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View Full Version : Disappointing tea party rally tonight....

04-15-2010, 09:31 PM
Tonight we were supposed to go see Sean Hannity live at a tea party rally in Cincinnati. We get there and find out that he left after doing his radio show and no one knew why. A LOT of people wew pretty upset.

We went in anyway and got to hear Joe the plumber and a few other good speakers. Before we left,an organizer came out and said he wanted us to know the truth about what happened with Hannity. Apparently the show was set to go and Mediamatters.org ran a story that Fox news and the tea party were profiteering......WHAT?

Apparently it WAS a big lie since tickets to the event were mostly $5. The guy said NO money was being made from this by anyone,which we believe. Fox news saw the story,grabbed Hannity and got the hell outta town .We were soooo disappointed. It wasn't Hannitys fault,but why would Fox wimp out like this because of a rumor on a liberal website?!!!!

Going to see if I can find it now

04-15-2010, 09:36 PM
sorry,was typing too fast and had to edit about 5 times:laugh2:

04-15-2010, 09:41 PM
Tonight we were supposed to go see Sean Hannity live at a tea party rally in Cincinnati. We get there and find out that he left after doing his radio show and no one knew why. A LOT of people wew pretty upset.

We went in anyway and got to hear Joe the plumber and a few other good speakers. Before we left,an organizer came out and said he wanted us to know the truth about what happened with Hannity. Apparently the show was set to go and Mediamatters.org ran a story that Fox news and the tea party were profiteering......WHAT?

Apparently it WAS a big lie since tickets to the event were mostly $5. The guy said NO money was being made from this by anyone,which we believe. Fox news saw the story,grabbed Hannity and got the hell outta town .We were soooo disappointed. It wasn't Hannitys fault,but why would Fox wimp out like this because of a rumor on a liberal website?!!!!

Going to see if I can find it now

Because Fox News is one station and a cable station at that. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and the others would be viewed as telling the truth if they all tell the same story. Fox was probably picking it's battles.

04-15-2010, 09:56 PM
This may be the story Fox news was scared of. Problem is,there was no money at all going to the tea party. That was clear by the cheap price of the tickets. They said they were lucky to break even. The stage alone costs a fortune the speaker at the rally said.


I hate when media reports things wrong!!!!

04-15-2010, 10:00 PM
Maybe it was this one


04-16-2010, 01:06 AM
Maybe it was this one


I found this:

Fox News yanks Sean Hannity from Cincinnati Tea Party rally he was set to star in
April 15, 2010 | 2:50 pm

Angry Fox News executives ordered host Sean Hannity to abandon plans to broadcast his nightly show as part of a Tea Party rally in Cincinnati on Thursday after top executives learned that he was set to headline the event, proceeds from which would benefit the local Tea Party organization.

Rally organizers had listed Hannity, who is on a book tour, as the headliner of the four-hour Tax Day event at the University of Cincinnati. The rally, expected to draw as many as 13,000 people, was set feature speakers such as “Liberal Facism” author Jonah Goldberg and local Tea Party leaders. Participants were being charged a minimum of $5, with seats near Hannity’s set going for $20, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer, which reported that any profits would go to future Tea Party events. Media Matters for America noted that Hannity’s personal website directed supporters to a link to buy tickets for the Cincinnati rally.

But senior Fox News executives said they were not aware Hannity was being billed as the centerpiece of the event or that Tea Party organizers were charging for admission to Hannity’s show as part of the rally. They first learned of it Thursday morning from John Finley, Hannity's executive producer, who was in Cincinnati to produce Hannity's show.

Furious, top officials recalled Hannity back to New York to do his show in his regular studio. The network plans to do an extensive post-mortem about the incident with Finley and Hannity's staff.

“Fox News never agreed to allow the Cincinnati Tea Party organizers to use Sean Hannity’s television program to profit from broadcasting his show from the event," said Bill Shine, the network’s executive vice president of programming. "When senior executives in New York were made aware of this, we changed our plans for tonight’s show.”

Critics of Fox News have accused the network of promoting the Tea Party even as it covers the political movement as a news story. A spokeswoman for the network said that Neil Cavuto was the only host other than Hannity at a Tea Party event Thursday, stressing that Cavuto was covering the Atlanta event for both Fox News and Fox Business Channel, not attending as a participant. Carl Cameron provided news coverage of the Tea Party events around the country out of Washington.


04-16-2010, 05:05 AM
Arrrgg. I don't see what was wrong with helping out some group he believes in. We'll see how it works out.

From what Glenn Reynolds wrote, seems Cincinnati was still a big success!

04-16-2010, 05:53 AM
Mrs. KP, I found this link about the Hannity issue from Cincinnati Tea Party:


04-16-2010, 05:55 AM
you didn't miss much. Hannity, bleh, freakin con artist,

04-16-2010, 05:57 AM
I wonder why these people never speak out about the obvious bias of the other major news networks?

These people have absolutely no credibility...Fox is by far the fairest and most balanced TV news source.
"Unequivocally, from our standpoint, this is wrong," declared Kevin Smith, president of the Society of Professional Journalists.

Alicia Shepard, ombudsman for National Public Radio, also found fault with the plan. "If the job of a news organization is to present the facts in an unbiased way and if Fox is charging people to raise money for a political cause, then they are undermining their mission to be fair and balanced,"

Frank Sesno, who spent 21 years at CNN in Washington and now serves as director of the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University, said: "It violates virtually every rule of every ethical guideline that journalism covers. The idea that you would support a [political] movement and ask your audience to pay for it."

Bob Steele, one of the premiere media ethics experts at The Poynter Institute in St, Petersburg, Fla., said it does raise a clear ethical issue.


04-16-2010, 08:49 AM
you didn't miss much. Hannity, bleh, freakin con artist,

Well,LN In my opinion,I did miss a lot. So did a lot of other people. As I said earlier,NO ONE was profiting from this event. The tea party organizer even ran down with us what things were costing to put on the event. With tickets so cheap, no way was money being made.

Sean Hannity is paid to give his opinion. I have trouble with the criticism on this. MSNBC campiagns for the Democratic party and Obama every day.:dunno:

Fox will hear a backlash on this one. People stood in line for hours to get books signed by Hannity as well. Some people drove from other states. Not to mention the money we spent for the tickets and parking. It was like going to see a headliner rock band and only getting to watch the opener.:lame2:

04-16-2010, 08:58 AM
I also should add that any rumors of the tea party attendants being "angry" or "violent" are so far from the truth. This crowd couldn't have been more friendly,politeand well behaved....even tho their headliner wasn't there. The media are complete liars. There were a total of two "protesters" there . One was a woman with an Obama sign just walking around and the other guy had a sign that said: "where are all the fine black women?":laugh2: I asked him what that was supposed to mean and he said there are no black women in the tea party. I told him they are more than welcome if they want to join. Meanwhile,there was a "fine" black woman in the rally giving a damn good speech.

04-16-2010, 09:32 AM
Once Fox News was in a defensive mode the other stations won. They, the liberal media, effectively rewrote Fox's programming and had the Tea Party Rallies removed from the National spotlight. FNN execs need to grow a set.

04-16-2010, 09:43 AM
Once Fox News was in a defensive mode the other stations won. They, the liberal media, effectively rewrote Fox's programming and had the Tea Party Rallies removed from the National spotlight. FNN execs need to grow a set.

I totally agree. I'm just blown away that Fox would give in to anyone. My mom made it home from the rally in time to watch Hanniyts show last night. She said it was horrible because they flew him back to NY from Cincinnati and threw a show together in a couple of hours.

Local news reported last night that Hannity was very frustrated and very sorry for what happened. If the powers that be at Fox wouldn't have jumped the gun,they would no there was no profit. Now,just a lot of struggling people that wasted money.

The tea party is obviously a threat to the MSM and their agenda. They expected 13,500 people at that rally last night.Pretty good for a "party" thats only been around for a year.

04-16-2010, 02:08 PM
you didn't miss much. Hannity, bleh, freakin con artist,

This, coming from someone who wants to go see Hillary? :uhoh: :puke3:

04-16-2010, 04:06 PM
I turned on hannity to see what the tea party was like and they didn't even mention it. He was suppose to do a whole show on it. I have been very disappointed in FOX for a while now and this just sank them even father in my opinion. If they are that afraid of a little controversy they need to throw in the towel now.

04-16-2010, 07:42 PM
I turned on hannity to see what the tea party was like and they didn't even mention it. He was suppose to do a whole show on it. I have been very disappointed in FOX for a while now and this just sank them even father in my opinion. If they are that afraid of a little controversy they need to throw in the towel now.

Hannity didn't talk about it on his radio show either. I have a strong feeling he is being told to keep his mouth shut and let it blow over. Fox has apparently been critisized heavily for "promoting" the tea party lately.

04-18-2010, 05:00 AM
Krisy, I came across this, it looks to me like FOX is the culprit here. Lots more at site, including the email:


Update: Fox And The Cincy Tea Party

Update: I've obtained permission to publish an email forwarded to me and posted it in full below. For the record, the permission did not come from the original sender named therein.

Instapundit links to a Mediate item which cites Debbier Schlussel. While her narrative may fit somewhat, Schlussel has been on an anti-Hannity kick recently fwiw. I've had some contact with folks from the TP group in question. I've also read an internal email I don't yet have permission to publish.

It does appear to have been a Media Matters op that got to Fox News. I've been told there were no special prices for seating near Hannity's set, said prices were set before any cooperation with Sean's show was established. They were floor-priced seats, some of which would be re-arranged to accomodate the set.

There were also VIP seats at $100 a pop which came with passes to a restaurant and seating closer to the speakers. But it's said that had nothing to do with Hannity's set. If people thought that, they were either just wrong, or misinformed somehow.

It's claimed that planning for the event was underway when it was learned Hannity was coming to Cincinnati for his book tour on Tax Day and was planning a separate event. The group held off on signing a site contract because of the risk of competing events. They thought they might actually lose attendees if Hannity's event drew people away.

At that point there was some contact with Fox producers and they agreed to loosely cooperate, but no contract, or cost sharing was in effect. Sean would cover the event for Fox and would broadcast his show from Cincinnati. It was assumed it would be win win for everyone. The event gained the spotlight on the message, Fox got a great backdrop for a show.

The group and Fox each had their own site contracts. While they loosely coordinated schedules for the event, Fox had no contract with the TP group, nor any financial interest in what went on. No money was exchanged between Fox and the Cincinnati Tea Party or Hannity and the Cincinnati Tea Party.

It's claimed that Fox knew the arrangements were not done in a manner that would compromise the network but caved anyway. Fox people on site huddled at the event and word broke of Hannity canceling before organizers were informed. Eventually organizers did talk with the Fox people there. They felt it was made to sound as if it was a personal emergency on Sean's part and that he may not even do a show. It's possible that the network had a guest host ready to go and as best I can tell, that would be Fox's call, not Sean's if he went ahead...

04-18-2010, 12:18 PM
Palin spoke in louisville, I didn't go but bunch a teapartiers did.

04-18-2010, 01:56 PM
Krisy, I came across this, it looks to me like FOX is the culprit here. Lots more at site, including the email:


Thanks Kathianne. My mom was sent some kind of e mail explaining things as well. Fox us Cincinnatians an apology. They jumped the gun and apparently have told Hannity not to speak about it.

04-18-2010, 02:52 PM
Thanks Kathianne. My mom was sent some kind of e mail explaining things as well. Fox us Cincinnatians an apology. They jumped the gun and apparently have told Hannity not to speak about it.

I agree. Seems to have been very shabby to those that came out and those that planned it. Left the TP to hold the bag.

Mr. P
04-18-2010, 07:56 PM
Come on folks, Hannity does not a Tea Party make. It's NOT a celebrity event.

04-25-2010, 11:03 AM
Come on folks, Hannity does not a Tea Party make. It's NOT a celebrity event.

True....but a lot of people were looking forward to seeing him. Just disappointed in that sense. The kids were excited too about being on a live tv show. We were planning to go before we knew he was going to be there tho. Looking forward to the next one!

04-29-2010, 09:36 PM
Tonight we were supposed to go see Sean Hannity live at a tea party rally in Cincinnati. We get there and find out that he left after doing his radio show and no one knew why. A LOT of people wew pretty upset.

We went in anyway and got to hear Joe the plumber and a few other good speakers. Before we left,an organizer came out and said he wanted us to know the truth about what happened with Hannity. Apparently the show was set to go and Mediamatters.org ran a story that Fox news and the tea party were profiteering......WHAT?

Apparently it WAS a big lie since tickets to the event were mostly $5. The guy said NO money was being made from this by anyone,which we believe. Fox news saw the story,grabbed Hannity and got the hell outta town .We were soooo disappointed. It wasn't Hannitys fault,but why would Fox wimp out like this because of a rumor on a liberal website?!!!!

Going to see if I can find it now

Last summer, here in Wisconsin, Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher a.k.a. (Joe the Plumber) spoke at our tea party. We had a wonderful turn out. So sorry yours did not go as planned! At least voices were heard which is the true spirit of the tea party movement!!!:salute: