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05-04-2010, 03:35 PM
Crime, drugs, gangs, murder, rape, prison population explosion, hospitals closing due to government mandated overhead, billions of dollars sent south of the border annually, wages deflated, 10% unemployment for American citizens, unnecessary taxpayer burden, all because our government refuses to act and whose only solution seems to be to grant amnesty to millions of crminals.

Have we lost our minds?


•We estimate the current cost of treating uninsured illegal immigrants at all levels of government to be $4.3 billion a year, primarily at emergency rooms and free clinics.

If you don't think that's a big deal, how about this?


Paying The Price For Illegal Care


Health Care: Democrats are right that uncompensated emergency care for the uninsured is driving up costs. What they don't say is it's illegal immigrants who are bankrupting ERs, and the federal government is encouraging them.

Last decade, the Clinton administration added teeth to a little-known Health and Human Services Department regulation mandating that hospitals provide emergency treatment even to illegals.

Hospitals end up treating uninsured illegals for the sniffles and other nonurgent care, and pass that exorbitant cost on to the insured, the Government Accountability Office has found. Resulting overcrowding leads to delays in "care for patients with true emergency needs."

This unfunded federal mandate has placed a heavy and unfair financial burden on more than 1,500 hospitals across the country, according to HHS data, costing billions in unpaid bills by some estimates.

Many eat losses and eventually go out of business like they're doing in droves in California, which has seen 85 hospital closures in the last decade. An additional 55 facilities have shut down ERs. The state ranks last in the country in access to emergency care and last in ERs per capita, making it woefully unprepared to respond to a major earthquake or terror attack.

Border hospitals are the hardest-hit. By law, they have to treat even illegals injured while crossing the border. Each year, hundreds of them pour into the ER at El Centro Regional Medical Center near San Diego with fractures sustained while climbing the fence or eluding border patrols in high-speed car chases. Others suffer from multiple organ failures from dehydration.

Many abuse the system with encouragement from groups like Maldef and La Raza, which have spread the word about EMTALA. In Texas, hospitals are flooded with walk-in mothers in labor showing up in the ER to have their anchor babies.

Some 80% of the births at Houston's Ben Taub General Hospital and Lyndon B. Johnson General Hospital are to illegal immigrants. In Fort Worth, it's about 70%.

Overutilization of ER services by illegals is crippling the area's major hospital system, including McAllen Medical Center and Edinburg Regional Medical Center. The South Texas Health System eats $140 million a year in free care, and 60%-70% of those unpaid costs are in the ER.

Some 40% of the babies born at McAllen Medical last year were to illegals. That's nearly 2,400 babies who were given instant citizenship. And their mothers instantly qualified for U.S. welfare. Many of them, McAllen Medical CEO Joe Riley says, were "mothers about to give birth that walk up to the hospital still wet from swimming across the river and in actual labor."

Actually, Miami boasts the highest medical costs in the country. McAllen is No. 2. Like McAllen, Miami hospitals are overrun by illegal Hispanic immigrants.

Thanks to EMTALA, one hospital near Miami was forced to eat $1.5 million in unreimbursed care for an illegal alien from Guatemala. After three years of treatment, Martin Memorial Medical Center paid $30,000 to charter a jet to take Luis Jimenez to a medical facility in his home country. His family in turn sued the hospital.

Any health care overhaul should start with rewriting EMTALA. No one wants to refuse emergency care to indigent Mexicans who truly need it. But when you consider that they wire an average of $300 a month in remittances back to Mexico, that money could go a long way toward purchasing medical insurance.

We owe them nothing and should not use the standard of "fairness" to make judgements that will burden our nation and it's citizens.



California schools have gone from being in the top five in the nation in the 1980's to the bottom five today. 61% of Latino surnamed students do not graduate from the Los Angeles Unified School District. California has the highest adult illiteracy rate per population of any state in the nation.

The result of low education skills:

Estimated 40,000 gang members in Los Angeles. Mayor Villaraigosa said on KTLA there are four times as many gang members as police; 44.8% of homicides in LA County are gang related, Latino gangs caused 25% of all homicides in 2000, gang related deaths for ages 15-19 increased 30%.
Estimated 60% of gangs are illegal aliens. Over 10% of Latin males 20-29 are in the criminal justice system. CA Dept. of Corrections states illegal aliens are over represented in prison, 25% are illegal in LA County system costing $1bil. annually. KTLA recently reported an estimated 400,000 gang members statewide.

Births to those here illegally: Approximately half of all births in Los Angeles County, 65% at Los Angeles County General Hospital, and 70% of all births at San Joaquin General Hospital. Sixty percent of the birth certificates in San Diego County do not have a parent's SSN. Now 10% of all births in the U.S. are to illegal aliens, about 385,000 annually. In California, almost 25% of all births are to illegal aliens, or about 300 births per day, one anchor baby born every five minutes in California.

84 hospitals, 65 emergency rooms and more than 70 acute care hospitals have closed in CA. in the last 10 years. $8.6 billion unreimbursed emergency care costs in 2007.

Most Californians do not know this, and the Democrat controlled Legislature is not going to tell them: Illegal aliens are paid 18 years of welfare checks for the anchor child in a child-only Cal-WORKS case, while federal regulation allows a five year maximum for citizens.

Teenage births have risen dramatically along with illegal entry:

From a NY Times Editorial referencing information from the Center for Disease Control:

Hispanic girls have the highest teen birth rate, twice the national average, one-quarter of the girls are mothers by age 20, 50% of those births are illegitimate, for El Salvadorans 73% illegitimacy, Jamaican 86%. The Latino teenage birthrate is the fastest growing segment of the United States population, three times more than white, 1.5 more than black.

If this doesn't worry you then maybe you should consider abandoning your political correctness!


Amnesty Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers at Least $2.6 Trillion
Published on June 6, 2007 by Robert Rector

Who Are the Illegal Immigrants?

According to the most widely accepted estimates, there were 11.5 million to 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States in the spring of 2006.[1] Because the number of illegal immigrants has, on average, increased by roughly 500,000 each year, the number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. in 2007 is probably around 12 million to 12.5 million; however, these estimates are uncertain, and the actual number of illegal immigrants may be higher.

As Chart 1 shows, some 49 percent of illegal immigrants are adult males, 35 percent are adult females, and 16 percent are foreign-born children. Living in illegal immigrant families are another 3.1 million U.S.-born children of illegal immigrant parents.[2] Because they were born inside the U.S., these children are considered citizens, not illegal immigrants.

Illegal immigrants now make up about 4 percent of the U.S. population, meaning that about one in twenty-five persons currently in the U.S. is here unlawfully. Illegal immigrants make up nearly one-third of the foreign-born population in the U.S.

As Chart 2 shows, more than half (56 percent) of illegal immigrants come from Mexico. Another 22 percent come from other Latin American countries, and 22 percent come from Asia, Europe, and Africa.[3]

If you notice, all these statistics concern southwestern states because of their proximity to the border but don't you worry because they're already flooding into your towns and cities all over America.

The statisticss below are 4 years old...Things are much worse now.


New FBI Statistics on Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens
CaPoliticalNews ^ | November 12, 2006 | FBI/INS

Posted on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 12:18:09 PM by Zakeet

INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants

2006 (First Quarter) INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants

CRIME STATISTICS 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.

86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.

75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

29% (630,000) convicted illegal alien felons fill our state and federal prisons at a cost of $1.6 billion annually

53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.

50% plus of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens from south of the border.

71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or “transport coyotes".

47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, 92% are illegal aliens.

63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens

66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66% 98% are illegal aliens.

BIRTH STATISTICS 380,000 plus “anchor babies” were born in the U.S. in 2005 to illegal alien parents, making 380,000 babies automatically U.S.citizens.

97.2% of all costs incurred from those births were paid by the American taxpayers.

66% plus of all births in California are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers

Why would a nation even consider granting amnesty to illegal aliens that are statisticaly proven to have a much higher crime rate?

We owe them nothing and should not use the standard of "fairness" to make judgements that will burden our nation and it's citizens.

At mid-year, 2008:
a. 727 White males were incarcerated per 100,000 White males
b. 1,760 Hispanic males were incarcerated per 100,000 Hispanic males
c. 4,777 Black males were incarcerated per 100,000 Black males
d. 1 in 355 White women aged 35-39
e. 1 in 297 Hispanic women aged 35-39
f. 1 in 100 Black women aged 35-39

*Statistics and other information gathered from:
The National Institute of Corrections http://www.nicic.org/
The International Centre for Prison Studies http://www.kcl.ac.uk/schools/law/research/icps
The Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/
The Pew Center on the States http://www.pewcenteronthestates.org/

If illegal aliens are granted amnesty, how many of them do you honestly believe will not be in the bottom 50% taxpayer bracket, who payed only 2.89% of the US taxes in 2007?...Seriously?


Who Pays Income Taxes and how much?

Tax Year 2007
Percentiles Ranked by AGI
AGI Threshold on Percentiles
Percentage of Federal Personal Income Tax Paid

Top 1%

Top 5%

Top 10%

Top 25%

Top 50%

Bottom 50%

Note: AGI is Adjusted Gross Income
Source: Internal Revenue Service

I hope everybody took the time to read this because if you don't wake up, America is going to look like a third world ghetto in another generation.

Hospitals are now failing, jobs are heading overseas, unemployment is at 10, crime is on the rise, the nation is bankrupt and the infrastructure will soon begin to crumble.

Foreigners are flooding into our nation in droves and the governments only solution is to grant them amnesty...Blacks and Hipanics overwhelmingly support what is coming, with their votes.

We now have a hostile government at the helm who is hell bent on destroying this nation so they can rebuild it into what they believe will be a socialist paradise.

Regardless of what your government is telling you, things are not fine...We are now facing the most serious crisis our nation has ever dealt with and amnesty will be the straw that breaks our back.

But you don't have to worry yourself because it will be your children who will have to deal with the future you have condemned them to...Thank you mommy and daddy! :(

05-04-2010, 04:04 PM
Why would a nation even consider granting amnesty to illegal aliens that are statisticaly proven to have a much higher crime rate?

???....why grant citizenship to someone with a criminal record in the first place?.....

05-04-2010, 04:35 PM
???....why grant citizenship to someone with a criminal record in the first place?.....True, and every illegal alien is a criminal just by being here.

05-04-2010, 05:06 PM
True, and every illegal alien is a criminal just by being here.

and it should be pretty simple to screen out the bank robbers and the rapists and the drunk drivers......the rest we can treat the same way we treat the companies that have hired them, right?.....

05-04-2010, 05:28 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. And the dumb bastards in politics have been allowing with to go on for 45 years, AT LEAST!!!!!
2. We're toast, who can repair this now?
3. All we can do now is see where this goes now.


05-04-2010, 06:05 PM
You know I have taken heat for saying this in the past but to be honest the best way to stop them is to put land mines on the border and add sniper towers. But since that won't happen.. Then Tom Tancredo or Duncan Hunter would be the best choices to deal with the Illegals. Also I have got to give props to Arizona for the new law that so many illegals are protesting as unconstitutional. I say lets show them unconstitutional so that maybe they go home. No drivers license no library card no jobs no nothing. Lets take away there incentives to be here so that they will go home. Seal off the border with troops or more groups like the minutemen and the others that do the same job.

05-04-2010, 06:31 PM
and it should be pretty simple to screen out the bank robbers and the rapists and the drunk drivers......the rest we can treat the same way we treat the companies that have hired them, right?.....Actually, I only want them to gather up their children and go home.

They came here illegally and brought with them crime, desease and bedbugs.

Their crimes have included the rape and murder of thousands of American citizens.

They never came here to be Americans and they have cost us hundreds of billions of dollars.

05-04-2010, 08:33 PM
so, once they get home, what are your plans for letting immigrants come in?....

05-04-2010, 10:10 PM
so, once they get home, what are your plans for letting immigrants come in?....A sensible immigration plan that is convenient for America's needs only, along with a guest worker program for labor purposes only when necessary and no one but American citizens will enjoy our constitutional rights.

Political correctness should never again be allowed to play any part in our immigration policies and what is good for America and it's citizens should always take priority over the fairness for or needs of foreigners.

We should make white immigration a priority and create incentives that would attract the kind of people that made America great and who believe in our political and capitalistic system with a sincere desire to share in the American dream.

Progressives and their liberal pawns should be stripped of their citizenship and constitutional rights, since they don't hold them in high regards anyway, and being disinfranchised they will never be a threat to America again.

These ungrateful traitors will stand on the bottom rung of America's ladder untill the day they draw their last breath and will be a lesson to all marxist wannabies to never again attempt to introduce socialism into American politics again.

Within a couple decades America will once again be the wealthiest, freeist and most powerful nation in the world...The good people of the world will love us and feel safer for our strength, the leftist snobs will critisize and envy us and the evil people will fear us.

05-04-2010, 10:58 PM
so, once they get home, what are your plans for letting immigrants come in?....

I don't mind immigration if it is done legally. You know these clowns walk across the border and demand rights while my friend and his mom came from Ukraine and had to jump through all kinds of hoops to get to be a citizen and his mom got deported for a while before getting her citizenship. They came here they already spoke English and have been contributing to society in a positive way by working and by being good citizens. So my plan?? They do so legally and jump through the hoops just like everyone else did. Then they may be allowed to come across the border.

05-05-2010, 12:11 AM
so, once they get home, what are your plans for letting immigrants come in?....

The same as it's always been. There is a reason that the number of citizens of other countries are restricted .... America used to be a melting pot .... the cultural makeup was pretty balanced. However, with illegal immigration running rampant ... the melting pot is becoming unbalanced.

Why do you keep asking about an immigration plan as if there is none in place? Just because it doesn't allow unlimited numbers of immigrants from the Hispanic nations does not mean that we do not have a plan in place.

We make life too easy on the illegals when they get here. Legal immigrants need to have a job when they get here and paperwork to prove they have a job. Contrary to belief, not all illegal immigrants are working for a company who is exploiting them. Most of them are standing on street corners hoping to get a job.....in the meantime we have programs to take care of them and people are encouraged to look the other way when they cannot produce legal i.d. ..... or, more often than not, they have purchased fake i.d.s

Another thing that concerns me is the legal immigrants who are related to the ones coming over illegally. They give them a place to stay while they are working under the table .... they send all their funds back to their family back in their home country .... not reinvesting it into this economy by purchasing products or paying taxes.

I've asked them if they plan to become legal and most of them say no. They are just here to make money to help those at home get established and then they plan to go back and live ..... never have any type of plans to become American citizens. Those are the ones that piss me off.

05-05-2010, 01:03 AM
???....why grant citizenship to someone with a criminal record in the first place?.....

True, and every illegal alien is a criminal just by being here.

and it should be pretty simple to screen out the bank robbers and the rapists and the drunk drivers......the rest we can treat the same way we treat the companies that have hired them, right?.....

Posty you are nothing more than an enabler. They are all guilty of crimes but because some were not caught we should reward them all. Maybe we should not charge people with speeding because the manufacturers knowingly sold them a car that would exceed the speed limit. You do nothing but make excuses for these people which makes you part of the problem, not the solution.

Final question.... How many illegals do you employ?

05-05-2010, 05:49 AM
We should make white immigration a priority and create incentives that would attract the kind of people that made America great and who believe in our political and capitalistic system with a sincere desire to share in the American dream.

lol.....about that other thread where you said you MIGHT be racist.......

The same as it's always been. There is a reason that the number of citizens of other countries are restricted .... America used to be a melting pot .... the cultural makeup was pretty balanced. However, with illegal immigration running rampant ... the melting pot is becoming unbalanced.

???...too many non-whites for you?....

Why do you keep asking about an immigration plan as if there is none in place?
because it's is inadequate both in terms of those who want to get in and those who want to employ people......we let 600k a year in and we have tens of millions of illegal aliens here working now....it would take what, 18 years to bring that many workers into the country at the current levels.....

Legal immigrants need to have a job when they get here and paperwork to prove they have a job.
which is precisely what I proposed....but what if instead of 600k of them having a job we have 10million of them having a job....do we let them in or not?

Contrary to belief, not all illegal immigrants are working for a company who is exploiting them. Most of them are standing on street corners hoping to get a job....

that's bullshit and you know it....

Another thing that concerns me is the legal immigrants who are related to the ones coming over illegally. They give them a place to stay while they are working under the table .... they send all their funds back to their family back in their home country .... not reinvesting it into this economy by purchasing products or paying taxes.

so, let them immigrate here legally and bring their families and buy homes and products and pay taxes....

Posty you are nothing more than an enabler. They are all guilty of crimes but because some were not caught we should reward them all. Maybe we should not charge people with speeding because the manufacturers knowingly sold them a car that would exceed the speed limit. You do nothing but make excuses for these people which makes you part of the problem, not the solution.

Final question.... How many illegals do you employ?

I don't employ anyone, legal or illegal...and you're an example of why we are no longer truly conservatives....it's been polluted with liberal ideas of job protectionism and racism.....you'll employ any excuse not to listen to the truth.....being a conservative used to mean something more than isolationism.....

05-05-2010, 06:35 AM
I don't employ anyone, legal or illegal...and you're an example of why we are no longer truly conservatives....it's been polluted with liberal ideas of job protectionism and racism.....you'll employ any excuse not to listen to the truth.....being a conservative used to mean something more than isolationism.....Don't fool yourself...You're not a conservartive.

You're more like a Bue Dog Democrat or a McCain Republican.

No true conservative would ever agree to any form of amnesty for illegals.

05-05-2010, 08:11 AM

05-05-2010, 08:33 AM
No true conservative would ever agree to any form of amnesty for illegals.

so Ronald Reagan was no conservative?.....lol.....child, you are no conservative in my book....you're not even a carbuncle on a true conservative's ass....

05-05-2010, 08:38 AM
i could never understand how they think that granting these ppl amnesty would fix the problem... it didn't 20 years ago. Do they think that all these people will magically come forward and start paying taxes or something and that will balance it out?

I do think that we need reform (not amnesty). Not that we give everyone a free pass that wants to be a citizen, but we should make it easier on them and more streamlined.

And the melting pot is only unbalanced becasue they don't melt. If they came here illegally, not that I would be ok with it, it would help a bit if they adapted a bit more.

05-05-2010, 09:01 AM
i could never understand how they think that granting these ppl amnesty would fix the problem... it didn't 20 years ago. Do they think that all these people will magically come forward and start paying taxes or something and that will balance it out?

I do think that we need reform (not amnesty). Not that we give everyone a free pass that wants to be a citizen, but we should make it easier on them and more streamlined.

And the melting pot is only unbalanced becasue they don't melt. If they came here illegally, not that I would be ok with it, it would help a bit if they adapted a bit more.

They'll still keep their under-the-table jobs and milk the entitlement programs for all they can, meanwhile raising the next generation to do the same.