View Full Version : *82FAG89 Has To Go*

05-09-2010, 11:20 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But Mick has got to get his ass another home place folks.
2. He just attacked me, my wife, and the Country of The Philippines.
3. He is nothing but a *Shit Stirrer*.
4. He is a peice of crap folks, and the last bad apple from years ago who hasn't been shown the door.
5. OCA, Yurt, and 82FAG89 all had there day some years ago stirring shit, two got banned, its Mick time folks.
6. Otherwise, I will have to be leaving again.
7. I can't stand assholes like this, couldn't then, and won't now.
8. This is my way of saying my piece, you may want to belly ache about me coming forward, to the powers that be, but I see no other way, its just not worth it folks, to put up with 82FAG89's shit.
9. I take it personal when you attack my wife, and her homeland.
10. So if any others want some of this speak up, I'm ready to flame you too!!!!


05-09-2010, 11:29 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Unexceptable:

82FAG89 wrote:
"Americans are slave owners to the Flips. That is why they go there. They buy and sell their women, kids, and use them until they are no longer needed. Don't you own a Flip?"

"A negative rep with the comment... "fuck you fuck face,...." I think you might have broken the rules on that one.

What's wrong CheeseWhiz? Can't handle the truth? You know Americans go to the Philippines to buy and sell flips. They have sex with them and when they are done they move on. They are nothing more than sex toys to all the tourists and either Americans or Australians own them and the bars they work at. Deal with it."


05-09-2010, 11:33 PM

Mr. P
05-09-2010, 11:40 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But Mick has got to get his ass another home place folks.
2. He just attacked me, my wife, and the Country of The Philippines.
3. He is nothing but a *Shit Stirrer*.
4. He is a peice of crap folks, and the last bad apple from years ago who hasn't been shown the door.
5. OCA, Yurt, and 82FAG89 all had there day some years ago stirring shit, two got banned, its Mick time folks.
6. Otherwise, I will have to be leaving again.
7. I can't stand assholes like this, couldn't then, and won't now.
8. This is my way of saying my piece, you may want to belly ache about me coming forward, to the powers that be, but I see no other way, its just not worth it folks, to put up with 82FAG89's shit.
9. I take it personal when you attack my wife, and her homeland.
10. So if any others want some of this speak up, I'm ready to flame you too!!!!


Sorry bout that,


05-09-2010, 11:43 PM
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,


1. So you think that Jimbo will choose the FAG over me?
2. We shall see ol mon!
3. I know your both ex-military, but you actually stand next to this piece of crap???:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


05-09-2010, 11:48 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. So you think that Jimbo will choose the FAG over me?
2. We shall see ol mon!
3. I know your both ex-military, but you actually stand next to this piece of crap???:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


He will either delete this thread or toss it in the cage. Me thinks some slipped something in your balut. Maybe they fermented to long?

05-10-2010, 12:38 AM
Otherwise, I will have to be leaving again.

Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

And lay off the tuba.

05-10-2010, 12:44 AM
I dont wanna see chess leave :(

05-10-2010, 11:19 AM
I dont wanna see chess leave :(

I normally don't pay much attention to him. Shallow messages written by a bot hold little interest for me, though I don't see that they do any actual harm. Sorta like the foam on beer - the only interest in it, is to get past it.

But here he's doing nothing but namecalling and spewing insults and unbacked smears. Any of us can leave at any time if we don't like it here. So can he. What's the problem?

05-10-2010, 01:00 PM
I normally don't pay much attention to him. Shallow messages written by a bot hold little interest for me, though I don't see that they do any actual harm. Sorta like the foam on beer - the only interest in it, is to get past it.

But here he's doing nothing but namecalling and spewing insults and unbacked smears. Any of us can leave at any time if we don't like it here. So can he. What's the problem?

He thinks he's special and wants people to beg him to stay.

Bye count, don't go away mad. Just go away.

Mr. P
05-10-2010, 01:14 PM
1. Get Ready

2. Get set

3. GO!!!!


05-10-2010, 01:24 PM
So, how's that whole "making demands of the management" thing working out?

Mr. P
05-10-2010, 01:30 PM
So, how's that whole "making demands of the management" thing working out?

That was DOA before he hit the submit button.

05-10-2010, 02:10 PM
That was DOA before he hit the submit button.

Yeah, I know. I was just trying to be friendly...

05-10-2010, 03:46 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But Mick has got to get his ass another home place folks.
2. He just attacked me, my wife, and the Country of The Philippines.
3. He is nothing but a *Shit Stirrer*.
4. He is a peice of crap folks, and the last bad apple from years ago who hasn't been shown the door.
5. OCA, Yurt, and 82FAG89 all had there day some years ago stirring shit, two got banned, its Mick time folks.
6. Otherwise, I will have to be leaving again.
7. I can't stand assholes like this, couldn't then, and won't now.
8. This is my way of saying my piece, you may want to belly ache about me coming forward, to the powers that be, but I see no other way, its just not worth it folks, to put up with 82FAG89's shit.
9. I take it personal when you attack my wife, and her homeland.
10. So if any others want some of this speak up, I'm ready to flame you too!!!!


Sorry bout that,

1. Unexceptable:

82FAG89 wrote:
"Americans are slave owners to the Flips. That is why they go there. They buy and sell their women, kids, and use them until they are no longer needed. Don't you own a Flip?"

"A negative rep with the comment... "fuck you fuck face,...." I think you might have broken the rules on that one.

What's wrong CheeseWhiz? Can't handle the truth? You know Americans go to the Philippines to buy and sell flips. They have sex with them and when they are done they move on. They are nothing more than sex toys to all the tourists and either Americans or Australians own them and the bars they work at. Deal with it."


Sorry bout that,

1. So you think that Jimbo will choose the FAG over me?
2. We shall see ol mon!
3. I know your both ex-military, but you actually stand next to this piece of crap???:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Are you this much of a whiner in real life away from this board. my God man you sound like a spoiled little brat that isn't getting his way.

Hey here's a great idea...................... HAVE A CUP OF "SHUT THE F**K UP"