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03-28-2010, 10:51 AM
The financial realities of Obamacare are pretty stark as we see companies like AT&T, John Deere, and Caterpillar amending earnings reports per standard accounting rules, we are also going to see some truly ugly realities hitting Americans as Mitch Daniels lays out in the article below.

Link (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704094104575144362968408640.html?K EYWORDS=MITCH+DANIELS)

For now, we better start adjusting to our new status as good Europeans.

As if governors these days don't have enough on their plates. Now that ObamaCare has become law, there's a whole new to-do list for my state:

1) Plan for the termination of our Healthy Indiana Plan. This is the program that's currently providing health insurance to 50,000 low-income Hoosiers. With its health savings account-style personal accounts, it has been enormously popular among its participants. I hope those folks will do all right when they are pitched into Medicaid.

2) Start preparing voters for a state tax increase. The axe won't fall until someone else is governor. But when we are forced to expand Medicaid to one in every four citizens, the cost will add several hundred million dollars to the budget.

3) Check to see if Indiana should drop its health insurance plans and dump its government workers into the exchanges. Paying the new tax penalty might actually be cheaper for the state, as it will be for many private firms. I'm not certain the same rule applies to government as to business, but since no member of Congress read this entire bill before the vote, I don't feel embarrassed about not knowing.

4) Ramp up our job retraining programs to handle those who will be fired by our medical device companies, student loan providers, and small businesses as they wrestle with new taxes, penalties, or in the student loan case, outright nationalization of their business.

5) Call the state's attorney general to see if we can join one of the lawsuits to overturn ObamaCare. Yes, it's a long shot. But why not try?

6) Investigate an offset to all this extra cost. We may no longer need the Department of Insurance since insurers will now be operating as regulated utilities under the thumb of the federal government.

It's discouraging that all of this could have been avoided. Congress could have done what Republicans should suggest now: Shift to a system that allows individuals—not businesses—to buy health insurance tax free. They could also create tax credits for buying health insurance based on income and health status to guarantee everyone coverage and encourage medical care and insurance competition. Republicans should push to lower barriers for buying insurance across state lines, create incentives for states to repeal mandates, and limit frivolous lawsuits that increase the price of insurance.

But for the moment, our federal overlords have ruled. We better start adjusting to our new status as good Europeans.

03-28-2010, 11:10 AM
Mitch has been a great asset to the state of Indiana. He has actually kept us fiscally secure in the current mess. He has his finger on the pulse of the state and knows what he is talking about.

We as a state have been hit VERY hard with the auto and RV industry. I know some of you don't realize this but a great number of the medical implant device companies are here in Indiana.

'Biomet, Zimmer, DePuy, Paragon, and a slew of others are all in North Central Indiana in Warsaw. This town will be very hard hit by the increase of new taxes on the devices and what will these companies do??? Well they will start by laying off people and than raising their prices to offset the new cost.

One company in particular that makes pace makes has a profit of ~ 9 million dollars the new tax will take ~ 7.5 million of that profit to help pay for Obamacare. That leaves just 1.5 million to reinvest in the company and research and development. Do these moron govt employees now how much it takes to get something trough clinical trials???? They will have NO NEW DEVICES IN THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hope everyone is happy with the current health care because we will not see any advances in medicine due to NO PROFIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-29-2010, 07:26 AM
Mitch has been a great asset to the state of Indiana. He has actually kept us fiscally secure in the current mess. He has his finger on the pulse of the state and knows what he is talking about.

We as a state have been hit VERY hard with the auto and RV industry. I know some of you don't realize this but a great number of the medical implant device companies are here in Indiana.

'Biomet, Zimmer, DePuy, Paragon, and a slew of others are all in North Central Indiana in Warsaw. This town will be very hard hit by the increase of new taxes on the devices and what will these companies do??? Well they will start by laying off people and than raising their prices to offset the new cost.

One company in particular that makes pace makes has a profit of ~ 9 million dollars the new tax will take ~ 7.5 million of that profit to help pay for Obamacare. That leaves just 1.5 million to reinvest in the company and research and development. Do these moron govt employees now how much it takes to get something trough clinical trials???? They will have NO NEW DEVICES IN THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hope everyone is happy with the current health care because we will not see any advances in medicine due to NO PROFIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The company of which you speak is Zoll Medical. They make resuscitation devices (such as defribulators). I know the company well as my wife works for them. Their CEO has been keeping the employees well informed, especially since the company will probably have to move from Mass to where the labor and taxes are cheaper. He has already stated that R&D will be the first place they cut (they came out with 4 new products last year that are already saving lives). He also stated that they will obviously try to pass on as much of the tax burden as they can to the consumer (in this case that happens to be hospitals, ambulance services, clinics, and other emergency services) but the company cannot survive at what will essentially be "break even" levels. He also said that if they pass VAT they will be operating at a loss and thus be forced to shut down altogether.

So, IMO, the health care bill has pretty much cost some jobs, forced at least one company to seriously consider moving overseas (if not close altogether) and increase the cost of health care (passing increased costs to health care providers). The good news is that 30 million Americans will be have health insurance .... someday!

My wife is already looking for a new job.

03-29-2010, 09:06 AM
The company of which you speak is Zoll Medical. They make resuscitation devices (such as defribulators). I know the company well as my wife works for them. Their CEO has been keeping the employees well informed, especially since the company will probably have to move from Mass to where the labor and taxes are cheaper. He has already stated that R&D will be the first place they cut (they came out with 4 new products last year that are already saving lives). He also stated that they will obviously try to pass on as much of the tax burden as they can to the consumer (in this case that happens to be hospitals, ambulance services, clinics, and other emergency services) but the company cannot survive at what will essentially be "break even" levels. He also said that if they pass VAT they will be operating at a loss and thus be forced to shut down altogether.

So, IMO, the health care bill has pretty much cost some jobs, forced at least one company to seriously consider moving overseas (if not close altogether) and increase the cost of health care (passing increased costs to health care providers). The good news is that 30 million Americans will be have health insurance .... someday!

My wife is already looking for a new job.

And your not even taking into account the domino effect that will cause as other companies lose their business and have to cut back as well.

03-29-2010, 09:09 AM
ugh... if all our ortho companies have to cut just 10% of their workforce.... ugh...

03-29-2010, 09:18 AM
ugh... if all our ortho companies have to cut just 10% of their workforce.... ugh...

This country has not even begun to actually feel the effects (short or long term) of this health care bill yet. I can only imagine the unintended consequences of a 2000+ page piece of legislation! I have no doubt that the MSM and current administration will focus only on the miniscule benefits while ignoring the disasterous consequences. The libs will smugly congratulate themselves and the rest of the country will pay the horrible price.