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View Full Version : Anybody go to a TEA Party yesterday (April 15)?

04-16-2010, 11:56 AM
I did, and I brought a bunch of flyers about Federal spending, that I ran off. See one at:


This TEA party was pretty minor as TEA Parties go. people were gathering at every Post Office in San Diego, bringing signs, pamphlets, all the usual stuff, and displaying them for all those lucky people who were coming to mail their checks to Uncle Sam. We guessed that most of the people getting refunds, had already sent in their returns long ago. But the people who had to pay more (including moi, $6200 on top of what was already withheld) were carefully waiting to the very last day. And we weren't disappointed. Saw a LOT of thumbs-up gestures (yes, they WERE thumbs, I checked carefully), a lot of smiles and honked horns, and met a lot of pretty nice people.

TEA Partiers were spread out among all the different Post Offices, so there were never more than a few hundred in any particular place, I understand. Not sure how many Post Offices there are in San Diego, but I'd guess the turnout was pretty good overall, especially for something that wasn't advertised at all.

Anybody else do this in your town?

P.S. I'm re-activating my website, after a long hiatus. See the first few bits of it at:


Enjoy! :D