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View Full Version : Nanny runs barefoot through flames to save 5-year-old boy

03-25-2010, 01:45 AM
Just wanted to highlight a local hero. Bless her, she wasn't being paid enough for that.


SHELBYVILLE, KY (WAVE) - A Shelby County nanny is being hailed a hero. 22-year-old Alyson Myatt is at University Hospital, recovering from severe burns after she saved a 5-year-old's life.

Around 6:20 a.m. on March 23, Myatt was sleeping in a downstairs bedroom at a home on Golden Rod where she is a live-in nanny for 5-year-old Aiden Hawes, whose father was out of town.

"I just heard a big boom. I thought it was Aiden," Myatt said.

After hearing the boom, Myatt immediately sprinted upstairs - barefoot. When she got to the hallway, she was met by flames on the carpet.

"I was calling him. He said, ‘Aly, I'm in here. I'm in my room underneath my covers.' I was like okay and I ran there, grabbed him and ran out," said Myatt.

Myatt said her focus was rescuing Aiden. At the time, she didn't even think about getting burned.

"After I ran off the carpet, my feet were just ... it was like I was walking on goo 'cause all the skin. My feet were just burned off," Myatt described.

Myatt then ran out of the house with Aiden, drove to a neighbor's house to call 911. Although Myatt suffered burns to her hands, legs and feet, she said Aiden was not injured.

03-25-2010, 02:10 AM
Just wanted to highlight a local hero. Bless her, she wasn't being paid enough for that.

Oh, I think she will be be paid quite handsomely in both this life and the next. In this life because she will always carry around the knowledge that she saved another person's life at her own peril. In the next life by being acknowledge for her gift.

03-25-2010, 03:18 AM
what's more amazing is she did it for a child that wasn't her own. Plenty of birth mothers may have but for a strangers child it is quite remarkable.

03-25-2010, 06:21 AM
what's more amazing is she did it for a child that wasn't her own. Plenty of birth mothers may have but for a strangers child it is quite remarkable.

LN, she is certainly worthy of accolades, in this world and the next. However, what she did is what most are programmed for I believe. Look at any of the school shootings, whenever possible adults, (teachers usually) put themselves in the path of the young. At Columbine one died doing just that. At others they've been shot and like the nanny, received praise. I see it as a marvel, but much like most animals where the males, (usually), form the first line of defense, then older females will pick up if necessary to protect the young.

Seriously isn't this just what the military is doing? You wish to join this association and truth in the larger scheme of things, they are the outer perimeter of the threats to all the defenders and innocents.

03-25-2010, 01:33 PM
I had to cringe when reading her feet were like goo. How she was able to continue on to the car and drive is beyond me. A higher power was clearly looking out for her. And she was taking her nanny job seriously as well....

Kudos to that young woman and to all that risk their lives for the sake of saving others......God bless them.....:clap::clap:

03-25-2010, 11:02 PM
what's more amazing is she did it for a child that wasn't her own. Plenty of birth mothers may have but for a strangers child it is quite remarkable.

Don't know many nannies do you? I do. Very often they are far closer to the children then the childs birth mother. It's rather sad actually.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
03-26-2010, 02:14 PM
You know....I don't know what she did is all that remarkable.....it is the way human beings SHOULD behave all the time....not extraordinary, but expected.

I applaud her, no doubt, but I think anyone would have done the same thing....anyway, most of the responsible folks here on this site who know right from wrong, and are human.

Good for her....I hope she recovers well.

03-26-2010, 05:37 PM
Just wanted to highlight a local hero. Bless her, she wasn't being paid enough for that.


SHELBYVILLE, KY (WAVE) - A Shelby County nanny is being hailed a hero. 22-year-old Alyson Myatt is at University Hospital, recovering from severe burns after she saved a 5-year-old's life.

Around 6:20 a.m. on March 23, Myatt was sleeping in a downstairs bedroom at a home on Golden Rod where she is a live-in nanny for 5-year-old Aiden Hawes, whose father was out of town.

"I just heard a big boom. I thought it was Aiden," Myatt said.

After hearing the boom, Myatt immediately sprinted upstairs - barefoot. When she got to the hallway, she was met by flames on the carpet.

"I was calling him. He said, ‘Aly, I'm in here. I'm in my room underneath my covers.' I was like okay and I ran there, grabbed him and ran out," said Myatt.

Myatt said her focus was rescuing Aiden. At the time, she didn't even think about getting burned.

"After I ran off the carpet, my feet were just ... it was like I was walking on goo 'cause all the skin. My feet were just burned off," Myatt described.

Myatt then ran out of the house with Aiden, drove to a neighbor's house to call 911. Although Myatt suffered burns to her hands, legs and feet, she said Aiden was not injured.

Great article Lib, nice to know people still care about each other.

cat slave
03-26-2010, 07:00 PM
It brings to mind the mother cat, Scarlet, who returned
repeatedly to a burning building to save her kittens. She
was burned, her ears burned off etc. But she save her

Of course, I would think of a cat!

The nanny was very brave and noble. Thats quite a pleasant
change from the usual daily grind of crime and ill will.