View Full Version : *Its Time I Go Away Again???*

05-10-2010, 08:47 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But looks like that time is here again.
2. Either 82FAG89 goes today or I do.
3. This is my demand.
4. And I'm not joking either.
5. Take it any way you want it, I will not get into a protracted fight with this huge piece of shit.
6. He isn't worth my time.
7. I know this clod 82FAG89 isn't worth a secound look.
8. And Im sure this site will be worse without me.
9. So you decide.
10. I will await your decission.


05-10-2010, 09:07 AM
I'm sorry you feel that way James. I explained my thoughts on everything that has occurred via PM with you. I won't cave to demands or threats to leave either. I certainly don't want you to leave, but I won't banish someone just to keep another member either. You brought Gabby's family member into a thread on the board, whether joking or not, and it would appear 82 took a swipe at you similarly. The "intent" of why one would do so doesn't matter, the fact that they were brought into the conversations at all is what matters. In a perfect world you would get a 24hr ban as would 82 for his words. I don't want to ban anyone and would prefer everyone just move forward as adults. Those that cannot communicate with one another should learn to use the ignore feature. Leaving when you can just place a member on ignore is silly, and you would prefer to see him completely gone from the board instead, which is not going to happen.