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red states rule
04-10-2010, 07:50 AM
I hope the parents of the kids tell these liberal idiots to go to hell.

I wonder if one of our former members sits on this commission?

The little girls' room won't be just for little girls anymore, if the Maine Human Rights Commission has its way.

The commission is taking heat over a controversial proposal to ban schools from enforcing gender divisions in sports teams, school organizations, bathrooms and locker rooms. It says forcing a student into a particular room or group because of his or her biological gender amounts to discrimination.

The issue came to light last year when the commission ruled that, under the Maine Human Rights Act, a school had discriminated against a 12-year-old transgender boy by denying him access to the girls' bathroom.

Now the commission aims to issue guidelines on how schools should deal with similar situations in the future. It would make Maine the first state to implement such guidelines for schools as young as preschool and nursery -- and even some private schools.

But not everyone in the state is on board with the current proposal.

Some school districts and organizations have criticized the commission for making its initial ruling without getting enough input from conservative groups, and then for coming up with proposed guidelines in what some described as closed-door sessions.

"The conservative side was never brought in on the discussion in the first place, if you look at who gave testimony, written testimony, etc., in the beginning,” Rev. Bob Celeste of Harrison told FoxNews.com. “When you only bring one side in, you’re not looking for an honest debate. You’re looking for an agenda.”

Once it came time to vote on the guidelines, the commission again came under fire for not doing enough to inform Mainers of the vote, and for not allowing the public to speak at the hearing where it was held.

“We found out about this hearing by accident. We were never informed of it,” said Celeste, who was the first person to speak out at the March hearing.

“When I went to the hearing I expected to ask, ‘Why are they doing this?’ And they said that they weren’t going to have public hearings,” he said. “I said ‘Mr. Chairman, it’s getting late, when are we going to be able to ask questions?’ and he said, ‘You can’t.’”

Celeste says he then walked out of the meeting, but other outraged citizens got very vocal after his departure and apparently persuaded the commission to postpone the vote.

Now those critics are looking to get their voices heard again at a public hearing on the issue next month.


04-10-2010, 06:44 PM
This really pisses me off. Get the transgenders their own damn bathroom and let the little girls have their own and the little boys have their own. I do not want children being forced to believe there are no differences between the sexes. There are definite differences and I like it that way!

Anyway, since when are there transgenders in pre-school??

It would make Maine the first state to implement such guidelines for schools as young as preschool and nursery

Plus .... little girls shoudn't have to sit on seats that little boys have dibbled on. :laugh2:

04-10-2010, 06:46 PM
mixed sports teams are great voluntarily but men do have an advantage over women hence gender specific teams. It wouldn't be fair to the girls.

red states rule
04-11-2010, 07:56 AM
The ultimate in PC on equality? I would really like to understand how a girl going into the girls room is discrimination.

04-11-2010, 07:56 AM
show me a '12 year old transgender' kid, and I'll show you a kid who was unfortunate enough to be born to vile, weak, horrible parents who likely wanted to be the kids' FRIEND more than they wanted to do their job. :( Breaks my heart to see a kid so young, SO f'd up in the head. :(

04-11-2010, 10:10 AM
kids can show transgendered tendency as young as 4.

red states rule
04-11-2010, 10:19 AM
kids can show transgendered tendency as young as 4.

Hope the hell you never become a parent LN. This is one of the more sick liberal ideas to be offered

04-11-2010, 10:27 AM
I think we have to go with biology here and not mental condition. If a boy is biologically male, meaning DNA, then even if he has his penis reshaped into a vagina, he is a still a boy and must use the boys restroom.

Abbey Marie
04-11-2010, 12:18 PM
I think we have to go with biology here and not mental condition. If a boy is biologically male, meaning DNA, then even if he has his penis reshaped into a vagina, he is a still a boy and must use the boys restroom.

I agree.

04-11-2010, 12:50 PM
^^ Righto.

Thing is - I don't much care about that sorta thing = bathrooms, etc...Doesn't bother me for adult situations. What bothers me is people in authority allowing and encouraging deviant, destructive behaviour in kids in the name of 'tolerance'.

04-11-2010, 01:36 PM
I think we have to go with biology here and not mental condition. If a boy is biologically male, meaning DNA, then even if he has his penis reshaped into a vagina, he is a still a boy and must use the boys restroom.

Imagine this ..... a civilian working at the local armory is a transgender. He thinks he is a woman but still has his male equipment .... wants to use women's bathroom......ladies say no. The men say no he can't use their room either. So a system was developed that when he wanted to go to the bathroom he had to get a female to check that no one was in the women's room, and then he went in and she had to stand guard at the door to keep other females from going in. The men refused to be cooperative....told him if he wanted to go in there he could take his chances on what he would find and no one was going to protect him by guarding the door!

What a waste of time and money. I said they should have moved a porta-potty in for him to have all to him/herself.

04-11-2010, 01:50 PM
Imagine this ..... a civilian working at the local armory is a transgender. He thinks he is a woman but still has his male equipment .... wants to use women's bathroom......ladies say no. The men say no he can't use their room either. So a system was developed that when he wanted to go to the bathroom he had to get a female to check that no one was in the women's room, and then he went in and she had to stand guard at the door to keep other females from going in. The men refused to be cooperative....told him if he wanted to go in there he could take his chances on what he would find and no one was going to protect him by guarding the door!

In this situation the transgender needs to use the mens room. If he is feeling threatened by the men then he needs to contact the authorities.

04-11-2010, 02:13 PM
In this situation the transgender needs to use the mens room. If he is feeling threatened by the men then he needs to contact the authorities.

What - contact the authorities because he found men standing at a urinal peeing! :laugh2::laugh2:

Wow....I guess that would be scary if one was already afraid of his own penis.

They weren't threatening him with harm...........just that they weren't going to worry about his sensibilities and put their penises away. :thumb:

04-11-2010, 02:23 PM
What - contact the authorities because he found men standing at a urinal peeing! :laugh2::laugh2:

Wow....I guess that would be scary if one was already afraid of his own penis.

They weren't threatening him with harm...........just that they weren't going to worry about his sensibilities and put their penises away. :thumb:

ahhh haha yeah, I gotcha. I would say tough luck to him. Nothing should change.

04-11-2010, 03:17 PM
Ooooh so now little girls will have to share bathrooms with little boys, eh? Sooo.....even then, they'll still have that he/she child using it. And they'll still have the same problems....He/she will still be ridiculed and tormented by other kids..... God..........this just looks like another liberal mess that the kids are going to have to learn to deal with......Just great.........What about the rights of those other children? Aren't those little girls allowed to use the rest rooms without fear of being taunted, and harassed by little boys?

04-11-2010, 03:20 PM
I think we have to go with biology here and not mental condition. If a boy is biologically male, meaning DNA, then even if he has his penis reshaped into a vagina, he is a still a boy and must use the boys restroom.

I'm just wondering as to how many 12 year old he/shes have already had their penis' reshaped....

04-15-2010, 10:01 PM
UPDATE - looks like the outcry had an affect!!!


The Maine Human Rights commission appears to be backing off of a proposal to ban schools from enforcing gender divisions in sports teams, school organizations, bathrooms and locker rooms.

After FoxNews.com reported last week on the commission’s draft guidelines for how schools should accommodate transgender students, members decided Monday to cancel a public hearing on the issue and indefinitely postpone its work on the brochure entitled “Sexual Orientation in Schools and Colleges.”

“They made a decision not to move forward at this time with the guidance,” Patricia Ryan, executive director of the Maine Human Rights Commission, told the Bangor Daily News. “They are feeling that they want some time. There are cases coming before them and they want to figure out the best way to receive public input.”

Ryan and Commission Counsel John Gause did not return e-mails and phone calls from FoxNews.com regarding the decision.

The commission came under fire over the brochure after holding a meeting last month to vote on the guidelines where the public was not allowed to speak.

related links
Maine Commission Moves to Ban Gender Specific Bathrooms, Sports Teams in Schools
After angry Mainers voiced their opinions anyway, the commission voted instead to hold a public hearing in May so all sides could be heard.

But with no date set for the hearing, critics insisted the commission didn’t want to hear about the possible negative impacts of the proposal, which said students ranging from nursery school to post-doctorate could not be required to supply any documentation to prove they were transgender before being allowed to enter the bathroom, locker room, sports team or organization of their choice.

"The reality is, every day we’re seeing more and more cases of exploitation of children and others, and this would be creating an environment where the risk is increased for that exploitation," Ken Trump, President of National School Safety and Security Services, told FoxNews.com.

Now it appears, even without the hearing they’ve caught the commission’s attention, which, according to the Daily News, appeared to unanimously agree that work on the proposal should be halted, for now.

Abbey Marie
04-15-2010, 11:02 PM
Thanks for the update, mkp. :beer:

04-15-2010, 11:13 PM
Thanks for the update, mkp. :beer:

04-16-2010, 10:22 AM