a howl of protest from the people they are trying to rule, has turned them back.

But now that they will lose their offices in November anyway, what effect will these howls of protest have, when these other issues come up? What can the people do to stop them them now? Vote them out TWICE in November?

For the first time in more than a century, the American political system is now under a grave threat from duly-elected leftists with majority status in every branch of government... and with nothing left to lose. Checks and balances on these leftists are gone. It's a situation that hasn't occurred since the Civil War.

Murderers, and especially serial criminals contemplating capital crimes, have an old saying: "The first one's expensive, but the rest are free." Once you commit your first capital murder, you will pay a very high price: Your life is sacrifice. If they catch you, they will kill you, give you the Death Penalty.

Well, then. Once you've commited your first capital murder, why not knock off a bunch more? What more can they do to you? Give you the Death Penalty twice? Three times? A dozen?

I have no ready answer to the question, "What can we do to restrain the liberal socialists now?"

Suggestions are welcome... to say the least.

03-22-2010, 11:46 AM
There isn't much you can do other than work to keep them from passing anything as much as possible.

03-22-2010, 12:18 PM
I fear Obama and his congress's next mission will be an amnesty bill that will grant citizenship to millions of illegal aliens who also happen to be a brand new mega-voting block that will ensure an end to conservatism in American politics and usher in the progressives marxist utopian dream.

This will have to be done by the first of the year unless the Republicans are still on board as many were before the presidential election...If amnesty becomes law, America is no more and our constitution will be shredded into confetti to celebrate the glory of socialism and the demise of capitalism.

The progressives, liberals and minorites will finally have their dream of a cradle to grave nanny government, at least untill America's credit runs out at which time we will slip into a "1984" totalitarian nightmare...Thank you for your attempts to warn us George Orwell, but we weren't listening.

03-22-2010, 12:33 PM
Nothings going to change by going through the system. The system is decidedly stacked against us. An armed insurrection is the only thing that will change anything now. The commies have control and they are not giving up anything, especially their seats of power. If anyone thinks there will be fair and legal elections in Nov you better look again.

03-22-2010, 12:34 PM

I have no ready answer to the question, "What can we do to restrain the liberal socialists now?"

Suggestions are welcome... to say the least.

I've got a question, Do you really think all these folks are just ideologically committed to socialism? That they are so committed that they will lose there seats for it? I don't believe it. They are about as committed to socialism as the republicans are to "free markets" and the constitution. It's about power and control for there benefactors who won't let any of them go hungry when they leave office. Jobs in corporations ( in the Health care or Insurance industry maybe hmm) , "think tanks" and foundations are waiting for them for their good service on the hill.

1st realizing who the real enemies are. I think that's one step in the right direction.

Who are the Dems really serving with this vote. The right and people on the far left KNOW it's not the people. Who does it really serve?

03-22-2010, 12:50 PM
I would like to think the power of the vote is still there. but now i wonder

03-22-2010, 06:00 PM
Nothings going to change by going through the system. The system is decidedly stacked against us. An armed insurrection is the only thing that will change anything now. The commies have control and they are not giving up anything, especially their seats of power. If anyone thinks there will be fair and legal elections in Nov you better look again.

The people aren't prepared for armed insurrection. Our society is not like the society of the Founders. We don't have people we can trust with that type of power or have faith that they will restore the Republic once they have it.

Besides, I still think things can be fixed without bloodshed. But we need people to preach the Word of God. Because that is the only thing that can convince people to restore freedom. Violence wont do it.

03-22-2010, 06:26 PM
The people aren't prepared for armed insurrection. Our society is not like the society of the Founders. We don't have people we can trust with that type of power or have faith that they will restore the Republic once they have it.

Besides, I still think things can be fixed without bloodshed. But we need people to preach the Word of God. Because that is the only thing that can convince people to restore freedom. Violence wont do it.

I think God has abandoned us. we're not worth saving. and this country has committed atrocious sins in front of him

03-22-2010, 06:44 PM
One cannot help but think about the attitude that King George III had toward the requests of the colonists........and the outcome.