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View Full Version : Taking advantage of it.....

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-23-2010, 10:40 AM
While you far-right, tea-bagger, water-boarding Republicans tried to kill Ted Kennedy's legacy, I saved my family $2,000. That's right, I said $2,000.

Before yesterday, I spent about $6000 a year on my family of two's health insurance. I canceled that policy first thing this morning and look forward to paying the government a surtax of $2,000 a person (a/k/a $4000 a year for the two of us) and we can all get free health care down at the government clinic. Who's the idiot now?

And......here is a little juicy fact the bible and gun crowd likes to conveniently overlook - this universal healthcare bill is so good and powerful that it actually could have saved Mary Jo Kopechne's life had Kennedy thought of it while standing on the side of that cold river in 1969.

Have a nice day!

03-23-2010, 06:40 PM
I don't think anything more needs to be said.