View Full Version : Sharing God Like Moments

04-06-2010, 01:19 PM
When I am in my hammock outside under the walnut trees, swaying back and forth in the breeze and listening for all the sounds I find that I have to slow my mind down to sort through all the beautiful and annoying sounds in order to hear the symphony of sound underneath everything.

When things get so slow and a butterfly lands on my hand and I feel the slight tickle of its furry feet and the gentle sway of the waving wings and I can almost hear it's thoughts ........... it's joy in the beauty of the day, the warmth, the abundance of nectar and pollen, the gentle warm air currents as it flits around the yard.

It is during moments like this that I take the time to stop and give gratitude to God and Mother Nature for allowing me to witness and participate in a moment that reminds me of the awesomeness of life on a very minute, daily basis - things that are happening all around me that I'm so blind to because I'm focused on living my life.

Laying down in the middle of the lawn and having my doggie run over and lick and lay on my face and neck cause he's so happy I'm down at his level and he can shower me with adoration and perhaps entice me to act silly and play for a while. Just allowing God to show me what I can experience when I stop and pay attention and focus on the things I want to be sure and be grateful for.

If anyone wants to share their little God moments in this thread it would be wonderful. See if you can actually find a minimum of five God moments today and write them down and be grateful for them.

04-06-2010, 02:47 PM
I awoke this morning and saw a light...It was the sun reminding me that God has given me another day.

I thank God for this day and all I am blessed with, knowing full well that tomorrow is promised to no one.

04-06-2010, 04:38 PM
I have webshots as my screen saver and have downloaded a hundred or so scenes from their nature collection....things ranging from the spiral shape of a new fern leaf to a Hubble shot of the Crab nebula.....every one of them gives me a God moment....