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Abbey Marie
03-22-2010, 01:29 PM
I have two friends who told me at dinner last night that because of the health care debacle, they will for the first time vote straight Republican in November. And one of them told me his friend is going to do the same.

03-22-2010, 01:30 PM
I have two friends who told me at dinner last night that because of the health care debacle, they will for the first time vote straight Republican in November. And one of them told me his friend is going to do the same.
suggest to them to listen to the person instead of the letter by their name. might just be voting in the same problem, but at a shamble instead of a sprint.

Abbey Marie
03-22-2010, 01:49 PM
suggest to them to listen to the person instead of the letter by their name. might just be voting in the same problem, but at a shamble instead of a sprint.

I knew this would be the response. You know, I am so tired of this line of reasoning. Did you not know that every Republican Congress-person voted against the bill?

No, they are not perfect. But they are by far the most electable group we Conservatives have, and they are light years better than the Dems. Why not try uniting and getting rid of these Dem losers for a change, instead of trying to be mavericks and demanding everything be your way?

03-22-2010, 02:29 PM
I knew this would be the response. You know, I am so tired of this line of reasoning. Did you not know that every Republican Congress-person voted against the bill?

No, they are not perfect. But they are by far the most electable group we Conservatives have, and they are light years better than the Dems. Why not try uniting and getting rid of these Dem losers for a change, instead of trying to be mavericks and demanding everything be your way?

I fully agree. Best to vote the lesser of the two evils and then work on getting another lesser followed by another and so on. eventually you run out of evils and get good people. I would love to see the house full of independent conservatives, but I'll settle for a house full of republicans.

03-22-2010, 02:38 PM
Perhaps Satan's minions are having a snowball fight in hell?

Keep in mind, we are depending on the morons who elected Obama.

The best strategy is to hope for the best while preparing for the worst.

03-22-2010, 02:44 PM
For what it's worth, which may not amount to a hill of beans, I plan on voting indep. I'm sick and tired of the demopubs. Enough is enough.....How many times does one have to be kicked in the teeth and held down before it finally sinks in that they are out for themselves and their agendas? These two parties have had a high old time over the last couple of decades with their bullpucky ways which has meant to do harm to America.....they are snakes slithering their way around and their very presence is repulsive..... :eek:

03-22-2010, 05:06 PM
I knew this would be the response. You know, I am so tired of this line of reasoning. Did you not know that every Republican Congress-person voted against the bill?

No, they are not perfect. But they are by far the most electable group we Conservatives have, and they are light years better than the Dems. Why not try uniting and getting rid of these Dem losers for a change, instead of trying to be mavericks and demanding everything be your way?

yah... I was real demanding there....i should learn to hold my tongue a bit better. where in the hell did you get all that. I was tlaking about them voting repub and listening to what they say instead of seeing a D and going for it. Jesus Christ Abbey.

THEY ALL VOTED AGAINST! gee.. i guess i missed that in all the news that kept saying it... and gee golly willikers... that makes them ok! Yah and so did some Dems.. that mean keep them in office too? so sorry for making a suggestion of something new and scary instead of what has been happing for a while. Vote them, at least they aren't this. yah. that has worked out great for us. Way to bite my head off over nothing.

And maybe they are just the most electable group right now. you don't know who will be up later. Just because I say 'listen to what they say' makes me go against being united? Heaven forbid. I want a new Conservative in there, not one that has been in there since before I was born.

03-22-2010, 05:24 PM
Keep in mind, we are depending on the morons who elected Obama.

But that is exactly what didn't happen. Obama won because a lot of people sat out the last election.

03-22-2010, 05:35 PM
But that is exactly what didn't happen. Obama won because a lot of people sat out the last election.No more than usual. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1108/15422.html

03-22-2010, 05:56 PM
Voting Republican wont help if there are progressive Republicans on the ticket.

Abbey Marie
03-22-2010, 08:08 PM
Voting Republican wont help if there are progressive Republicans on the ticket.

And yet some of those very "progressive" Republicans voted against the health care bill. As I said above, they may not be where we want them exactly, but at least they aren't moving us towards Socialism. I'll take any Republican who knows enough to vote against that over an un-electable independent or libertarian any day of the week.

It is the people who are unhappy with the Republicans that helped bring us the people in office now. Hope you are all happy now.

03-22-2010, 08:12 PM
And yet some of those very "progressive" Republicans voted against the health care bill. As I said above, they may not be where we want them exactly, but at least they aren't moving us towards Socialism. I'll take any Republican who knows enough to vote against that over an un-electable independent or libertarian any day of the week.

It is the people who are unhappy with the Republicans that helped bring us the people in office now. Hope you are all happy now.don't forget the blacks. wanna give them their due :thumb:

Abbey Marie
03-22-2010, 08:15 PM
yah... I was real demanding there....i should learn to hold my tongue a bit better. where in the hell did you get all that. I was tlaking about them voting repub and listening to what they say instead of seeing a D and going for it. Jesus Christ Abbey.

THEY ALL VOTED AGAINST! gee.. i guess i missed that in all the news that kept saying it... and gee golly willikers... that makes them ok! Yah and so did some Dems.. that mean keep them in office too? so sorry for making a suggestion of something new and scary instead of what has been happing for a while. Vote them, at least they aren't this. yah. that has worked out great for us. Way to bite my head off over nothing.

And maybe they are just the most electable group right now. you don't know who will be up later. Just because I say 'listen to what they say' makes me go against being united? Heaven forbid. I want a new Conservative in there, not one that has been in there since before I was born.

If someone like that runs, then great. But in the meantime, your original post sounds like those that care more about complaining about Republicans than getting liberals out of office. I think people like that affected the last elections. If I start hearing this tune again next November, after what happened today, I will really lose it. I am sure that nothing makes liberals happier than to see us turning on our own.

I had hoped that after today's events, conservatives would finally unite, but I guess not.

Abbey Marie
03-22-2010, 08:16 PM
don't forget the blacks. wanna give them their due :thumb:

I have no issue with them. They voted as I expected them to.

Dang Straight
03-22-2010, 08:22 PM
"It is the people who are unhappy with the Republicans that helped bring us the people in office now. Hope you are all happy now."

The Republicans created their own demise. If they had put controls on Bush, held him to being a "True Conservative" maybe we would be in the spot were are today.

Obama got into office because the Republicans gave the people a reason to elect him over another Republican.

Abbey Marie
03-22-2010, 08:28 PM
"It is the people who are unhappy with the Republicans that helped bring us the people in office now. Hope you are all happy now."

The Republicans created their own demise. If they had put controls on Bush, held him to being a "True Conservative" maybe we would be in the spot were are today.

Obama got into office because the Republicans gave the people a reason to elect him over another Republican.

Nice theory, but it doesn't make sense. People who felt McCain wasn't Conservative enough certainly didn't vote for Obama. Rather, they bitched and moaned about McCain for many months, further eroding his base, and stayed home on election day. Exactly what I am talking about.

Dang Straight
03-22-2010, 08:37 PM
Nice theory, but it doesn't make sense. People who felt McCain wasn't Conservative enough certainly didn't vote for Obama. Rather, they bitched and moaned about McCain for many months, further eroding his base, and stayed home on election day. Exactly what I am talking about.

It's not a theory, explain why 20% of the Conservatives voted for Obama? McCain was an extension of the Bush Admin. I don't how many time I read where Republicans disagreed with Bush but supported him of Party "Loyalty"

cat slave
03-22-2010, 08:39 PM
Well, IMO, anything would be a monumental improvement
over this tyrannical dictator.....and while we sweep up all
the trash (no offense Hog:)lets throw all of them out.

cat slave
03-22-2010, 08:42 PM
It's not a theory, explain why 20% of the Conservatives voted for Obama? McCain was an extension of the Bush Admin. I don't how many time I read where Republicans disagreed with Bush but supported him of Party "Loyalty"

I voted for him because I was more afraid of the alternative!
Not that he could do anything I approved of!!!!

Then I held my nose real tight and voted for McAmnesty
just because of Palin...yuck...that was hard to do!!!

cat slave
03-22-2010, 08:43 PM
I think we should forget about parties and vote out ALL the
incumbents....a clean sweep!

03-23-2010, 04:46 AM
Voting independent is not a good idea. The reason is that an independent candidate will simply split the vote and help keep the Democrats in power. That is precisely what happened in 1992 and 1996.

Plus the Republicans will need a super majority, i.e. 2/3 not 1/2, this time around. The reason is that they will need the votes to override the Joker-in-chief's vetoes.

While an "R" after one's name does not mean that a candidate is conservative, a "D" after one's name certainly makes a candidate liberal in ways that we can't afford right now.

The Republican Party does need to reform. It needs to get back to the Ronald Reagan conservatism that helped us in 1980, 1984, and 1988. That squishy "big tent" approach that they followed these past few years was a huge mistake. The problem with trying make everyone happy is that you can't make everyone happy and usually make everyone dislike you.

03-23-2010, 06:19 AM
If someone like that runs, then great. But in the meantime, your original post sounds like those that care more about complaining about Republicans than getting liberals out of office. I think people like that affected the last elections. If I start hearing this tune again next November, after what happened today, I will really lose it. I am sure that nothing makes liberals happier than to see us turning on our own.

I had hoped that after today's events, conservatives would finally unite, but I guess not.

maybe you should wait until I complain about them then before getting like that. And maybe it affected some... maybe the idiots. From listening to what they were saying was the reason I didn't vote for Obama.

Maybe we will untie, I would love to see that. But it seems like there are two kinds of conservatives right now, those that think we just need someone with an R next to their name in there to outnumber the Ds and then we can start to weed the Rs out that we don't like, or the kind that wants all incumbents out and realize that we need that new blood in there because all of these career politicians are the same. Now both of those are good ideas, but just seem to be unable to meet in the middle. Instead you get fights going on with the Liberal mindset of "if you don't agree with me your wrong and causing a stir" and should i add "demanding" in there? =P

03-23-2010, 06:23 AM
Voting independent is not a good idea. The reason is that an independent candidate will simply split the vote and help keep the Democrats in power. That is precisely what happened in 1992 and 1996.

Plus the Republicans will need a super majority, i.e. 2/3 not 1/2, this time around. The reason is that they will need the votes to override the Joker-in-chief's vetoes.

While an "R" after one's name does not mean that a candidate is conservative, a "D" after one's name certainly makes a candidate liberal in ways that we can't afford right now.

The Republican Party does need to reform. It needs to get back to the Ronald Reagan conservatism that helped us in 1980, 1984, and 1988. That squishy "big tent" approach that they followed these past few years was a huge mistake. The problem with trying make everyone happy is that you can't make everyone happy and usually make everyone dislike you.Amen to that brother. The R and the D thing, I undersatand that, but i was just also saying that you shouldn't blindly follow an R. if you are presented with two Rs, find out what they are like, what the have been like, just don't go with the one that you know/have been used to. that was the point i was trying to get across.

The problem with trying make everyone happy is that you can't make everyone happy and usually make everyone dislike you. this part also makes me think that we need people that will stand their grounds. Consedeing ground/changing your mind when presented with facts is one thing, but because they call you a name or say that you don't care is another. Basically unacceptable.

03-23-2010, 06:44 AM
The best thing that could happen is a Republican victory in the Congress this fall, then shortly thereafter, the D'oh-bama and Biden are killed in a crash of the Presidential Helicopter (.. a sweet irony indeed since he canceled its upgrade...), making the Republican Speaker of the House president....

of course, I could win the lottery, get a phone call from Sandra Bullock asking me out on a date (and my g/f wouldn't mind), plus I could eat whatever I pleased and not gain weight..

03-23-2010, 06:54 AM
The best thing that could happen is a Republican victory in the Congress this fall, then shortly thereafter, the D'oh-bama and Biden are killed in a crash of the Presidential Helicopter (.. a sweet irony indeed since he canceled its upgrade...), making the Republican Speaker of the House president....

of course, I could win the lottery, get a phone call from Sandra Bullock asking me out on a date (and my g/f wouldn't mind), plus I could eat whatever I pleased and not gain weight.. aahhh... if wishes were fishes...

or shit in one hand, wish in the other... :thumb:

03-23-2010, 09:26 AM
Well, IMO, anything would be a monumental improvement
over this tyrannical dictator.....and while we sweep up all
the trash (no offense Hog:)lets throw all of them out.

Exactly what I was thinking. Since most of them have been in office far too long, it's time to get them out of their cushy jobs and let others step in and see if they can clean up the messes these lifetimers have created.....:coffee:

03-23-2010, 09:27 AM
I think we should forget about parties and vote out ALL the
incumbents....a clean sweep!

Oddly enough I was sittin' here thinkin' the same thing yesterday....Get rid of them....:beer:

Dang Straight
03-23-2010, 09:43 AM
term limits

03-23-2010, 09:58 AM
term limits

Yeah, but when you have a four year term that's a long time for someone to screw things up even worse..... Two years at a pop should be ideal. They'd get in, take a year to find their way around the system, do a few things and then, bammmmmm.......time's up and they have to leave....No reelection......It wouldn't leave time for golfing trips....However, we would see even more smoke hanging over DC since there would be a lot more fast and furious smoke blowing going on....

Abbey Marie
03-23-2010, 01:01 PM
Voting independent is not a good idea. The reason is that an independent candidate will simply split the vote and help keep the Democrats in power. That is precisely what happened in 1992 and 1996.

Plus the Republicans will need a super majority, i.e. 2/3 not 1/2, this time around. The reason is that they will need the votes to override the Joker-in-chief's vetoes.

While an "R" after one's name does not mean that a candidate is conservative, a "D" after one's name certainly makes a candidate liberal in ways that we can't afford right now.

The Republican Party does need to reform. It needs to get back to the Ronald Reagan conservatism that helped us in 1980, 1984, and 1988. That squishy "big tent" approach that they followed these past few years was a huge mistake. The problem with trying make everyone happy is that you can't make everyone happy and usually make everyone dislike you.

Well said. I agree with you 100% :thumb:

Abbey Marie
03-23-2010, 01:02 PM
term limits

Yes, and especially for the judiciary.

03-23-2010, 01:25 PM
Term limits will not solve anything.

What if there was a bunch of principled small Gubment statesmen and stateswomen, (one who became POTUS fer at least one term), who managed to get elected and terminate the IRS code, the health care mess, all the Federal agencies and bureacracies inconsistent with the tenth amendment and confirm Jurists who are in the image of Justice Scalia?

The solution is to limit the Gubment within the limits of the original design of the Republic as codified by the Framers. If we could do that, term limits would be moot and the power of pols would be greatly limited and LIBERTY would again be what this Republic stands for.

That is the only way to end this perpetual assult our freedom and liberty have been under from the Statists.

Me overpriced $.02. JR