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View Full Version : Clinton was right: Whines about govt policy ARE leading to violence

04-24-2010, 08:15 PM
Last week, impeached former President Bill Clinton commented that people saying bad and undeserved things about government policy, could lead to violent behavior by reckless and irresponsible people.

Though a number of conservatives (including myself) ridiculed the idea, his words have turned out to be completely true.

The Arizona state legislature passed a bill cracking down on illegal aliens within the state, making it a state crime to be inside Arizona in violation of Federal law. This gives police within Arizona the power to arrest people who are in the country illegally, and even to investigate their immigration status if the policeman has probable cause to suspect the person is an illegal alien.

President Barack Obama grumbled that this bill was an "irresponsible" act by the Arizona legislature, though he mentioned in passing that the Federal govt had also been irresponsible. He called the Arizona bill various names such as "misguided", and bizarrely asserted that the bill somehow "undermine[d] basic notios of fairness", though he failed to identify how it was unfair that Arizona police could do no more to suspected illegal aliens than they could already do to suspected bank robbers or suspected drunk drivers.

Shortly after Obama's baseless comments about the Arizona state government's policy, protests began in Arizona as people supporting the illegal aliens, began carrying signs, and shouting the usual slogans and insults. In an eerie reflection of Bill Clinton's words, some of the protests turned violent, as fights began and people started throwing things at police.

Clinton had never specified exactly who he believed would start such violence. Many thought he was referring to people (mostly conservatives) who supported TEA party rallies. But it turned out that no conservatives started any such violence at or near the TEA parties after Clinton's warning. Leftist fanatics were responsible for nearly all the violence before Clinton spoke, and now at the pro-illegal-alien protests, liberals and other leftists are once again the ones starting the fights and assaulting police. In at least one instance, rioting was reported (see article below).

I want to publicly apologize to Bill Clinton for my mistaken criticism of his warnings about irresponsible words about government policy, leading to violence. I now see that I was wrong, and that the impeached former President called this one correctly.



Small Riot Breaks Out at Immigration Protest

Updated: Friday, 23 Apr 2010, 7:16 PM MDT
Published : Friday, 23 Apr 2010, 4:21 PM MDT

The fight over Senate Bill 1070 took to the streets of downtown Phoenix, as riot Police were called to the Capitol to control an unruly group of protesters.

Witnesses say a group protesting against SB1070 began to fight with a man who was for the controversial immigration bill.

Police tried escorting that man away from the scene, fearing for his safety, when they too came under attack by people throwing items, including water bottles.

A young man was arrested during that melee.

Things calmed down moments later, but riot Police remained at the capital to maintain some sort of order.

Earlier in the day, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed SB1070 into law.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

cat slave
04-25-2010, 10:10 AM
How "humanitarian" was that? This is the hoard the government is pushing
down our throats to buy their votes and keep them in power.

This is only the beginning and anyone will fight back when pushed into a corner.

04-26-2010, 03:26 AM
Speaking of violence at the protests ..... posted this in the other thread about the AZ Immigration bill but think it is pertinent to this thread as well.

Thought you all might find this amusing....

My daughter lives in Tucson and she has to drive through downtown past the courthouse to get to my granddaughter's school. Last Friday the anti-immigration protestors were out in force and causing havoc downtown. My daughter, who's husband and inlaws are Mexican, has a strong "dislike" for illegals because her inlaws and their family did it legally.

Anyway, while driving to the school the protestors were stopping traffic by stepping into the road and "sauntering" (her words) across the street whether they had the light or not. She is not a patient person and these people were causing her to be late picking up her daughter.....so she "almost" ran over a couple of the ladies.....kinda got too close .... and ended up causing a situation.....anyway, a policeman pulled her over and said "I can give you a ticket for that" and she said "fine, give me a ticket and then give each and every one of those protestors a ticket for crossing against the light!!". He just laughed at her and told her to get out of there and take a different route home.

Boy, was she mad when she called me .........