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03-25-2010, 09:49 AM

55% Favor Repeal!

Just before the House of Representatives passed sweeping health care legislation last Sunday, 41% of voters nationwide favored the legislation while 54% were opposed. Now that President Obama has signed the legislation into law, most voters want to see it repealed.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, conducted on the first two nights after the president signed the bill, shows that 55% favor repealing the legislation. Forty-two percent (42%) oppose repeal. Those figures include 46% who Strongly Favor repeal and 35% who Strongly Oppose it.

More at link...

03-25-2010, 09:52 AM

55% Favor Repeal!

Just before the House of Representatives passed sweeping health care legislation last Sunday, 41% of voters nationwide favored the legislation while 54% were opposed. Now that President Obama has signed the legislation into law, most voters want to see it repealed.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, conducted on the first two nights after the president signed the bill, shows that 55% favor repealing the legislation. Forty-two percent (42%) oppose repeal. Those figures include 46% who Strongly Favor repeal and 35% who Strongly Oppose it.

More at link...
M new poll! 100% Obama says "kiss my ass" to people that want it repealed. :thumb:

03-25-2010, 10:02 AM

55% Favor Repeal!

Just before the House of Representatives passed sweeping health care legislation last Sunday, 41% of voters nationwide favored the legislation while 54% were opposed. Now that President Obama has signed the legislation into law, most voters want to see it repealed.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, conducted on the first two nights after the president signed the bill, shows that 55% favor repealing the legislation. Forty-two percent (42%) oppose repeal. Those figures include 46% who Strongly Favor repeal and 35% who Strongly Oppose it.

More at link...

There cannot be doubt in anyone's mind, even Obama's, that the people did not want this plan. He figures he's their daddy and knows what is good for them. I believe that, he's a hubristic true believer in BIG government.

I don't see repeal en toto of the bill, but change on aspects of it. I wish I could see SCOTUS stepping in, don't think that will happen either. If they do, don't see them declaring the bill unconstitutional. I see a ray of hope for a constitutional amendment, perhaps for the first time coming from the states. We'll see.

cat slave
03-26-2010, 06:41 PM
Does anyone wonder how a jr senator with little to no political
experience, no foreign policy whatsoever and and a malicious
ideology become prez? He had no name recognition, nothing....then boom....head of the class. Uh no, it doesnt work like that.

Its not working now either. I think what we are witnessing
is much bigger than one smooth talking brown man.

03-26-2010, 06:53 PM
Does anyone wonder how a jr senator with little to no political
experience, no foreign policy whatsoever and and a malicious
ideology become prez? He had no name recognition, nothing....then boom....head of the class. Uh no, it doesnt work like that.

Its not working now either. I think what we are witnessing
is much bigger than one smooth talking brown man.

Anyone but Bush worked for the right and left. McCain was the wrong candidate, Palin a long term disaster, one that keeps giving. I'm not saying that what she says isn't good, but she's a white, Alaskan, female version of Obama as far as readiness to take over the Presidency.

With the above 'given', wouldn't have mattered who was the candidate, Obama was winning once he knocked Clinton off. A huge reason was race, probably the main one. A Democrat was going to win, why not the black guy? And so it was and is.

What scares me is there is no clear good choices arising from the Right for 2012, instead the left calls for Palin and does most of the fringe on the Right.

cat slave
03-26-2010, 07:04 PM
Im a Palin fan and only voted for McAmnesty when she joined
the ticket. OMG, it was hard to vote for him!!!!!

I really like Boehner though I dont know that he is even in
the mix for the WH. Ive been very impressed with him.

03-26-2010, 07:20 PM
Im a Palin fan and only voted for McAmnesty when she joined
the ticket. OMG, it was hard to vote for him!!!!!

I really like Boehner though I dont know that he is even in
the mix for the WH. Ive been very impressed with him.

It would help a lot if someone would get out in front. First though, November.

03-26-2010, 07:58 PM
the national tea party tour begins tomorrow. on its way to DC. 1st stop Nev. you know who's hometown


03-27-2010, 03:53 PM

55% Favor Repeal!

Just before the House of Representatives passed sweeping health care legislation last Sunday, 41% of voters nationwide favored the legislation while 54% were opposed. Now that President Obama has signed the legislation into law, most voters want to see it repealed.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, conducted on the first two nights after the president signed the bill, shows that 55% favor repealing the legislation. Forty-two percent (42%) oppose repeal. Those figures include 46% who Strongly Favor repeal and 35% who Strongly Oppose it.

More at link...

:lol:...Yeah, buddy...Them GOP candidates need ta git out thar and whip their base into a frenzy over repealing healthcare reform. That'll win 'em the election fer sure. :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

03-28-2010, 08:30 AM
But, more to the point, all the GOP talk about repealing heath care reform is just blowing so much smoke up the asses of its red-meat, wing-nut base.

Even IF the GOP takes back both the House AND Senate, any attempt to repeal health care reform will go down in flames under Obama's veto pen. As for the lawsuits being readied by attorney's general in several states:

<blockquote>“This whole campaign challenging the constitutionality is just the latest chapter in conservative right-wing scare tactics designed to frighten people,” said Simon Lazarus, public policy counsel to the National Senior Citizens Law Center. “It really is a natural heir to the death panels, the natural heir to the government takeover. Frankly they’re embarrassing from a legal standpoint. I am confident they will be summarily dismissed by even conservative federal judges.” - <a href=http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2010/03/24/2240759.aspx>MSNBC</a></blockquote>

Basically, Mr. Lazarus is saying that the GOP is just pissing in the wind with these lawsuits. And aren't Republicans against frivolous lawsuits anyways?

In either case, the Republican huffing and puffing about repeal and lawsuits is just that...So much hot air, with one goal in mind...Fund-raising.

GOP fund-raising letters are now chock full 'o talking points about carrying on the fight to repeal health-care reform. And if you don't send them gobs of cash <b><font color=red>NOW</font></b> the communistical, nazist, socialist, muslim Democrats will be at your doorstep demanding to eat your babies.

These desperate, fear-laden, sans fact pleas are nothing more than a means of separating fools from their money. And there are plenty of credulous fools out there who will cheerfully part with their money in support of the GOP.

03-29-2010, 06:51 PM

red states rule
03-30-2010, 04:38 AM
:lol:...Yeah, buddy...Them GOP candidates need ta git out thar and whip their base into a frenzy over repealing healthcare reform. That'll win 'em the election fer sure. :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

I hope they will run on repeal BP. Unlike Dems, Republicans will be doing what the voters want

One Week Later, 54% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill

One week after the House of Representatives passed the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats, 54% of the nation's likely voters still favor repealing the new law. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 42% oppose repeal.

Those figures are virtually unchanged from last week. They include 44% who Strongly Favor repeal and 34% who Strongly Oppose it.

Repeal is favored by 84% of Republicans and 59% of unaffiliated voters. Among white Democrats, 25% favor repeal, but only one percent (1%) of black Democrats share that view.

Only 17% of all voters believe the plan will achieve one of its primary goals and reduce the cost of health care. Most (55%) believe it will have the opposite affect and increase the cost of care.

Forty-nine percent (49%) believe the new law will reduce the quality of care. Sixty percent (60%) believe it will increase the federal budget deficit. Those numbers are consistent with expectations before the bill was passed.


red states rule
03-30-2010, 04:41 AM
But, more to the point, all the GOP talk about repealing heath care reform is just blowing so much smoke up the asses of its red-meat, wing-nut base.

Even IF the GOP takes back both the House AND Senate, any attempt to repeal health care reform will go down in flames under Obama's veto pen. As for the lawsuits being readied by attorney's general in several states:

<blockquote>“This whole campaign challenging the constitutionality is just the latest chapter in conservative right-wing scare tactics designed to frighten people,” said Simon Lazarus, public policy counsel to the National Senior Citizens Law Center. “It really is a natural heir to the death panels, the natural heir to the government takeover. Frankly they’re embarrassing from a legal standpoint. I am confident they will be summarily dismissed by even conservative federal judges.” - <a href=http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2010/03/24/2240759.aspx>MSNBC</a></blockquote>

Basically, Mr. Lazarus is saying that the GOP is just pissing in the wind with these lawsuits. And aren't Republicans against frivolous lawsuits anyways?

In either case, the Republican huffing and puffing about repeal and lawsuits is just that...So much hot air, with one goal in mind...Fund-raising.

GOP fund-raising letters are now chock full 'o talking points about carrying on the fight to repeal health-care reform. And if you don't send them gobs of cash <b><font color=red>NOW</font></b> the communistical, nazist, socialist, muslim Democrats will be at your doorstep demanding to eat your babies.

These desperate, fear-laden, sans fact pleas are nothing more than a means of separating fools from their money. And there are plenty of credulous fools out there who will cheerfully part with their money in support of the GOP.

Obamacare is clearly unconstitutional BP

This question is at the root of lawsuits filed by 14 states challenging Obamacare's requirement that those without health insurance must obtain it or face fines of $2,085 per household or 2.5 percent of income - whichever is greater.

Defenders of the new law point to the constitutional provision empowering Congress to regulate interstate commerce. The Supreme Court has long interpreted the Commerce Clause to extend well beyond what a common-sense reading would support. In the 1942 case Wickard v. Filburn, the high court ruled that farmer Roscoe Filburn could not grow wheat in excess of limits set by the 1938 Agricultural Adjustment Act. It did not matter that the wheat was grown on his own land for his own use - in this case feeding his chickens. According to the court, "control of total supply ... depends upon the control of individual supply." If enough farmers like Filburn grew their own chicken feed, they would not buy it, and this would have an impact on commerce nationwide. The Congress that can regulate Roscoe Filburn's chicken feed can regulate anything.

Still, Congress never claimed it could force people to take up farming or any other vocation. This is the radical interpretation of the Commerce Clause embedded in the health care bill. It is not a power to regulate commercial activity, but to compel it.

The change is unprecedented. All previous Commerce Clause cases have dealt with regulating pre-existing activity, but if someone is not buying health insurance, there is no commerce to regulate. The clause has never been used to compel private citizens not engaged in commerce to spend money on a government-mandated program. This is a new, extreme and potentially dangerous interpretation.


03-30-2010, 04:52 AM
But, more to the point, all the GOP talk about repealing heath care reform is just blowing so much smoke up the asses of its red-meat, wing-nut base..

Bully... a president tries to shove his agenda down our throats and the Supreme Court kills it on Constitutional grounds... Obama? No, FDR...

The National Recovery Act (NRA) was also declared unconstitutional as this will be... FDR's response? He tried to pack the Supreme Court.

That's the problem with Progressives, they are not interested in recovery but reform. They use the excuse of an economic crisis, e.g. The Great Depression and The Great Recession, to push through their programs. As someone on the members of FDR's administration once said.. "Why should the Soviets have all the fun of reinventing society?"

03-30-2010, 06:00 AM
As for repealing the worst aspects of the hcp? A lot will depend on November. If there are substantial loses to the Democrats, the chance of an override of veto goes way up. It will be much easier to secure the additional votes from those who fear the next election.

03-30-2010, 06:20 AM
Bully... a president tries to shove his agenda down our throats and the Supreme Court kills it on Constitutional grounds... Obama? No, FDR...

Don't recall y'all squealin' like stuck pigs when it was Dubbyuh doin' the shoving. You just wiggled your butts and screamed "Harder!".

The National Recovery Act (NRA) was also declared unconstitutional as this will be... FDR's response? He tried to pack the Supreme Court.

And Dubbyuh DIDN'T pack the SCOTUS with right wing ideologues?

That's the problem with Progressives, they are not interested in recovery but reform. They use the excuse of an economic crisis, e.g. The Great Depression and The Great Recession, to push through their programs. As someone on the members of FDR's administration once said.. "Why should the Soviets have all the fun of reinventing society?"

Recovery and reform go hand in hand. And never mind that the Bush administration used the excuse of national security crisis to jam the misnan=med "PATRIOT ACT" up our asses and launch an illegal war of aggression against a nation which had nothing to do with 9-11 on what we now know was a a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts?

Puleez. Y'all need to remember you current history with a little greater detail.

03-30-2010, 09:46 PM
But, more to the point, all the GOP talk about repealing heath care reform is just blowing so much smoke up the asses of its red-meat, wing-nut base.

Even IF the GOP takes back both the House AND Senate, any attempt to repeal health care reform will go down in flames under Obama's veto pen. As for the lawsuits being readied by attorney's general in several states:

<blockquote>“This whole campaign challenging the constitutionality is just the latest chapter in conservative right-wing scare tactics designed to frighten people,” said Simon Lazarus, public policy counsel to the National Senior Citizens Law Center. “It really is a natural heir to the death panels, the natural heir to the government takeover. Frankly they’re embarrassing from a legal standpoint. I am confident they will be summarily dismissed by even conservative federal judges.” - <a href=http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2010/03/24/2240759.aspx>MSNBC</a></blockquote>

Basically, Mr. Lazarus is saying that the GOP is just pissing in the wind with these lawsuits. And aren't Republicans against frivolous lawsuits anyways?

In either case, the Republican huffing and puffing about repeal and lawsuits is just that...So much hot air, with one goal in mind...Fund-raising.

GOP fund-raising letters are now chock full 'o talking points about carrying on the fight to repeal health-care reform. And if you don't send them gobs of cash <b><font color=red>NOW</font></b> the communistical, nazist, socialist, muslim Democrats will be at your doorstep demanding to eat your babies.

These desperate, fear-laden, sans fact pleas are nothing more than a means of separating fools from their money. And there are plenty of credulous fools out there who will cheerfully part with their money in support of the GOP.

Each decision will bring it up again in the news and keep it fresh in the minds of the public. It's actually quite a good idea to do that, we all know that Americans have extremely short attention spans.

red states rule
03-31-2010, 03:51 AM
Don't recall y'all squealin' like stuck pigs when it was Dubbyuh doin' the shoving. You just wiggled your butts and screamed "Harder!".

And Dubbyuh DIDN'T pack the SCOTUS with right wing ideologues?

Recovery and reform go hand in hand. And never mind that the Bush administration used the excuse of national security crisis to jam the misnan=med "PATRIOT ACT" up our asses and launch an illegal war of aggression against a nation which had nothing to do with 9-11 on what we now know was a a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts?

Puleez. Y'all need to remember you current history with a little greater detail.

Gee, and to think Obama signed a one year extension on the Patriotic Act BP

Must not be as bad as you thought - or have you become a racist like the rest of us? :laugh2:

(BTW BP, we are still in Iraq, and GITMO is still open)