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View Full Version : Dear (deity of choice)...

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-24-2010, 02:31 PM
Dear Lord, In the past year you have taken away my favorite actor (Fess Parker, Merlin Olson and Patrick Swayze), my favorite actress (Farah Fawcett), my favorite musician (Les Paul) and my favorite salesperson (Billy Mays). I just wanted to let you know my favorite politicians are Nancy, Harry and Barry.....

03-24-2010, 02:57 PM
Dear Lord...If anybody should add my name to this list of "favorite people", please ignore them.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-24-2010, 03:29 PM
I thought this was a funny joke....I actually changed it from listing the names of the most prominent conservative talk show hosts that were in the original joke.

BTW....I desire no harm to come to anyone....I detest hearing about the threats being made to all elected officials, as a result of their stance on the healthcare bill......

....oh, and...."nobody puts Baby in the coroner."

03-24-2010, 05:37 PM
One day, Barak Obama decided to get advice from some long dead presidents. So he went to a medium who conjured up the ghosts of Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln

To Washington he asked, "How can I best serve my country as president?" To which Washington answered "Never tell a lie".

Obama knew that just about everything he said, in fact his whole administration's policies, were built on falsehoods, Barak Obama decided to ignore his advice.

To Teddy Roosevelt, he asked the same question "How can I best serve my country?" To which T.R. answered, "speak softly and carry a big stick".

Knowing that his whole attitude towards the defense for the country was to weaken it and knowing that he intended to negotiate with terrorists and dictators rather than deal forcefully with them, Obama once again passed.

Finally, in desperation, he asked Abraham Lincoln what he could do to best serve his country. To which Abraham Lincoln answered "Go see a play"