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View Full Version : *SHOCKER: Ayabs Unite Against Israel*

03-27-2010, 10:38 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey, the ayabs are going to unite against Israel over the building of housing in Jerusalem.
2. It's none of their business.
3. Stay the hell out!
4. Sure yall go and walk around in your white sheets and complain about some construction site, not even in your countries.
5. See who will listen, I sure won't be.
6. Lonk and Sample:http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.500e2d4ffe759c65d1a2e700cbe8558 7.361&show_article=1

"Arab leaders open their annual summit on Saturday determined to send a clear message to Israel that any plan to "Judaise" Jerusalem would spell doom for the Middle East peace process.
The summit is the first to be hosted by Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, the longest-serving Arab head of state who considers Israel the "enemy" and has frequently lambasted Arab countries who seek peace with the Jewish state. "


03-27-2010, 10:42 PM
Why do you care if they care or not?

Mr. P
03-27-2010, 11:04 PM
1. Hey, the ayabs are going to unite against Israel over the building of housing in Jerusalem.

Yer Prez, Bambam, started this party.

03-28-2010, 01:42 AM
Sorry bout that,

Why do you care if they care or not?

1. I care for the Jews because they are my brothers.
2. I don't care for the ayabs because they are not.
3. The Jews are The Chosen People, the apple of Gods eye.
4. That's not ever going to change.


03-28-2010, 01:49 AM
Sorry bout that,

Yer Prez, Bambam, started this party.

1. The President has checked himself out of the Israelie problem.
2. He snubbed Benjamin N. And refused to sit down and eat with him.
3. Worst mistake he has made since taking office.
4. I feel sorry for Mr. President.
5. Very bad choice on his part.


03-28-2010, 05:23 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. I care for the Jews because they are my brothers.
2. I don't care for the ayabs because they are not.
3. The Jews are The Chosen People, the apple of Gods eye.
4. That's not ever going to change.


You're Jewish?
And it's noted that even though we are all gods childen, some are his chosen, even though all are surly equal, but it is especially funny given they do not believe in Jesus methinks.

03-28-2010, 10:51 AM
Sorry bout that,

You're Jewish?
And it's noted that even though we are all gods childen, some are his chosen, even though all are surly equal, but it is especially funny given they do not believe in Jesus methinks.

1. In a way yes I am.
2. We are not all Gods children, do you think you are?
3. You denie God/Jesus, so why would you be his son?
4. You really need to start to take a closer look at who you say you are.
5. In my expert opinon you're screwed.
6. And you put yourself in that position.
7. Jews have the original unbreakable covenant, it's forever, eternal thing between God and the Jews, what the Christians have is basically an Amendment, or a confirmation of the first, which you don't have to have the confirmation if you have the original covenant.
