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View Full Version : If TPartiers WERE racist homophobes why do liberals hav to fake it to make em look th

04-13-2010, 01:22 PM
We are hearing more and more that some groups called "CrashTheTeaParty" wants to infitrate their members in to TEA party meetings, and at opportune time will start shouting racits or anti-same-sex things, to make it look like genuine TEA party people feel that way.

Soounds like the leftists are admitting that TEA party people DON'T feel that way, and the liberals have to fake it to make them look like they do.


04-13-2010, 01:26 PM
Were you listening to Fox News awhile ago? A guy made that same EXCELLENT point. :)

04-13-2010, 01:28 PM
I don't see why... let them have their different points of views. You wanna contest them? Then show up and provide your point of view. But no... you have to run a smear campaign that was probably thought up by someone higher on the ladder.

04-13-2010, 02:53 PM
We are hearing more and more that some groups called "CrashTheTeaParty" wants to infitrate their members in to TEA party meetings, and at opportune time will start shouting racits or anti-same-sex things, to make it look like genuine TEA party people feel that way.

Soounds like the leftists are admitting that TEA party people DON'T feel that way, and the liberals have to fake it to make them look like they do.


Worst yet is the fact that this is now a wides spread news story..and how long will it take for the media to report these occurrences as real events coming from the tea party goers and not frauds?

04-13-2010, 05:03 PM
We are hearing more and more that some groups called "CrashTheTeaParty" wants to infitrate their members in to TEA party meetings, and at opportune time will start shouting racits or anti-same-sex things, to make it look like genuine TEA party people feel that way.

Soounds like the leftists are admitting that TEA party people DON'T feel that way, and the liberals have to fake it to make them look like they do.


Indeed. The very point I've been trying to make for months now. The vast majority of Conservatives, Libertarians, and disgusted Democrats that make up the Tea Parties, are not racist, homophobes. The left wishes they were, trying to make them appear to be thus, but they will fail.

Without a doubt I'm certain of the folks I know, they are not against anyone that is looking for lower taxes, higher productivity in both public and private sectors, less government intrusion in our lives, and lower debt down the road for our children. They don't want the Federal government running our health care or our schools. They no more care about the color of skin or what goes on in PRIVATE, in fact they would stand up for those that are determined to pit citizens against citizens over anything other than ideals.

04-13-2010, 05:05 PM
Worst yet is the fact that this is now a wides spread news story..and how long will it take for the media to report these occurrences as real events coming from the tea party goers and not frauds?

Hi Bonnie! I suppose it depends upon whether it's the legacy media or new media. ;)

04-13-2010, 07:26 PM
Hi Bonnie! I suppose it depends upon whether it's the legacy media or new media. ;)

Sadly it doesn't matter because any gotcha media will be happy to post a story with no proof, after all it's merely the seriousness of the charges:puke:.

Hopefully we are at a point where most people already know this.

04-13-2010, 11:39 PM
Many have asked about the news that there may be "infiltrators" at tea parties around the nation. A website (crashtheteaparty.org) was recently set up. The creator, though he tried to hide his identity, has been outed; his name is Jason Levin, and he's a middle school teacher in Beaverton, Oregon. He's on record (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103302803667&s=44203&e=001C0ehzFdCPnuNSXDV_MeR36DY4IdO0ZnK5N3CdO23FkoUj 0bgVKOKrxdaFTh4zgKo_4N_2PlAsclIjN4vvXcIc9qLvyhuiI0 nxEgXjj9lsUOgXkLr_Z_VwoRRW0Uj657Po70sjUyaa-CMIARaYSN4ygfEn7cHyrhrBccrpwKE8jPry7eaC3-eVeFeV3eKI0k6nv2MgPTPk1MJwiweE_ysZQBDWu_Ep5i48nJbs ZbLH509dze6bwowvg==) saying that you might see some of his team in Nazi uniforms at your local tea party pretending to be racists and other offensive characters. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy doesn't it? And one has to ask the question; if tea partiers are racist, anti-Semitic homophobes, and it's so obvious, why does he need to plant people who pretend to be those things at your tea parties? Ah...leftist logic and tactics...there is no way to understand their twisted thoughts. But you do need to know what the left is up to.

And by the way, if you'd like to let Mr. Levin's school district know what you think of his behavior, and his potential influence on public school students in Beaverton, Oregon, you can contact them here (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103302803667&s=44203&e=001C0ehzFdCPnuwbprNZnpEpeMlhK2rxThk0aFFvbIZ_HRsI ZHU-9vqF9LoqlFCdEYHzDfsc0WDAZ6zXY2tR3VozZy6rKnJNkYcneZ BOu34gjPmB2lntFapBf-69I0ayw-bfzVM35KO3tyOSa_iKtvO6G-0KmAwFmvtWVnFxaIwAm8=). And you can reach the Principal at his school, Mr. Zan Hess, at this number: (503) 524-1345. If you choose to contact them, in direct contrast to Mr. Levin's behavior, please be polite. Remember, just because he's exposed himself publicly as a vile, indecent human being who will stoop to Nazi symbolism, and the promotion of racism and bigotry to silence those with whom he disagrees, doesn't mean everyone in the school district is bad.

04-14-2010, 04:04 AM
Sadly it doesn't matter because any gotcha media will be happy to post a story with no proof, after all it's merely the seriousness of the charges:puke:.

Hopefully we are at a point where most people already know this.

Sort of like the media and the story of Tea Partiers carrying assault weapons at rallies, in the report they showed an image of a white, militia looking individual, but in truth the individual carrying the weapon was a well-dressed black man.

So much for journalistic integrity it has been missing in action for the last few decades.
