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03-24-2010, 09:30 PM
At the same time:


Rep. Artur Davis seeks to become Alabama's first African American governor
By Perry Bacon Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 24, 2010; 2:17 PM

Rep. Artur Davis, long regarded as one of the most promising of a younger generation of black politicians that has emerged over the past decade, took a bold stance this week as he seeks to become the first African American governor of Alabama: distancing himself from the biggest legislative achievement of the first black president.

The four-term lawmaker joined 33 other Democrats, most of whom hail from the South, in opposing the health-care legislation that President Obama signed into law Tuesday. Davis originally voted against the House version of the legislation in November, and Democratic leaders did not spend much time trying to get him to change his vote, perhaps in a nod to the political dynamics of his state, where Obama won only 38 percent of the vote in 2008.

But in opposing the health-care bill, Davis, a longtime Obama ally who was one of the first lawmakers to back his White House run, split from the other 41 members of the Congressional Black Caucus. They not only all voted for the legislation, but cast it in historic terms as an extension of the policies of the civil rights era.

Davis drew criticism for his vote from some on the left, as well, who accused him of abandoning the interests of his majority-black district in Birmingham. In Davis's congressional district, 19 percent of people are uninsured -- a figure higher than the national average -- and Obama won 72 percent of the vote, his biggest margin of victory in any district where a House member opposed the health-care legislation...

How DARE a black NOT walk in lockstep with the first Black President? How dare he vote as his constituents want? The nerve!

Yes, it's a 'fact,' he's black. Yes, Obama is still President.

03-25-2010, 08:06 PM
At the same time:


How DARE a black NOT walk in lockstep with the first Black President? How dare he vote as his constituents want? The nerve!

Yes, it's a 'fact,' he's black. Yes, Obama is still President.Survival is the first law of nature...

03-25-2010, 08:25 PM
Survival is the first law of nature...

So whites vote your way because they are brilliant. Blacks because of the vote? Explain what I'm missing here?

03-25-2010, 09:09 PM
So whites vote your way because they are brilliant. Blacks because of the vote? Explain what I'm missing here?I'm sure you're aware that all whites do not vote as we do...I'm assuming you and I vote very much alike Kat.

Whites are such a politicaly diverse and finicky group of voters that even the two major parties can't depend on their loyalty.

The Democrat and Republican Parties begin campaigning months in advance and spend millions of dollars trying to win their vote.

Unfortunately, minorities rarely stray from their normal political practices and are for the most part a loyal one party voting block.

03-25-2010, 09:20 PM
I'm sure you're aware that all whites do not vote as we do...I'm assuming you and I vote very much alike Kat.

Whites are such a politicaly diverse and finicky group of voters that even the two major parties can't depend on their loyalty.

The Democrat and Republican Parties begin campaigning months in advance and spend millions of dollars trying to win their vote.

Unfortunately, minorities rarely stray from their normal political practices and are for the most part a loyal one party voting block.

Can you imagine any reason a logical, informed, minority person might feel uncomfortable in a political party with like-minded people as yourself? :eek:

Hell, lots of people that look like you wouldn't want anyone to think they thought like you. We may vote similarly, but the reasoning is very different.

03-25-2010, 09:50 PM
Can you imagine any reason a logical, informed, minority person might feel uncomfortable in a political party with like-minded people as yourself? :eek:

Hell, lots of people that look like you wouldn't want anyone to think they thought like you. We may vote similarly, but the reasoning is very different.After all of the posts you have read of mine you still have misjudged me and my motivations,

regardless of the numerous times I have stated that this is not about hate, skin color or racism.

feel uncomfortable in a political party with like-minded people as yourself?Yes Kathianne, you are so programmed by political correctness you can't see beyond your own prejudices.

You don't know me at all...You have me pegged all wrong...But I just realized something...You will never see that.

cat slave
03-26-2010, 06:15 PM
Hmmmm.....interesting exchange. I thought Kat was "one of
us".....that being conservative.

If "color" was not a huge part of the win for Osama, there
would little discussion but it was and produced the most
ludicrous "cluster ****" in history.

BO is not black, hes just not quite white!!!!! And I despise
that side of him too. And the masses fell swooning and
basking, awash in the light of the messiah as some sort of cosmic event now claim only white people are

Come on!!!! Please!!!!

03-26-2010, 06:35 PM
Hmmmm.....interesting exchange. I thought Kat was "one of
us".....that being conservative.

If "color" was not a huge part of the win for Osama, there
would little discussion but it was and produced the most
ludicrous "cluster ****" in history.

BO is not black, hes just not quite white!!!!! And I despise
that side of him too. And the masses fell swooning and
basking, awash in the light of the messiah as some sort of cosmic event now claim only white people are

Come on!!!! Please!!!!

Anyone who has read my posts since I began on messageboards knows I'm conservative and mostly libertarian in my outlook of what I've thought good about our country. I'm distressed by what is happening, and has been happening in our country for many years now. The Republican Party is just a lighter version of the Democrat Party and under Bush that was a hard argument to make in the last 2 years.

I'm not nor have ever been for blaming problems on people who don't have to 'open their mouths.' I've always believed that most minorities have stronger family values at their core, that should make conservative party a good alternative. However, the vocal minority of the GOP in particular, self appointed mouthpieces in general has created an atmosphere that would chase most away. Which of course is the point.

It's not tea parties that are racist, it's a fringe that the media can play up and take pictures of their signs and incivility. Now the Democrat Party leadership is painting the movement by the actions of the fringe. It's not political correctness that will drive away participation, rather the desire to get away from racist, ignorant, thugs.

Liberals scream to keep the 'riff raff' out, but that's impossible in public places, thus the fringe is on the way from shutting down peaceful change. The Dems are playing into it, thinking that's the way to success, I don't think so. Instead the fringe will act, thinking that there's no alternatives-though they are the ones that have isolated themselves.

cat slave
03-26-2010, 06:43 PM
I stand corrected...!