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04-02-2010, 06:50 AM
Yesterday, a terrorist was sentenced to life in prison...with no chance of parole for 50 years. Given the terrorist's age, he will die in prison. The terrorist was not an Arab, nor even a Muslim. He was Scott Roeder, murderer of Dr. George Tiller. At his sentencing, he was unrepentant and even defiant.

His past was also checkered, and even relevant to today's resurgence of right wing violence. In the 1990's he was a member of the "Montana Freemen", an anti-government group...a militia. He was arrested after being stopped for a license violation when bomb-making supplies were found in the trunk of his car.

No matter how you slice it, Scott Roeder's murder of George Tiller was an act of domestic terrorism. And those who condone and support the actions of those like Roeder, who take violent action in the pursuit of political goals, are terrorists as well.

04-02-2010, 07:02 AM

If only people everyone thought the same about Ayers. Rather than prasing him as a reformed Statesman ect ect.

04-02-2010, 07:19 AM

If only people everyone thought the same about Ayers. Rather than prasing him as a reformed Statesman ect ect.


04-02-2010, 07:28 AM
Wow, remember when this incident and this man would of been labeled as a murderer.

now the Bully has taken up the commie lingo of labeling his fellow men and women of the United States as TERRORIST for the murder of a abortion doctor..

I never thought I'd see this day.

04-02-2010, 07:37 AM
Wow, remember when this incident and this man would of been labeled as a murderer.

now the Bully has taken up the commie lingo of labeling his fellow men and women of the United States as TERRORIST for the murder of a abortion doctor..

I never thought I'd see this day.

Bully's inference that all murderers are terrorists, while a bit of a stretch depending on how you define "terrorist" is plausible. His inference that all domestic terrorists are right wingers is pure bullshit.

04-02-2010, 05:47 PM
can we stop lumping everyone as a terrorist

We have islamic terrorists, or jihadists that commit that vast majority 75-95% of the world's terrorism, vs the 5-25% of non islamic terrorism

why do we need to feel good about ourselves to point out, yay, white people are terrorists too, infact were awful

it makes no sense to me

that being said, i hope this asshole rots in prison

Yesterday, a terrorist was sentenced to life in prison...with no chance of parole for 50 years. Given the terrorist's age, he will die in prison. The terrorist was not an Arab, nor even a Muslim. He was Scott Roeder, murderer of Dr. George Tiller. At his sentencing, he was unrepentant and even defiant.

His past was also checkered, and even relevant to today's resurgence of right wing violence. In the 1990's he was a member of the "Montana Freemen", an anti-government group...a militia. He was arrested after being stopped for a license violation when bomb-making supplies were found in the trunk of his car.

No matter how you slice it, Scott Roeder's murder of George Tiller was an act of domestic terrorism. And those who condone and support the actions of those like Roeder, who take violent action in the pursuit of political goals, are terrorists as well.

04-02-2010, 05:58 PM
...martin can I ask were you get your vastly fluxing numbers from, or have you just made them up to try and make a point?

04-02-2010, 06:04 PM
It was a number I heard somewhere.

IF you wanna prove me wrong, go ahead. It wont be the first time :coffee:

but no, I was NOT trying to be bombastic

...martin can I ask were you get your vastly fluxing numbers from, or have you just made them up to try and make a point?

04-02-2010, 06:07 PM


04-02-2010, 06:13 PM
It was a number I heard somewhere.

IF you wanna prove me wrong, go ahead. It wont be the first time :coffee:

but no, I was NOT trying to be bombastic

Right, well it sounds pretty made up to me. I don't even know how anyone would go about calculating the number of terrorist actions in the world, never mind anything else.

And if you have no way of verifying your wildly inaccurate number then I don't see why you would construct a post around it.

04-02-2010, 06:17 PM
im working on posting an exact number, but feel free to post too ya know.

Right, well it sounds pretty made up to me. I don't even know how anyone would go about calculating the number of terrorist actions in the world, never mind anything else.

And if you have no way of verifying your wildly inaccurate number then I don't see why you would construct a post around it.


That means that fundamentalist Islam, the Islam of virtually all terrorists, is not a fringe movement. The 9/11 suicide bombers were Salafi Muslims as are 95% of the world's terrorists and 99.99% of Islamic terrorists.


ONE HUNDRED percent of the terrorists ever identified in the war on terror are Muslim. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.

90 percent of all terrorist attacks - muslim terrorists
over 90 percent of worldwide terrorism commited by muslim terrorists
well over 90 percent of all suicide bombings commited by muslims
anywhere between 29 to 30 world conflicts involve muslims making up well over 90 percent of the world conflicts..

almost every single terrorist attack in which a 100 poeple or more died in the past year commited by muslim terrorists, infact upwards of 99 percent.

90 percent of all car bombings in which civilians were killed done by muslim terrorists


wether its a honor killing in texas or arizona, or a suicide bombing of a girls school in pakistan, or a car bomb in iraq.. or attack on the un compound in afghanistan, from israel to yemen, from the philipines to thialand .. this disease this epedimic is taking root in the world.. and unfortenatly the cowardice of the west stops us from dealing with these terrorists and political correctness stoping us from defending ourselfs and identifying our enemy.

04-02-2010, 06:30 PM
Well firstly I can't see how you can put a number on terrorism. I mean, when Saddam Hussian was in power, where those in his country that oposed him terrorists or freedom fighters? Where they counted or not?

What about the French resistence in world war two...terrorists? Republicians in Northern Ireland, terrorists? It all depends on perspective, thus trying to put a number on terrorism is doomed to fail.

04-02-2010, 06:35 PM
Im not a scholar on what is and what is not terrorism

Personally, the internet doesnt give much information, but ive heard numbers on this.

Since 1975, what percentage of the world's terrorism has been by muslims, christians (which book doesnt say kill the infidel, and jews?

Well firstly I can't see how you can put a number on terrorism. I mean, when Saddam Hussian was in power, where those in his country that oposed him terrorists or freedom fighters? Where they counted or not?

What about the French resistence in world war two...terrorists? Republicians in Northern Ireland, terrorists? It all depends on perspective, thus trying to put a number on terrorism is doomed to fail.

04-02-2010, 06:41 PM
Im not a scholar on what is and what is not terrorism

Personally, the internet doesnt give much information, but ive heard numbers on this.

Since 1975, what percentage of the world's terrorism has been by muslims, christians (which book doesnt say kill the infidel, and jews?

Ofcourse the Internet will not have information on. It, because it's an impossible question to answer.

Though I do agree that Islam is a religion bent on power. Like every other religion. And they are happy to weild the sword in order to have power.

04-02-2010, 06:54 PM
my main point is that islam overall, accounts for the vast majority of the worlds terrorism

I simply think we should have two catagories, islamic terrorism, and other terrorism

I could be wrong on the number, but thats ok.

I respect you and your opinion noir, and enjoy speaking with you on this and other issues

cheers :cheers2:

Ofcourse the Internet will not have information on. It, because it's an impossible question to answer.

Though I do agree that Islam is a religion bent on power. Like every other religion. And they are happy to weild the sword in order to have power.

04-02-2010, 08:08 PM
Bully's inference that all murderers are terrorists, while a bit of a stretch depending on how you define "terrorist" is plausible. His inference that all domestic terrorists are right wingers is pure bullshit.

How do you figure? Roeder acted from extremist ideological motives in pursuit of a political agenda. The very definition or terrorism

<blockquote><b>Main Entry:</b> ter·ror
<b>Pronunciation:</b> \ˈter-ər, ˈte-rər\
<b>Function:</b> noun

<b>4 :</b> violent or destructive acts (as bombing<i> or murder</i>) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands - Merriam-Websters On-Line Dictionary</blockquote>

Not all right wingers are terrorists. Only those that engage inviolence to further their political agenda...be it right or left.

As for Bill Ayers...He and his left wing fellow travelers committed acts of terrorism in the 60's and 70's. The only reason they weren't convicted for those acts was the FBI's violation of federal law and the Fourth Amendment in their surveillance of the Weather Underground. The case was thrown out on that basis and they pled to lesser crimes. Their actions also met the definition of terrorism, but they never killed anyone as members of the radical anti-abortion movement have.

If you want to play apologist for the radical anti-abortionists, and the acts of terror they have inspired, that's your choice. But it makes you no better than them.

04-02-2010, 08:39 PM
As for Bill Ayers...He and his left wing fellow travelers committed acts of terrorism in the 60's and 70's. The only reason they weren't convicted for those acts was the FBI's violation of federal law and the Fourth Amendment in their surveillance of the Weather Underground. The case was thrown out on that basis and they pled to lesser crimes. Their actions also met the definition of terrorism, but they never killed anyone as members of the radical anti-abortion movement have.

If you want to play apologist for the radical anti-abortionists, and the acts of terror they have inspired, that's your choice. But it makes you no better than them.

Waitwhat? You think I'm playing apologist? You fool. I am saying that all terrorist scum are terrorist scum.

You seem to be the one saying that some terrorists are not as bad as others.

Tis a tad hypocritical, no?

04-05-2010, 04:17 PM
Waitwhat? You think I'm playing apologist? You fool. I am saying that all terrorist scum are terrorist scum.

You seem to be the one saying that some terrorists are not as bad as others.

Tis a tad hypocritical, no?

Sorry 'bout that lad. Didn't mean to give you that impression. Firstly, the apologists are those who can cheerfully condone the acts of Scott Roeder. Thus they are no better than him, or his fellow travelers.

Secondly, the use of violence,...or its threat...to intimidate citizenry or governments to adhere to a particular agenda is nothing more than an indefensible act of moral cowardice by cannot make a moral argument for their cause.

04-05-2010, 05:27 PM
Sorry 'bout that lad. Didn't mean to give you that impression. Firstly, the apologists are those who can cheerfully condone the acts of Scott Roeder. Thus they are no better than him, or his fellow travelers.

Secondly, the use of violence,...or its threat...to intimidate citizenry or governments to adhere to a particular agenda is nothing more than an indefensible act of moral cowardice by cannot make a moral argument for their cause.

for crying out loud, get off your moral high horse Bully. NO one here or anyone I know would "condone" what this idiot did.

you are sounding more like a Progressive shrill parrot each and every day. Demanding we apologize or condemn things we had nothing to do with, and now labeling any American citizen who doesn't fall into what your ideas or your Progressive party are, as terrorist.

now go take a :chillpill:

07-03-2010, 10:21 AM
Yesterday, a terrorist was sentenced to life in prison...with no chance of parole for 50 years. Given the terrorist's age, he will die in prison. The terrorist was not an Arab, nor even a Muslim. He was Scott Roeder, murderer of Dr. George Tiller. At his sentencing, he was unrepentant and even defiant.

His past was also checkered, and even relevant to today's resurgence of right wing violence. In the 1990's he was a member of the "Montana Freemen", an anti-government group...a militia. He was arrested after being stopped for a license violation when bomb-making supplies were found in the trunk of his car.

No matter how you slice it, Scott Roeder's murder of George Tiller was an act of domestic terrorism. And those who condone and support the actions of those like Roeder, who take violent action in the pursuit of political goals, are terrorists as well.

Scott Roeder is no less than a terrorist. The fact that some here refuse to see that is frightening. Even more so than Scott Roeder intended.

I am an American and I refuse to allow trash like Roeder to significantly interrupt my life.



07-03-2010, 09:03 PM
domestic terrorists are a bit threat to us