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View Full Version : "Stop Bashing Our President, Barack Obama"

03-28-2010, 08:37 PM
Is this the typical view held by Obama supporters? I honestly don't know, but it really disturbs me that this kind of view is out there. It goes against everything that is American and evidences a lazy uselessness that takes my breath away.

Link (http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/110887-stop-bashing-our-president-barack-obama.html)

We voted for Barack Obama because he promised to take care of us. Our people, Obama's people, were enslaved by whites and forced to do labor for the white man. Now, generations later, we finally are going to be provided for because of what our ancestors did to build this nation. It's not reparations, it's simply fair. If I ask for a home, utilities and food, this is a basic set of necesssities my nation should provide for me. People who talk about "workfare" want to enslave us again. I know what my ancestors did. I know what they provided. That was their legacy, and now they can rest knowing their progeny can benefit because of their efforts and enslavement. Is that so difficult to understand? Obama promised me medical care, and he lived up to his promise. For each of my four children there is a promise that they can finally enjoy America without the fundamental concern of having to scrape out a living in a tough economy, knowing our President will provide us shelter, food, medical care and at least a little spending money for the simple things we want and need. This is a good thing, and I am proud finally to be an American citizen. The rich don't need all their money and Obama is seeing to it that the rich are punished for their greed and I am rewarded for my family's service to this great, wonderful country. God Bless America, and Praise Allah and Praise President Barack H. Obama. Love Him!

Cap'n Chew
03-30-2010, 06:40 AM
There are a lot of views out on the internet, some far more irresponsible and dangerous than this.

But no, this isn't the typical view of an Obama voter, or McCain voter, or your average American, conservative and liberal, for that matter.

03-30-2010, 08:19 AM
Is this the typical view held by Obama supporters? I honestly don't know, but it really disturbs me that this kind of view is out there. It goes against everything that is American and evidences a lazy uselessness that takes my breath away.It is the "typical view" of the 96% of black voters that support Obama...The rest had various alternative motives.

03-30-2010, 08:32 AM
Is this the typical view held by Obama supporters? I honestly don't know, but it really disturbs me that this kind of view is out there. It goes against everything that is American and evidences a lazy uselessness that takes my breath away.

Fortunately, I believe people like this are in the minority. But they're exactly the kind of people who will allow their vote to be purchased for a pack of smokes and they've been rounded up in sufficient numbers to elect the nanny-staters.

I don't believe there are enough of them to overcome the wave of voters who are finally fed up and ready to put an end to it.

03-30-2010, 08:56 AM
We voted for Barack Obama because he promised to take care of us. Our people, Obama's people, were enslaved by whites and forced to do labor for the white man. Now, generations later, we finally are going to be provided for because of what our ancestors did to build this nation. It's not reparations, it's simply fair. If I ask for a home, utilities and food, this is a basic set of necesssities my nation should provide for me. People who talk about "workfare" want to enslave us again. I know what my ancestors did. I know what they provided. That was their legacy, and now they can rest knowing their progeny can benefit because of their efforts and enslavement. Is that so difficult to understand? Obama promised me medical care, and he lived up to his promise. For each of my four children there is a promise that they can finally enjoy America without the fundamental concern of having to scrape out a living in a tough economy, knowing our President will provide us shelter, food, medical care and at least a little spending money for the simple things we want and need. This is a good thing, and I am proud finally to be an American citizen. The rich don't need all their money and Obama is seeing to it that the rich are punished for their greed and I am rewarded for my family's service to this great, wonderful country. God Bless America, and Praise Allah and Praise President Barack H. Obama. Love Him!

Nancy Pelosi

03-30-2010, 09:58 AM
Fortunately, I believe people like this are in the minority. But they're exactly the kind of people who will allow their vote to be purchased for a pack of smokes and they've been rounded up in sufficient numbers to elect the nanny-staters.

I don't believe there are enough of them to overcome the wave of voters who are finally fed up and ready to put an end to it.Unfortunately, I do not share your optimism for the motivations of many American voters...If you will, let's honestly consider three very important points for a minute:

First, if George W had been an economicly and all around successful President, many white Americans who voted for Obama would not have, but would it have affected the 96% of black voters who supported him?

Second, we have an enormous number of young people who have been indoctrinated in the universities to support wealth redistribution through government programs and taxes, embrace socialism and literally hate capitalism.

Third, we must never forget those pesky liberals who are the pawns of the progressive extremist who will never give up untill they have witnessed the end of capitalism and realized their dream of a perfect marxist utopia.

IMO, there are those in this nation who no matter what, will be loyal to any political party or politician that promises a socialist, cradle to grave government, no matter how good or bad America is doing at any particular time.

With age comes wisdom and many of the young will someday realize their mistake but untill then, all three groups are now a threat to capitalism, democracy, the republic of America, our way of life and above all, our liberties.

03-30-2010, 11:35 AM
it was acceptable for this moron to bash Bush ???? but not Osama. got it.

03-30-2010, 12:17 PM
No, it's not the typical attitude of people who voted for Obama.

Their attitude is, "The government should provide all those things for other people in this country, the ones who 'need' it. And I might grab a few tidbits as it goes by, they'll never miss it."

The above is also the attitude of various socialist politicians, in and out of the White House, who push it 24/7 in an attempt to convince voters they are doing something good for them, to get their votes. It also enables them to accuse their opponents of "starving children, dispossessing old people, etc." (sound familiar?).

See the difference?