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View Full Version : Health care overhaul spawns mass confusion for public

04-07-2010, 07:20 AM
Two weeks after President Barack Obama signed the big health care overhaul into law, Americans are struggling to understand how — and when — the sweeping measure will affect them.

Questions reflecting confusion have flooded insurance companies, doctors' offices, human resources departments and business groups.

:lmao: oh man. too funny. Do any of these people even listen?
We tell them it's not free, that there are going to be things in place that help people who are low-income, but that ultimately most of that is not going to be taking place until 2014," McLean said.
I knew all of this information back when they started really arguing about it. That makes you wonder... were all the people that "supported" this health care sweep... did they really understand it?

fav line:
'Where do we get the free Obama care, and how do I sign up for that?'


04-07-2010, 03:32 PM
The only immediate changes, as far as I"ve heard.

"Children" up to age 26 can be on their parents insurance.

Children up to age 18 can't be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

Other than that NO CHANGES until 2012. Well, I should say no changes, other than your taxes will go up for the next two years so the gov. can make enough money to pay for obamacare.

The people who thought things would magically change right away need to switch the channel over to Fox or at least cruise through the Internet. Idiots.

Mr. P
04-07-2010, 03:48 PM
The only immediate changes, as far as I"ve heard.

"Children" up to age 26 can be on their parents insurance.

Children up to age 18 can't be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

Other than that NO CHANGES until 2012. Well, I should say no changes, other than your taxes will go up for the next two years so the gov. can make enough money to pay for obamacare.

The people who thought things would magically change right away need to switch the channel over to Fox or at least cruise through the Internet. Idiots.

That bolded one doesn't even go into effect until Sept.