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View Full Version : Communist Party USA sues Democrat Party for stealing platform

04-13-2010, 02:41 PM
This is the supreme irony of ironies. The CPUSA is accusing the Democrats of doing exaclty what the Communist Party has been trying to do for so many years. And the most ironic part: It's true!



Communists Sue Democratic Party For Stealing Platform

4/12/2010, 5:27 pm

In a surprise move, the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) has announced a lawsuit against the Democratic Party and its leadership for the alleged theft of intellectual property. The plaintiffs claim that the entire so-called "new" Democratic agenda is, in fact, the product of a decades-long, painstaking campaign by CPUSA theorists, agitators, and underground subversive cells - which makes it the intellectual property of the Communist Party USA, protected by American copyright laws.

"They stole our entire platform, rebranded it 'progressive', and claimed it as their own," declared a CPUSA spokesperson at a press conference in San Francisco. "And we communists say, not so fast! Not in this country anyway, where we still have property rights and the rule of law, thank God! Actually, let me rephrase that..."

The Communist Party representative explained that government ownership of the auto and financial industries, redistribution of wealth, and free rationed healthcare have always been among the glorious CPUSA objectives: "We held on to these goals through all the difficult years of factional infighting, purges, denunciations, and heroic espionage on behalf of the Soviet intelligence services.

"This may seem like a foreign idea to you, but we sacrificed everything for it - our friends, our neighbors, and our nation. We suffered from all kinds of ulcers and split personality disorders by blindly following Stalin's directives. We risked our chances of promotion within US government agencies by dutifully advancing Soviet foreign policy. And for what? So that some spoiled Democrats could ride on our backs to power while throwing us crumbs in the form of minor cabinet appointments?

(Full text of this article can be read at the above URL)


P.S. Yes, it's a spoof. But it contains so much truth, that the humor achieves that sublime level that Democrats alone could only hope for.

P.P.S. Be careful when you make jokes about the behavior of Democrats and other socialists. Before long, you usually find the Demos DOING the exact things you joked about... only they aren't joking.