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View Full Version : Single black women being urged to date outside race

05-12-2010, 09:52 AM
This is an excellent article filled with examples of black racism that is obvious to even those who have been programmed by political correctness to only see white racism.

You Be The Judge?

[1] "some black women choose to demonize all white men rather than look objectively at the facts of our modern times"

[2] "Divestment is an imperative of our self-preservation as black women,"

[3] "There are some women who believe that racial loyalty should have precedence over self-preservation," Vazquez says. "Where did that teaching come from? . . . Too many of us claim that we are God's women, but our mentality reveals that we place racial validation above any and everything."

[4] The decision to marry a white man sometimes brings strife. Lorraine Spencer of Arlington says that despite living happily with the white man she married in 1995, she still gets grief from friends and relatives.

[5] "from my own personal experience, people tend to treat you as though you have lost your right to speak on black issues or you are not taken as seriously because somehow you don't have the same experience if you have decided to marry transracially," she says. "I've been called a sellout or white-acting, so to speak, or a person who hates black people by co-workers and family."

[6] "Black people are not a monolith, and one voice is a myth, and yet some black folks still seem certain that they know who has 'stayed black' and who has 'sold out,' "

[7] Being perceived by other blacks as a sellout is No. 8 on the list of nine "notions" preventing black women from dating and marrying interracially that Folan outlines and rebuts in her book.

[8] "After slavery, I would never, ever date a white man"

[9] Many black daughters are told: "Whatever you do, don't bring home a white boy,"

[10] In public with her white husband -"Once, as we strolled together after a lovely dinner in Baltimore, a car full of black men honked at us. 'Come back, sister!' one of them yelled out of the window. 'Come back!' "

Those of you who are afflicted with political correctness will claim that you also condemn black racism,

but rarely do we ever hear your critisisms even though in the last 40 years black racism has been much more widespread and prominent than white racism.

Yet another tell-tale sign of the political correctness indoctrination and programming that influences your racial beliefs and opinions.