View Full Version : Will the grown ups take over the GOP leadership?

03-26-2010, 04:35 AM
Now that the long slog on health-care reform is over and the fight over financial reform is about to start...Will the GOP continue it's unprincipled opposition to ANYTHING proposed by the Democrats in Congress?

Perhaps. Sen Bob Corker (R-TN), openly lamented the failure of the GOP to make any meaningful input to the financial reform legislation that passed out of the Senate Banking Committee. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) And Jim Webb (D-VA) ignored GOP leadership when if forbade a hearing on the military health system. Maine's Senators, Snowe and Collins broke from the GOP herd on same gender marriage. Does this mean that the grown-ups have finally stood up and re-asserted their control? In a word, no.

With David Frum, former Bush speech writer being sacked from his position at the American Enterprise Institute for suggesting that the GOP leadership basically stepped on its collective dick, would indicate otherwise. This for saying that the GOP stance on the health-care reform, now the law of the land, was Waterloo...for the GOP. Oh, and let's not forget, in his interview with ABC, Frum said that the GOP was working for FOX News.

Ideological purity trumps realistic assessment. In their silent acquiescence to the vitriolic rhetoric from the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of the country, the GOP has painted itself into a rhetorical corner. The GOP can't be seen as negotiating with the born-in-Kenya, communist/socialist/nazi, isn't-really-president Barack Obama. To do so would result in an immediate backlash from the right wing-nut noise machine...which is following an agenda that has more to do with ratings than the good of the country...And its equally rabid audience. Never mind that the audience has been misinformed by the same RWN noise machine.

Instead of doing the right thing and working for the American people, the GOP is going down the rabbit hole with the red-meat, lunatic fringe...now mainstreamed by American media outlets, including FOX Noise...And reflexively opposing anything offered up by the Obama White House or congressional Democrats. The scorched earth politics of the GOP will continue. The GOP leadership will continue to take its direction from the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of the American right. The grown ups will remain seated quietly in the background whilst the children run amok.

03-26-2010, 04:40 AM
As you posted, since the Democrats are continuing their policy of keeping the opposition out of participation in committee, I would expect that nothing is changing.

I have concerns about the GOP, have for a long time. However, if I were you I'd be much more worried about the party you align yourself with. Perhaps not, as you have become part of its problem. So much hubris, so little time.

03-26-2010, 09:19 AM
Man, Bully has become a walking talking bully parrot for the Commie party. go figure.

03-26-2010, 09:36 AM
Bully has been trumpeting the death of conservatism in the US for some time now. Nothing new. He does whine like a baby whne the Dems/libs take a rear seat on the political scene, so you can expect a lot of that come December.

I particulalry like the phrase "Ideological purity trumps realistic assessment". Nothing could better describe the Dems/lib philosophy better.