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View Full Version : House OKs Iraq Troop Withdrawal Bill

04-25-2007, 09:42 PM

WASHINGTON - A sharply divided House brushed aside a veto threat Wednesday and passed legislation that would order President Bush to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq by Oct. 1. The 218-208 vote came as the top U.S. commander in Iraq told lawmakers the country remained gripped by violence but was showing some signs of improvement.

well at least they a standing up .....

04-26-2007, 01:32 PM
Overheard in a cave or safe house somewhere in Iraq:

(laughing)"Ahmed!! Ahmed!! Did you see CNN? The US Congress is telling the President to give up! (laughing Harder) "

"Yes, Sayir! I saw that! I TOLD you the Americans are lead by pussies! All we have to DO is kill a few of them, and they roll-over quicker than a 1-dinar-per night whore!"

"True, my brother!" Ahmed says, "Soon we'll have Iraqi Oil to fund our fight against Non-believers. Soon we'll have an entire COUNTRY from which to launch attack after attack against the US! Now, it will prove Allah is on our side if they elect a Democrat President in 2008. If so, 911 will look like a mosquito-bite!"

04-26-2007, 01:40 PM
Overheard in a cave or safe house somewhere in Iraq:

(laughing)"Ahmed!! Ahmed!! Did you see CNN? The US Congress is telling the President to give up! (laughing Harder) "

"Yes, Sayir! I saw that! I TOLD you the Americans are lead by pussies! All we have to DO is kill a few of them, and they roll-over quicker than a 1-dinar-per night whore!"

"True, my brother!" Ahmed says, "Soon we'll have Iraqi Oil to fund our fight against Non-believers. Soon we'll have an entire COUNTRY from which to launch attack after attack against the US! Now, it will prove Allah is on our side if they elect a Democrat President in 2008. If so, 911 will look like a mosquito-bite!"
