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View Full Version : what are you (politicallly) angry about

04-25-2010, 09:47 PM
1. Illegal aliens
2. radical islamic infiltration into the u.s.
3. Record deficits
4. Women and men not taking personal responsibility for their sex lives, and murdering innocent life
5. women dressing immodestly (no i dont want in a burka, but for god sakes stop having your boobs hanging out, and booty shorts)

04-25-2010, 10:50 PM
Without a doubt, #1...Illegal aliens...Everything else is fixable but this.

When they receive amnesty and are granted citizenship, along with the right to vote, it will begin the irreversible downfall of The United States Of America.

The minorities will be the new deciding vote in all future elections from that day forward and the progressives dreams of a marxist utopia will finally be realized.

The Uniited States alone is now holding back the floodgates of globalist domination and as goes America, so goes the world...The straw that broke the camels back.