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View Full Version : In San Jose, Ca., I Saw A Fuel Cell Powered Transit Bus

01-17-2007, 06:18 PM
I live in San Jose, Calif., and just the other day while driving home, I saw a county transit bus that looked a little different from the norm. It had a higher roofline, as the roof appeared to be thicker than a normal bus. It had "fuel cell powered" painted on it. Anyway, I noticed that as it was driving through an intersection at perpendicular to me that little "puffs" of steam or vapor would exit out of the roof about 2/3rds down from the front of the bus. The steam or water vapor or something-vapor didn't exit constantly, but came out intermittently; maybe every few seconds, and just a short little puff.

I assume that the vapor/steam has something to do with the fuel cell powered system's exhaust?
Anyway, have any of you folks seen anything similar to this where you live or on your travels?

I'll wager that this bus is prohibitively expensive, and couldn't come near paying for itself in passenger faire revenues without massive government subsidizing.

Any fuel cell powerplant experts out there that would tell me about the vapor or steam coming out the roof area?

01-17-2007, 06:57 PM
I'm pretty sure it's water vapor.