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View Full Version : I Want My Vacation! It's A Human Right!!!

04-20-2010, 07:56 AM


Vacationing a human right, EU chief says


The European Union has declared travelling a human right, and is launching a scheme to subsidize vacations with taxpayers' dollars for those too poor to afford their own trips.

Antonio Tajani, the European Union commissioner for enterprise and industry, proposed a strategy that could cost European taxpayers hundreds of millions of euros a year, The Times of London reports.

"Travelling for tourism today is a right. The way we spend our holidays is a formidable indicator of our quality of life," Mr. Tajani told a group of ministers at The European Tourism Stakeholders Conference in Madrid on April 15. Mr. Tajani was appointed to his post by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi....

04-20-2010, 08:33 AM
that is a load of grade A horse crap right there.

04-20-2010, 08:45 AM
we already have it. its called unemployment benefits, welfare etc...........

04-20-2010, 01:51 PM
Well of course travel vacations are a right. Liberals believe healthcare is a right. Why not vacations? Why should some people have the ability to go on a vacation to a resort and others cannot? Or to put it another way, the quality of life some provide for themselves should be provided for everybody. This logic doesn't need to stop with vacations, nice houses, current electronic household devices, nice automobiles, a full wardrobe, all of these things contribute to a quality of life that should be provided for everybody. It should make no difference that some actually earn these things for themselves and other do not.

Abbey Marie
04-20-2010, 03:09 PM
Kath, your post just made my bp go up. Because you know that we here end up following Europe's lead in these crazy quasi-Socialistic schemes. I expect the ultimate end to this insanity is forcing vacationers to host poorer folks in our hotel rooms and vacation homes so they can go too?

04-20-2010, 03:51 PM
Kath, your post just made my bp go up. Because you know that we here end up following Europe's lead in these crazy quasi-Socialistic schemes. I expect the ultimate end to this insanity is forcing vacationers to host poorer folks in our hotel rooms and vacation homes so they can go too?
Indeed. Sounded more like something from the Onion, but it really was legit.