View Full Version : Terry Bradshaw spells it out for Ben Roethlisberger

04-13-2010, 11:43 AM
When Terry Bradshaw quarterbacked for the Pittsburgh Steelers, the perception among fans and players was that Bradshaw was, to put it kindly, a simple-minded man.

Maybe that perception was fair, maybe it wasn't. Given recent events, though, I think we can safely say that Bradshaw can never be known as the dumbest Steelers quarterback of all time. Ben Roethlisberger(notes) has wrestled that title away, about as forcefully as Mike Tyson took his first world title from Trevor Berbick.

Speaking at the annual Terry Bradshaw-Kix Brooks Golf Tournament on Monday, Bradshaw was asked about Roethlisberger's recent unsavory issues. From KTBS, here's the advice Bradshaw laid out for Roethlisberger :

"I hardly ever went a club -- ever -- in 14 years in Pittsburgh. Count 'em on one hand. I was petrified of the problems you can get into. And I almost got into -- it's there, believe me.

"There's nothing greater if you're single than to walk into a bar with beautiful women, and have them just fill your ego up. And you ask yourself, 'Would they pay any attention to you if you weren't, you know, who you are?' Of course not. Because I'm not that attractive, and neither is Ben. So it's nice that you can do that (Bradshaw flicks his arm, mimicking throwing a football).

"But he's got to be careful. Stay out -- I don't want to give him any advice, because he's not going to pay attention to me. [...] He's got an image problem right now. Best thing to do is don't ever put yourself in that position again. When you're through playing football, do whatever you want to do, but right now, stay clean. Stay out of trouble. Stay out of bars. Keep yourself clean."

Link (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Terry-Bradshaw-spells-it-out-for-Ben-Roethlisber?urn=nfl,233742)

04-14-2010, 08:36 AM
Why goto the bar when he probably has a million dollar mansion to hang out in?

04-14-2010, 09:09 AM
Why goto the bar when he probably has a million dollar mansion to hang out in?

Because he likes the attention and he probably has a pretty big ego to feed.

04-14-2010, 02:49 PM
Sadly, I cannot disagree with any of you and definitely not with my hero, Terry Bradshaw. I always hoped Ben would be the next Bradshaw, but he needs to button up, lay low and be the leader of the team if he ever expects to live up to what Bradshaw did for Pittsburgh. I think Ben has the arm and skill to do so, but being a leader calls for much more than just athletic talent.

04-14-2010, 03:03 PM
Sadly, I cannot disagree with any of you and definitely not with my hero, Terry Bradshaw. I always hoped Ben would be the next Bradshaw, but he needs to button up, lay low and be the leader of the team if he ever expects to live up to what Bradshaw did for Pittsburgh. I think Ben has the arm and skill to do so, but being a leader calls for much more than just athletic talent.

Big Ben thinks he is a stud :laugh2:

Seriously Bradshaw gave sound advice, it isn't fair to have to watch for money hungry people but it is what he has to do

04-14-2010, 08:29 PM
Terry Bradshaw is not the idiot he is perceived to be or portrays himself to be.

Terry is a wise ole bird who is just having fun while keeping a low mental profile.

But occassionally he allows us a sneak peek into the real inner workings of his mind.

04-15-2010, 11:22 PM
I always did like Terry, well said!
