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View Full Version : Rush VS Chris Matthews - The "Regime" Question

red states rule
04-05-2010, 07:05 PM
So now Chris Matthews is upset over Rush Limbaugh calling the current administration a regime?

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Well Chris seems to have another case of selective memory loss


It appears that Matthews has suffered a major memory loss. I don't have the facilities to search for every utterance of Joe McCarthy, but a look at more recent times reveals many, many, many examples of the phrase "Bush regime." In fact, a search of the Nexis database for "Bush regime" yields 6,769 examples from January 20, 2001 to the present.

It was used 16 times in the New York Times, beginning with an April 4, 2001 column by Maureen Dowd -- who wrote, "Seventy-five days into the Bush regime and I'm a wreck" -- and ending with a March 6, 2009 editorial denouncing the "frightening legal claim advanced by the Bush regime to justify holding [accused terrorist Ali al-Marri]."

"Bush regime" was used 24 times in the Washington Post, beginning with a January 22, 2001 profile of Marshall Wittmann by Howard Kurtz -- who noted that Wittmann served as "a Health and Human Services deputy assistant secretary in the first Bush regime" -- and ending with an October 6, 2009 column by Dana Milbank which quoted far-left antiwar protester Medea Benjamin questioning whether the Obama administration "looks very different from the Bush regime."

Perhaps Matthews missed all of those references. If he did, he still might have heard the phrase the many times it was uttered on his own network, MSNBC. For example, on January 8 of this year, Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak said that, "In George Bush's regime, only one million jobs had been created…" On August 21, 2009, MSNBC's Ed Schultz referred to something that happened in 2006, when "the Bush regime was still in power." On October 8, 2007, Democratic strategist Steve McMahon said that "the middle class has not fared quite as well under Bush regime as…" On August 10, 2007, MSNBC played a clip of anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan referring to "the people of Iraq and Afghanistan that have been tragically harmed by the Bush regime." On September 21, 2006, a guest referred to liberals "expressing their dissatisfaction with the Bush regime." On July 7, 2004, Ralph Nader -- appearing with Matthews on "Hardball" -- discussed how he would "take apart the Bush regime." On May 26, 2003, Joe Scarborough noted a left-wing website that "has published a deck of Bush regime playing cards." A September 26, 2002 program featured a viewer email that said, "The Bush regime rhetoric gets goofier and more desperate every day."

Finally -- you knew this was coming -- on June 14, 2002, Chris Matthews himself introduced a panel discussion about a letter signed by many prominent leftists condemning the Bush administration's conduct of the war on terror. "Let's go to the Reverend Al Sharpton," Matthews said. "Reverend Sharpton, what do you make of this letter and this panoply of the left condemning the Bush regime?"


red states rule
04-05-2010, 07:47 PM
No wonder the ratings for "Hardball" is nearly nonexistent. Here is Chris' reasoning on why people listen to Rush

Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, took after Rush Limbaugh for his use of the word "regime" and "junta" in talking about Barack Obama's presidency. After playing a clip of the talk radio host making fun of Matthews, for making fun of Limbaugh's use of the word regime, the Hardball host and his panelists charged Limbaugh and his listeners of trying to de-legitimize the President and accused them of racism. MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe even went as far to insist the opposition to the President is all about "his color." Matthews also went on to hysterically claim Limbaugh's listeners are only tuning in because they're "mad at their kids" for supporting Obama.

MATTHEWS: But could it be that these people who are listening to him on the radio are just mad at the kids? Because their kids disagree with them! The kids don't think this guy is illegitimate. The kids want the health care bill! The kids voted for him!


04-05-2010, 07:53 PM
No wonder the ratings for "Hardball" is nearly nonexistent. Here is Chris' reasoning on why people listen to Rush

I LOVE IT!!! The progressives are imploding!! And, it's really fun to watch.


red states rule
04-05-2010, 07:57 PM
I LOVE IT!!! The progressives are imploding!! And, it's really fun to watch.


Look at the numbers

Fox News destroys Chris by nearly 3 to 1 :laugh2:

and look how bad Keith loses to O'Reilly :laugh2:


04-06-2010, 02:17 AM
Hey RSR - do you know anything about a Randi Rhodes....I've caught her on satellite radio once or twice and she gives me road rage .... I used to think Alan Colmes was the only left wing idiot on radio but she takes the cake.

Not that I want Fox to give these people air time, but if they put clips of these people on once in a while America would realize a lot sooner how looney the left has become.

Progressives are extremists out to destroy individualism and create a collective, one world order.

red states rule
04-06-2010, 03:56 AM
Hey RSR - do you know anything about a Randi Rhodes....I've caught her on satellite radio once or twice and she gives me road rage .... I used to think Alan Colmes was the only left wing idiot on radio but she takes the cake.

Not that I want Fox to give these people air time, but if they put clips of these people on once in a while America would realize a lot sooner how looney the left has become.

Progressives are extremists out to destroy individualism and create a collective, one world order.

I know she is another failed liberal talk show host

Her is one of her more telling statments:

It takes two seconds to tell the truth and it costs nothing. A lie takes time and it costs everything.

and here is Randi playing the roles as liberal victim

Was Randi Rhodes Mugged by 14 Bloody Marys?

As reported here in NewsBusters yesterday, liberals immediately began blaming conservatives for the supposed mugging of Air America talk show host Randi Rhodes on a New York street. After much blame cast in the leftwing blogosphere against evil rightwing muggers as the culprits, it turned out that there was no mugging in the first place. Supposedly it was just an accident.

However, there is now some interesting speculation as to just what caused Randi's non-mugging. Here is an interesting observation made by commentator GBW over at Gawker.com in a post amusingly titled, Was Talk Show Host Randi Rhodes Jumped By 14 Ketel Ones?:

Randi Rhodes was no more assaulted by a right-wing fanatic on Monday than Dick Cheney was. She, in fact, fell down and injured her teeth outside of a Midtown Irish bar at around 6 o'clock Sunday evening after downing about fourteen Ketel One Bloody Marys. She was abusive to the barstaff and generally gross, crass, loud, and pretentious. I genuinely hope she has a speedy recovery. I never would've disclosed this (I believe that anyone should feel free to hang out at Irish pubs at any time and not be concerned about someone publishing their behavior) if Air America hadn't grossly interpreted a drunken indiscretion and allowed it to be morphed into some bullish rhetoric on air. Whatever journalistic integrity the station may have ever had is now completely compromised. The manipulation of the public diminishes any cause, whether just or fabricated.

So far the only major news outlet to mention the Bloody Mary possibility has been the New York Post in an article titled, RANDI RADIO DAZE:

The mystery was deepened by the facts that Rhodes didn't file a police complaint or call an ambulance to take her to the hospital.

The story was the buzz of the blogosphere. There were hundreds of postings on the subject.

An anonymous contributor to Gawker.com said Rhodes fell after drinking 14 Bloody Mary's at a Midtown Irish pub.


and read how the libs carried the water for her by saying a right winger attacked her


red states rule
04-06-2010, 06:15 PM
Hey RSR - do you know anything about a Randi Rhodes....I've caught her on satellite radio once or twice and she gives me road rage .... I used to think Alan Colmes was the only left wing idiot on radio but she takes the cake.

Not that I want Fox to give these people air time, but if they put clips of these people on once in a while America would realize a lot sooner how looney the left has become.

Progressives are extremists out to destroy individualism and create a collective, one world order.

Here is Randi trying to spin Rush's massive ratings. Does anyone detect a bit of jealousy on her part?

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