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View Full Version : Closing businesses that hire illegals

04-26-2010, 01:27 PM
The government is some areas (San Diego is where I saw it) is finally getting it right when it comes to solving the problem with illegal immigration.
Rounding up illegals and deporting them is a waste of time and money. They will come back as long as there are jobs.
The answer is to seize and shut down businesses that hire illegals. The feds have tried warning a few such businesses in the San Diego area. Now they are moving to seize the businesses and hold the owners accountable.
If there are no jobs, illegals would have no reason to enter the country.

04-26-2010, 01:30 PM
The government is some areas (San Diego is where I saw it) is finally getting it right when it comes to solving the problem with illegal immigration.
Rounding up illegals and deporting them is a waste of time and money. They will come back as long as there are jobs.
The answer is to seize and shut down businesses that hire illegals. The feds have tried warning a few such businesses in the San Diego area. Now they are moving to seize the businesses and hold the owners accountable.
If there are no jobs, illegals would have no reason to enter the country.

All right, who are you and what did you do with Gabs??????????? Is this her husband posing as her???????????:coffee:

cat slave
04-27-2010, 12:51 AM
And Im agreeing with gabbie????? Something is off here.

cat slave
04-27-2010, 12:51 AM
No jobs, no services, no problems. Enforce our laws!

04-27-2010, 03:09 AM
The government is some areas (San Diego is where I saw it) is finally getting it right when it comes to solving the problem with illegal immigration.
Rounding up illegals and deporting them is a waste of time and money. They will come back as long as there are jobs.
The answer is to seize and shut down businesses that hire illegals. The feds have tried warning a few such businesses in the San Diego area. Now they are moving to seize the businesses and hold the owners accountable.
If there are no jobs, illegals would have no reason to enter the country.It appears that our friend Gabby has been undergoing intensive deprogramming during her long absence.

Doesn't it feel wonderful to have all that liberal crap flushed from your mind and to be able to think rationally for a change Gabs?

Do you now realize that it is people and not guns that kill people and that without them we would be at the mercy of all manner of criminals?

04-27-2010, 09:20 AM
Hi everyone, new to the forum but I'll jump right in o.k? Deporting illegals is like a revolving door. They are back here two weeks later. We need steep fines for the employers, and much more security at the border.

Mr. P
04-27-2010, 09:27 AM
Hi everyone, new to the forum but I'll jump right in o.k? Deporting illegals is like a revolving door. They are back here two weeks later. We need steep fines for the employers, and much more security at the border.

That's one of the things the Arizona law sb 1070 does. :thumb:

04-27-2010, 02:29 PM
Hi everyone, new to the forum but I'll jump right in o.k? Deporting illegals is like a revolving door. They are back here two weeks later. We need steep fines for the employers, and much more security at the border.

I can't speak for all areas of the country.
But I know that here in my part of Florida most, if not all, of the City Council, County Commissioners, and State Legislators or big citrus, farm, and ranch owners.
So it really doesn't behoove them to pass such laws....
:poke: ( I just really like this smiley)

04-27-2010, 03:51 PM
Like I've been saying, going after the illegals individually is much as the same as trying to go after drugs by arresting the junkies. Unless you get rid of the dealers, nothing's going to change.

04-27-2010, 04:09 PM
Hi everyone, new to the forum but I'll jump right in o.k? Deporting illegals is like a revolving door. They are back here two weeks later. We need steep fines for the employers, and much more security at the border.Welcome sybarite, and I agree. :thumb:

04-27-2010, 04:14 PM

PHOENIX -- Job hunters turned out in the hundreds to fill recently-vacant positions at Pro's Ranch Market stores, where a federal audit led to the firing of some 300 workers........

About 300 of the 1,500 total employees at the six Phoenix supermarkets were let go this week after an Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit found them to be working illegally.


04-27-2010, 04:25 PM

PHOENIX -- Job hunters turned out in the hundreds to fill recently-vacant positions at Pro's Ranch Market stores, where a federal audit led to the firing of some 300 workers........

About 300 of the 1,500 total employees at the six Phoenix supermarkets were let go this week after an Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit found them to be working illegally.


Jobs Americans won't do?

04-27-2010, 05:32 PM
Jobs Americans won't do?

Ain't nothing an American won't do with the right motivation!

04-27-2010, 08:20 PM
Ain't nothing an American won't do with the right motivation!

Yeah, I've always found being dead ass broke is a hell of a motivator to go out and get whatever job will have me.

04-28-2010, 10:04 AM
Yeah, I've always found being dead ass broke is a hell of a motivator to go out and get whatever job will have me.

Best answer in the entire thread.
Deporting illegals is not the answer to the immigration problem. Busting employers that hire illegals is.

Mr. P
04-28-2010, 10:28 AM
Best answer in the entire thread.
Deporting illegals is not the answer to the immigration problem. Busting employers that hire illegals is.

No it's not "the" answer, it's a part of the answer.
The other part or parts is to severely penalize employers that hire them AND fortify the border. We should also cease catering to different languages.

04-28-2010, 01:50 PM
No it's not "the" answer, it's a part of the answer.
The other part or parts is to severely penalize employers that hire them AND fortify the border. We should also cease catering to different languages.

I agree completely. Fine employers, build a wall and deport all illegals that are found.

Issuing amnesty every 20 years does NOTHING to stop illegal immigration. It simply gets rid of all illegals for.....oh......about 1 day. They will not stop coming here if they know they will be hired and eventually granted amnesty.

04-28-2010, 02:37 PM
No it's not "the" answer, it's a part of the answer.
The other part or parts is to severely penalize employers that hire them AND fortify the border. We should also cease catering to different languages.

As I've said many times in other threads:


Enforcing our present laws will take some resources, but far fewer than are presently being expended on various crackpot schemes. Four areas have to be worked on and fulfilled:

1.) Build a GOOD fence or wall along the entire border. Other countries have done this, with good results. No such wall is perfectly impenetrable. but a good one will reduce those who get through, to a small trickle instead of the present flood, and free up ICE personnel to concentrate on the relative few who do get through.

2.) Patrol the border adequately. This is necessary to keep people from cutting through etc. The longer time they need to cut through, must be denied to them. This will require hiring a LOT more border patrol personnel and providing support for them.

3.) Provide Federal personnel to work with state and local police, to quickly deport illegal aliens who come to the attention of the police in their normal duties (giving traffic tickets, answering calls for domestic violence, burglary, etc.)

4.) Provide criminal penalties for companies who knowingly hire illegal aliens, for hiring mangers, personnel managers, and even CEOs.

Some of these things are starting to be done. But "starting" isn't nearly enough. All four must be done and done WELL. If any one of them is not, then the whole thing will break down. But doing all four, is not extraordinarily difficult, and CAN be done.

04-28-2010, 04:26 PM
We should also cease catering to different languages.

Sorry, but that is ridiculous. The U.S. is a nation of immigrants. There are a lot of languages spoken in this country.
If you go to Europe, there are a lot of signs printed in multiple languages.

Fortifying the border is not the answer. Do you want us to build a version of the Berlin Wall?
The answer is to provide better Border Security and pay them better. Do you realize how many border workers are bought off by drug cartels?
If we put the National Guard to work patrolling the border, that would be a best case scenario. Bring them all home and put them to work patrolling our country instead of someone else.

As for the part about police trying to enforce immigration laws -- how is that going to work? If you stop someone for a traffic violation, how are you going to prove they are in the country illegally?
Do illegals have bright shiny badges? Is it tattooed on the backs of their necks?
My brother-in-law was born in Mexico. He is a naturalized citizen. How would he prove that is legal?
This is by far the stupidest proposal ever.

Mr. P
04-28-2010, 04:52 PM
Sorry, but that is ridiculous. The U.S. is a nation of immigrants. There are a lot of languages spoken in this country.
If you go to Europe, there are a lot of signs printed in multiple languages.

Fortifying the border is not the answer. Do you want us to build a version of the Berlin Wall?
The answer is to provide better Border Security and pay them better. Do you realize how many border workers are bought off by drug cartels?
If we put the National Guard to work patrolling the border, that would be a best case scenario. Bring them all home and put them to work patrolling our country instead of someone else.

As for the part about police trying to enforce immigration laws -- how is that going to work? If you stop someone for a traffic violation, how are you going to prove they are in the country illegally?
Do illegals have bright shiny badges? Is it tattooed on the backs of their necks?
My brother-in-law was born in Mexico. He is a naturalized citizen. How would he prove that is legal?
This is by far the stupidest proposal ever.

The old Gab is back.
Read the bill/new law and be enlightened instead of listening to all the BS the left spews. It's only 17 pages.


On language..my paternal great grand parents immigrated (legally) from Italy in 1892. She never spoke English as far as I know, but he did. There son my grandfather knew Italian but I only heard him speak it once in my life. America is about assimilation not multiple language.

The border...Fortify it. There is no comparison with the Berlin wall which divided the same Country.

cat slave
04-28-2010, 05:08 PM
No it's not "the" answer, it's a part of the answer.
The other part or parts is to severely penalize employers that hire them AND fortify the border. We should also cease catering to different languages.

Until the border is secured deportation is a huge joke...they just come back
in, killing a few land owners and border guards in their way.

Until the magnet is taken away nothing will work.

No jobs, no services, no problems....they will sell deport permanently.

And in America, we speak English.

04-28-2010, 07:02 PM
Sorry, but that is ridiculous. The U.S. is a nation of immigrants. There are a lot of languages spoken in this country.

When a foreigner applies for natualized U.S citizenship, one of the requirements is for them to learn English and demonstrate proficiency in that language.

There is no reason for government agencies to cater to other languages. To do so is to lessen the impetus for the foreigner to learn English, as well as an unneeded expenditure of resources needed elsewhere.

04-28-2010, 07:29 PM
The answer is to provide better Border Security and pay them better. Do you realize how many border workers are bought off by drug cartels?
If we put the National Guard to work patrolling the border, that would be a best case scenario. Bring them all home and put them to work patrolling our country instead of someone else.

Since the National Guard is deployed by the Governor for state emergencies, that would still contradict the argument that states can't enforce immigration.
(did I say that right?)

04-30-2010, 12:48 PM
As I've said many times in other threads:


Enforcing our present laws will take some resources, but far fewer than are presently being expended on various crackpot schemes. Four areas have to be worked on and fulfilled:

1.) Build a GOOD fence or wall along the entire border. Other countries have done this, with good results. No such wall is perfectly impenetrable. but a good one will reduce those who get through, to a small trickle instead of the present flood, and free up ICE personnel to concentrate on the relative few who do get through.

2.) Patrol the border adequately. This is necessary to keep people from cutting through etc. The longer time they need to cut through, must be denied to them. This will require hiring a LOT more border patrol personnel and providing support for them.

3.) Provide Federal personnel to work with state and local police, to quickly deport illegal aliens who come to the attention of the police in their normal duties (giving traffic tickets, answering calls for domestic violence, burglary, etc.)

4.) Provide criminal penalties for companies who knowingly hire illegal aliens, for hiring mangers, personnel managers, and even CEOs.

Some of these things are starting to be done. But "starting" isn't nearly enough. All four must be done and done WELL. If any one of them is not, then the whole thing will break down. But doing all four, is not extraordinarily difficult, and CAN be done.

1) This is good, but not a fence, it would have to be a wall, and cover the entire border. However, a problem exists with work visas, as it has been said in other articles on this forum that illegals are technically entering the country legally via work visas, but when the visas expire, they simply stay on, and don't bother getting it renewed.

2) Nothing wrong as far as upping the border guard, but this again is why I would say that building a wall is better, since it can be manned more easily, cannot be cut through like a fence can, and is all around just more intimidating a presence.

3) This goes hand in hand with enforcing the laws already on the books. Many people know which businesses have hired illegals, and everyone in town might know it, even cops, but most often, nothing is ever done about it.

4) Actually, large fines against the company, and against the hiring manager of the illegal in question would work better than jail time in most instances to deter managers from hiring on illegals, but at the business level, the licensing of the business should be stripped away without question, zero tolerance, so that the business cannot simply weigh a risk vs. cost assessment to determine whether it's worth it. Shutting the business down period mean no chance of profit.