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red states rule
05-02-2010, 06:25 AM
I am sure the NY Times will getting a call - or a vist - from Rahm Emanuel over this editorial

President Obama has ordered a freeze on new offshore drilling leases as well as a “thorough review” into what is almost sure to be the worst oil spill in this country’s history — exceeding in size and environmental damage the calamitous Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989.

There are many avenues to pursue. Here are two: the oil company’s response, and Mr. Obama’s. The company, BP, seems to have been slow to ask for help, and, on Friday, both federal and state officials accused it of not moving aggressively or swiftly enough. Yet the administration should not have waited, and should have intervened much more quickly on its own initiative.

A White House as politically attuned as this one should have been conscious of two obvious historical lessons. One was the Exxon Valdez, where a late and lame response by both industry and the federal government all but destroyed one of the country’s richest fishing grounds and ended up costing billions of dollars. The other was President George W. Bush’s hapless response to Hurricane Katrina.

Now we have another disaster in more or less the same neck of the woods, and it takes the administration more than a week to really get moving.

The timetable is damning. The blowout occurred on April 20. In short order, fire broke out on the rig, taking 11 lives, the rig collapsed and oil began leaking at a rate of 40,000 gallons a day. BP tried but failed to plug the well. Even so, BP appears to have remained confident that it could handle the situation with private resources (as did the administration) until Wednesday night, when, at a hastily called news conference, the Coast Guard quintupled its estimate of the leak to 5,000 barrels, or more than 200,000 gallons a day.

Only then did the administration move into high gear.

05-02-2010, 11:49 AM
And now with this Az stuff going on, I'd consider this another Katrina, just in a different form.... Could be.........before his term is done, he'll have yet another big crisis to deal with.........Just one thing after another....Damn Arizona.....How dare they make a law concerning illegals and enforcing it......? Heaven forbid any gov't officials get up and do a darn thing about the situation......

red states rule
05-02-2010, 11:51 AM
And now with this Az stuff going on, I'd consider this another Katrina, just in a different form.... Could be.........before his term is done, he'll have yet another big crisis to deal with.........Just one thing after another....Damn Arizona.....How dare they make a law concerning illegals and enforcing it......? Heaven forbid any gov't officials get up and do a darn thing about the situation......

and damn the NY Times for holding me responsible for what happens on my watch

http://media.eyeblast.org/newsbusters/static/2010/04/NYT%20Front%20Page%20White%20House%20Underestimate d%20Threat%20of%20Oil%20Leak,%20Responded%20Late.j pg

05-02-2010, 01:46 PM
and damn the NY Times for holding me responsible for what happens on my watch

http://media.eyeblast.org/newsbusters/static/2010/04/NYT%20Front%20Page%20White%20House%20Underestimate d%20Threat%20of%20Oil%20Leak,%20Responded%20Late.j pg

:laugh2::laugh2: :coffee:

red states rule
05-02-2010, 02:22 PM

05-02-2010, 03:02 PM
:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: That's a darn good one Red......:coffee:

05-02-2010, 07:06 PM
I am sure the NY Times will getting a call - or a vist - from Rahm Emanuel over this editorial

I told the dh, I find it ironic that this rig explosion happened just as Obama gave the o.k. for off shore drilling. I smell something rotten. Things that make you go hmmmmm!!

05-03-2010, 11:01 AM
In all seriousness, does anyone know what caused the explosion? Was it a systems failure, faulty wiring? Was it sabotage? Was it a terrorist bombing? Why have we heard nothing on what caused this? This is a pretty big deal.

red states rule
05-03-2010, 06:32 PM
It probably was an accident, but now libs and the enviro wackos are talking like oil spills are a common occurrence.

This will be their excuse to stop off shore drilling

05-04-2010, 06:25 AM
It probably was an accident, but now libs and the enviro wackos are talking like oil spills are a common occurrence.

This will be their excuse to stop off shore drillingand maybe it wasn't an accident? DUN DUN DUUUNNNN

what would be more perfect than that? Obama opens up for more drilling and then this "accident" changes his mind that it ain't worth the risk. BAM!

05-04-2010, 06:49 AM
So, when dead bodies are left to rot in the sun...When bloated corpses float in the street due to incompetence at the highest levels of federal government...When the POTUS ignores pleas from the governors of Gulf States...When tens of thousands of people are stranded without food, water or medicine...When the POTUS praises the feeble, ineffectual efforts of an incompetent political appointee...Then you, and your RWN fellow travelers, can say the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is Obama's Katrina, Red.

Until that day however, this corporate-made disaster is...and will be...a lasting reminder of the failure of deregulation and the notion that corporations are even remotely interested in policing themselves beyond simply paying lip service to the notion. It is a stark reminder of just how badly the right-wing ideology, an ideology espoused chapter and verse by the previous administration, goes tits-up every time it bumps up against reality.

05-04-2010, 06:52 AM
and maybe it wasn't an accident? DUN DUN DUUUNNNN

what would be more perfect than that? Obama opens up for more drilling and then this "accident" changes his mind that it ain't worth the risk. BAM!

Oh dear...Someone's been listening to that drug-addled gas-bag, whose brain is pickled in hillbilly heroine.

05-04-2010, 08:12 AM
Oh dear...Someone's been listening to that drug-addled gas-bag, whose brain is pickled in hillbilly heroine.Your mom?

but did Rush really say something like that? weird.... just like 9/11 truthers

05-04-2010, 08:22 AM
So, when dead bodies are left to rot in the sun...When bloated corpses float in the street due to incompetence at the highest levels of federal government...When the POTUS ignores pleas from the governors of Gulf States...When tens of thousands of people are stranded without food, water or medicine...When the POTUS praises the feeble, ineffectual efforts of an incompetent political appointee...Then you, and your RWN fellow travelers, can say the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is Obama's Katrina, Red.

Until that day however, this corporate-made disaster is...and will be...a lasting reminder of the failure of deregulation and the notion that corporations are even remotely interested in policing themselves beyond simply paying lip service to the notion. It is a stark reminder of just how badly the right-wing ideology, an ideology espoused chapter and verse by the previous administration, goes tits-up every time it bumps up against reality.so he should just wait until it is too late to respond? yah... that sounds like a great plan. People are asking for help, as with Katrina, it was being offered and refused, Gov's pleas my ass... maybe after, even though they were being told to leave well before. If they would declared it an emergency when the Fed wanted to everything would have been ready but the good ol people down there didn't. the gov was the biggest hinderance, both federal and local, I will agree with that. everyone had their thumb up their asses. they didn't want help, they wanted handouts.

red states rule
05-04-2010, 06:21 PM
Oh dear...Someone's been listening to that drug-addled gas-bag, whose brain is pickled in hillbilly heroine.

You mean like how libs screamed how Pres Bush blew up the levees in New Orleans to kill black people?

Or how Pres Bush was top blame for the bridge collapse in Minnesota?

BP, are you saying ELF (a left wing enviro wacko group) does not blow commit acts of domestic terrorism>

red states rule
05-05-2010, 04:14 AM
So, when dead bodies are left to rot in the sun...When bloated corpses float in the street due to incompetence at the highest levels of federal government...When the POTUS ignores pleas from the governors of Gulf States...When tens of thousands of people are stranded without food, water or medicine...When the POTUS praises the feeble, ineffectual efforts of an incompetent political appointee...Then you, and your RWN fellow travelers, can say the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is Obama's Katrina, Red.

Until that day however, this corporate-made disaster is...and will be...a lasting reminder of the failure of deregulation and the notion that corporations are even remotely interested in policing themselves beyond simply paying lip service to the notion. It is a stark reminder of just how badly the right-wing ideology, an ideology espoused chapter and verse by the previous administration, goes tits-up every time it bumps up against reality.

BP, even the NY TIMES is reporting how slow Obama was in responding

The company, BP, seems to have been slow to ask for help, and, on Friday, both federal and state officials accused it of not moving aggressively or swiftly enough. Yet the administration should not have waited, and should have intervened much more quickly on its own initiative.

A White House as politically attuned as this one should have been conscious of two obvious historical lessons. One was the Exxon Valdez, where a late and lame response by both industry and the federal government all but destroyed one of the country’s richest fishing grounds and ended up costing billions of dollars. The other was President George W. Bush’s hapless response to Hurricane Katrina.

Now we have another disaster in more or less the same neck of the woods, and it takes the administration more than a week to really get moving.


Now as liberals take aim at yet another US industry, we are seeing gas prices go above $3/gal - yet all liberals do is attack the oil companies that keep the sluggish economy moving and prevent it from going under.