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View Full Version : *Islam Offended Over Cartoons AGAIN!!*

04-21-2010, 08:44 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Another rearing up of what islam is, they say you can't have free speech, but they have to be allowed free speech in order to threaten the people behind the cartoon South Park.
2. They showed am image of a U-Haul van he was riding in, which shows what islam really is, its exposives in transit to a murder site.
3. Thats islam folks, and its the whole truth.
4. Then they show muhammed as a bear, how is that being insensitive to islam?
5. Ever noticed that the word ham is in muhammed?
6. Anyway, why should free people in this world ever listen to what islam says?
7. And why do we put up with it?
8. Link and sample:http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/TV/04/21/south.park.religion/?hpt=Sbin

"This is a show, after all, that once painted God as a gap-toothed rhinoceros-monkey, portrays Satan as a simpering milquetoast and regularly features Jesus as a superhero -- the kind who's not afraid to ignore the peaceful teachings of the Sermon on the Mount to smite his opponents. The show has mocked Jews, Catholics, Mormons, Scientologists and atheists, among (many) others.

It's a formula that's generally served "South Park" well, allowing it to score comic points by riffing on hypocrisy while emphasizing a message of libertarianism and tolerance, and it's one that goes back to the show's beginnings, points out former Dallas Morning News TV critic Ed Bark, who blogs at UncleBarky.com. After all, he recalls, the show began as a Christmas short violently pitting Santa Claus against Jesus.

But have they gone too far this time with a depiction of the Prophet Mohammed in a bear suit?

In the beginning, it wasn't so much the religion that bothered observers but the language used by the series' pint-sized cast, he said.

"The most shocking thing back then was, you had little kids exercising a vocabulary that you hadn't heard before [from children]," he said. "I go back to the days when [the sitcom] 'Uncle Buck's' 'You suck' was a major point of contention on a CBS sitcom and everybody went crazy about 'how can they have an 8-year-old kid saying this?' And then 'South Park' ratcheted that way up."

However, the show can still ruffle feathers."


04-21-2010, 09:38 PM
Okay, so they can write letters. I'm certain it'll go into the circular filing cabinet with all the other umpteen million people who've wrote in going, "You bastards!" I mean, seriously, I'm an Irish Catholic ex-sailor who's also a gamer. do you have any idea how many times they've made fun of me in that show? It just doesn't bug me.

04-21-2010, 10:00 PM
Revolution Muslim was offended by cartoon writers, yet there website is all about terrorism to our country our President and non muslims in general.

04-21-2010, 10:04 PM
Sorry bout that,

Revolution Muslim was offended by cartoon writers, yet there website is all about terrorism to our country our President and non muslims in general.

1. No surprise there, that is islam.


04-25-2010, 09:43 PM
muslims :laugh2: