View Full Version : The Most Corrupt States

05-12-2010, 01:42 PM
There seems to be alot of blacks and hispanics involved in government corruption...Maybe this explains Obama.

05-12-2010, 03:30 PM
There are alot of whites involved in government corruption, what would that explain?

05-12-2010, 03:43 PM
There seems to be alot of blacks and hispanics involved in government corruption...Maybe this explains Obama.

I don't believe corruption is related to one or two colors HT - it comes in a rainbow of colors, unfortunately.

05-12-2010, 04:20 PM
There are alot of whites involved in government corruption, what would that explain?I believe what I meant was, in relation to the percentage of the population, the same as with minority crime in the private sector.

My remark admittedly was nothing more than reactionary to the pictures I saw while watching the slide show on The Most Corrupt States link.

Do you perhaps have some statistics of corruption by minority public officials that dispute my assumption or was your defense simply the result of political correctness?

Listen people...I simply asked the hard questions to spark your curiosity, but all I usually spark is your political correctness into high gear.

You need to be the ones asking these tough questions and be willing to accept the truth when you find it, whatever that truth may be.

I am not your enemy...Political Correctness is the enemy that has been lying to you for the last 40 years and working overtime to destroy your nation and way of life.

05-12-2010, 04:46 PM
I don't believe corruption is related to one or two colors HT - it comes in a rainbow of colors, unfortunately.Very true Princess, and I excuse no one for crime or corruption based on race.

I was simply putting forth the question of whether minority crime statistics in the public sector might mirror those in the private sector.

The enemies of America and capitalism have political correctness in there corner to fight their battles and I have assumed the position of defender for common sense, here at DP.

Political Correctness and Common Sense are adversaries who cannot exist together...fire and water...matter and anti matter...bugs bunny and yosemite sam...No nation is big enough for the two of them.

05-12-2010, 04:56 PM
or was your defense simply the result of political correctness?

It wasn't a "defense" it was a question.

05-12-2010, 05:33 PM
It wasn't a "defense" it was a question.It was a 100% standard programmed PC response.

I have seen the exact same words many times before.

Once you know what to look for, PC is very easy to spot.

05-12-2010, 06:27 PM
Skin color has nothing to do with lack of integrity. It's a human problem that few try to overcome.

05-12-2010, 07:17 PM
I believe what I meant was, in relation to the percentage of the population, the same as with minority crime in the private sector.

Is the percentage of minorities in politics consistent with the percentage in the general population?

05-12-2010, 07:33 PM
I DISagree with hog 100% on this one.

Avatar's on target.

05-12-2010, 08:00 PM
Is the percentage of minorities in politics consistent with the percentage in the general population?I'm not sure, but I will venture a guess that the percentage of minorities holding public office is higher than the general population.

Still, I would like to see some statistics to find out for sure.

05-12-2010, 08:45 PM
Sure didn't see the PC Card being played that early. :eek:

05-13-2010, 12:21 AM
Very true Princess, and I excuse no one for crime or corruption based on race.

This may be so, however, the perception is that you have a tendency to PC the white race. Perhaps if you posted more stats about corruption, crime and overall yuckiness perpetrated by whites your arguments would be more acceptable.

I was simply putting forth the question of whether minority crime statistics in the public sector might mirror those in the private sector.

They might. I would like to see some stats for how long one political party was in power in the most corrupt states. And then, some stats on what the percentage breakdown would be comparatively speaking (i.e., if Illinois is the most corrupt, how long the dems were in power and then what was the minority percentage of those in power compared to the overall population and then compared to crime stats).

The enemies of America and capitalism have political correctness in there corner to fight their battles and I have assumed the position of defender for common sense, here at DP.

Political Correctness and Common Sense are adversaries who cannot exist together...fire and water...matter and anti matter...bugs bunny and yosemite sam...No nation is big enough for the two of them.

I applaud you for defending common sense here at DP, Hog. I think all of us believe we are doing the same thing. I truly believe, however, that if one were to eradicate all forms of PC from their vocabulary they would not necessarily become arbiters of common sense. So, I disagree with you when you say the two cannot exist together.

To me, PC is like a bacteria. Some of it is good and some of it, if left unchecked, will kill you........humans are plagued by some bacteria and yet could not live without other types. Some PC is necessary and some of it is deadly (example: Ft. Hood), but I would not condemn PC across the board.

05-13-2010, 09:50 AM
I disagree with you when you say the two cannot exist together.Political Correctness is in direct conflict with Common Sense.

Irrational and rational cannot coexist...A lie cannot live along side of the truth.

Political Correctness not only makes problem solving impossible, it creates more problems.

Political Correctness teaches us to ignore rationality and the truth when making important decisions.

Common Sense demands that we base our conclusions on the cold hard facts to best diagnose and solve problems.

Some PC is necessary and some of it is deadly (example: Ft. Hood), but I would not condemn PC across the board.Only in dreams where reality plays no part, but here in the real world PC is always destructive.

Maybe you could give an example of when you believe political correctness should not be condemned?

If I overlooked something, I will admit I was wrong to "condemn PC across the board"...You have my word.

05-13-2010, 10:00 AM
just off the top of my head, wouldn't it make more sense to say the states with the worst corruption would be the ones with the FEWEST convictions instead of the ones with the most?......

05-13-2010, 10:24 AM
just off the top of my head, wouldn't it make more sense to say the states with the worst corruption would be the ones with the FEWEST convictions instead of the ones with the most?......I would assume the authorities believe the amount of crime and corrution that goes undetected is directly related to the number that is prosecuted.

ie, if 10 people are prosecuted and they determine that is only 10% of the crime that exists, then there are 90 criminals who have evaded detection.

I would imagine there is some scientific formula, but your guess is as good as mine?...With a corrupt government and press and PC, the truth is hard to come by.

05-13-2010, 01:25 PM
I would assume the authorities believe the amount of crime and corrution that goes undetected is directly related to the number that is prosecuted.

ie, if 10 people are prosecuted and they determine that is only 10% of the crime that exists, then there are 90 criminals who have evaded detection.

ah, but if none are prosecuted, then all 100 have gotten away with it.....probably because the authorities are in on it......

05-13-2010, 01:57 PM
I'm sorry. I just don't see how common sense indicates at all that minorities are less honest and more corrupt than anyone else.

Abbey Marie
05-13-2010, 07:47 PM
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Our corrupt natures are color blind.

05-14-2010, 01:14 AM
Maybe you could give an example of when you believe political correctness should not be condemned?

If I overlooked something, I will admit I was wrong to "condemn PC across the board"...You have my word.

Just one example and you'll admit you are wrong about condemning PC across the board?

Using this definition:

politically correct; (commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term which denotes language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, disability, and age-related contexts.

Here is an example:

My mother-in-law has been in a same-sex relationship for over 35 years. I want to maintain a healthy relationship with her and her partner so I use PC language when talking to them or about them so that I don't offend them or other members of the family. Does it mean that she is not a homosexual just because I refrain from calling her that? Or openly discussing my beliefs in front of her? No, it doesn't. But it does keep peace in our family.

So I would say that using PC to maintain a healthy relationship with family, friends and coworkers is not a negative, is rational and actually is using common sense. It doesn't get in the way of diagnosing any family problems or making decisions.

So, tell me how using political correctness in this instance should be condemned?

05-15-2010, 08:10 PM
I'm sorry. I just don't see how common sense indicates at all that minorities are less honest and more corrupt than anyone else.Common sense does not indicate these things.

Common sense simply tells us to rely on known facts and proven statistics rather than political correctess to form the most reliable conclusion.

05-15-2010, 09:38 PM
Just one example and you'll admit you are wrong about condemning PC across the board?

Using this definition:

Here is an example:

My mother-in-law has been in a same-sex relationship for over 35 years. I want to maintain a healthy relationship with her and her partner so I use PC language when talking to them or about them so that I don't offend them or other members of the family. Does it mean that she is not a homosexual just because I refrain from calling her that? Or openly discussing my beliefs in front of her? No, it doesn't. But it does keep peace in our family.

So I would say that using PC to maintain a healthy relationship with family, friends and coworkers is not a negative, is rational and actually is using common sense. It doesn't get in the way of diagnosing any family problems or making decisions.

So, tell me how using political correctness in this instance should be condemned?Do you really believe this will "maintain a healthy relationship with family"?.....You say "But it does keep peace in our family", but at what price?

Untill the onslaught of the sexual revolution and political correctness, most people believed that homosexuality was a sick perversion that would begin to slowly errode the moral fabric of our society.

Have you noticed any moral erosion in our society since the 1960's?...Near naked gays parading in the streets?...Teen pregancies?...Babies born out of wedlock?...Open marriages.

11 year old girls going to school dressed like whores?...Divorce rates?...Abortions?...STD's...Sexting?......TV?... Movies?...Music lyrics?...Have you seen children dance lately?...Immorality is now cool.

If you believe the new PC indoctrinated acceptance of homosexuality promotes healthy relationships and keeps the peace in your family with no danger to it's moral fabric, then there's nothing more I can say.

But if you believe homosexuality is wrong and is a threat to the moral fabric of our society, yet you still accept it just to keep the peace in your family, then what messege are you sending to your children?

Your children look to see how you react to every situation to determine what you believe is morally acceptable...Whether it is teen pregnacy, premarital sex, miscegenation or homosexuality.

What happens when cousin Ricky Bob shows up at the family pik-nik with his favorite sheep and announces his engagement and PC says you must accept it?

You say "no way" now, but I remember when people said "no way" would they ever accept homosexualty as anything but sick perversion.

05-15-2010, 10:27 PM
Common sense does not indicate these things.

Common sense simply tells us to rely on known facts and proven statistics rather than political correctess to form the most reliable conclusion.

Seriously? What are the chances that the majority of politicians in all states are white? That would mean that whites are more corrupt than any other ethnicity. That would be a fact. Correct?

The Daily Beast examined a wide range of available data to rank the level of corruption in all 50 states. Each of the following data sets was weighted equally:

•Public corruption, 1998—2008: Convictions of elected and other public officials investigated by federal agents over an 11-year period, from the Department of Justice.

•Racketeering and Extortion, 1998—2008: Code for organized crime convictions, also investigated by federal agents over an 11-year period, from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

•Forgery and Counterfeiting, 1999—2008: Arrest numbers for producing or distributing fake money and goods over a 10-year period, from the FBI.

•Fraud, 1999—2008: Arrests for false statements or documents produced for personal gain over a 10-year period, from the FBI.

•Embezzlement, 1999—2008: Arrests for surreptitious theft of money over a 10-year period, from the FBI.

By using a decade’s worth of federal data, we were able to minimize changes in local law enforcement efficacy, though some flaws remain: local cases go undocumented, and the FBI data is self-reported by local law enforcement. When combined, however, the data provides a fairly deep look into which jurisdictions are uncovering the most corruption. We leveled the playing field by calculating the numbers on a per-100,000 people basis.

LINK (http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2010-05-11/the-most-corrupt-states/?cid)

Click here for a slide show of corrupt states. (http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/1610/1/)

05-15-2010, 11:09 PM
Do you really believe this will "maintain a healthy relationship with family"?.....You say "But it does keep peace in our family", but at what price?

Untill the onslaught of the sexual revolution and political correctness, most people believed that homosexuality was a sick perversion that would begin to slowly errode the moral fabric of our society.

Have you noticed any moral erosion in our society since the 1960's?...Near naked gays parading in the streets?...Teen pregancies?...Babies born out of wedlock?...Open marriages.

11 year old girls going to school dressed like whores?...Divorce rates?...Abortions?...STD's...Sexting?......TV?... Movies?...Music lyrics?...Have you seen children dance lately?...Immorality is now cool.

If you believe the new PC indoctrinated acceptance of homosexuality promotes healthy relationships and keeps the peace in your family with no danger to it's moral fabric, then there's nothing more I can say.

But if you believe homosexuality is wrong and is a threat to the moral fabric of our society, yet you still accept it just to keep the peace in your family, then what messege are you sending to your children?

Your children look to see how you react to every situation to determine what you believe is morally acceptable...Whether it is teen pregnacy, premarital sex, miscegenation or homosexuality.

What happens when cousin Ricky Bob shows up at the family pik-nik with his favorite sheep and announces his engagement and PC says you must accept it?

You say "no way" now, but I remember when people said "no way" would they ever accept homosexualty as anything but sick perversion.

I accept my mother-in-law by looking at who she is and what she has done, and not because of what she does in the bedroom. She is a good mother, good mother-in-law, good grandmother, and has always been very circumspect around me.

When I was younger, most people believed that guys riding Harleys were all Hell's Angels and nothing but druggies and murderers. Perhaps a lot of them still are, but I know hundreds of Harley owners who are decent, law abiding citizens. But, I still get a creepy feeling when they decide to ride in a group. Do you think Harley riders are a menace to society? Should I forbid my children to ride a bike because some day they might grow up and get a Harley and start riding in gangs? Do you think my acceptance of people riding Harley's will rip apart the moral fabric of my family?

I believe that my children should be made aware of what is currently going on in society and know that I am teaching them to know the difference between what is right and wrong, legal and illegal, moral and immoral, political correctness and common sense!!! :cool:

05-16-2010, 01:08 AM
I accept my mother-in-law by looking at who she is and what she has done, and not because of what she does in the bedroom. She is a good mother, good mother-in-law, good grandmother, and has always been very circumspect around me.Question - If you allow drugs in your home, what affect do you believe it will have on your children?

Answer - The exact same affect anything else will have on your children that you allow in your home.

When I was younger, most people believed that guys riding Harleys were all Hell's Angels and nothing but druggies and murderers. Perhaps a lot of them still are, but I know hundreds of Harley owners who are decent, law abiding citizens. But, I still get a creepy feeling when they decide to ride in a group. Do you think Harley riders are a menace to society? Should I forbid my children to ride a bike because some day they might grow up and get a Harley and start riding in gangs? Do you think my acceptance of people riding Harley's will rip apart the moral fabric of my family?If you allow outlaw bikers into your home they will rip apart more than just 'the moral fabric of your family'.

I believe that my children should be made aware of what is currently going on in society and know that I am teaching them to know the difference between what is right and wrong, legal and illegal, moral and immoral, political correctness and common sense!!! :cool:Short story...When I was a kid there was a girl and boy who lived in our neighborhood that I played with sometimes...They lived with there mother and grandfather and they were the dirtiest people I ever knew...They had these nasty little dogs that shit all over their house which they rarely if ever cleaned up.

Years later I was visiting the old neighborhood and saw the girl who was now grown and still living in the same house...Her mother and grandfather had died and her brother had moved...There was no husband but she had several kids and dogs that shit all over the house, just like when she was a kid...Nothing had changed.

Whatever happens in our homes and is accepted by our parents is what we as children will come to believe and accept as perfectly normal behavior and habits, no matter how strange, disgusting or immoral...How many children who grew up the victims of mental, physical and sexual abuse, will themselves become abusers?

05-17-2010, 12:36 AM
Question - If you allow drugs in your home, what affect do you believe it will have on your children?

Answer - The exact same affect anything else will have on your children that you allow in your home.

I allow alcohol and guns in my home and my children are not alcoholics nor have they ever shot anyone. My parents smoked but I never did. My parents were alcoholics .... I don't drink. My parents never did drugs, but all my siblings have done drugs. So your argument that allowing things in your home will result in your children abusing it, or not allowing it will keep them from abusing it, holds no water Hog.

If you allow outlaw bikers into your home they will rip apart more than just 'the moral fabric of your family'.

The point being that not all people who ride Harley's are outlaws .... so being aware of those that are harmful and those that are not is more important than shunning all of them just because they own a Harley.

Short story...When I was a kid there was a girl and boy who lived in our neighborhood that I played with sometimes...They lived with there mother and grandfather and they were the dirtiest people I ever knew...They had these nasty little dogs that shit all over their house which they rarely if ever cleaned up.

Years later I was visiting the old neighborhood and saw the girl who was now grown and still living in the same house...Her mother and grandfather had died and her brother had moved...There was no husband but she had several kids and dogs that shit all over the house, just like when she was a kid...Nothing had changed.

Whatever happens in our homes and is accepted by our parents is what we as children will come to believe and accept as perfectly normal behavior and habits, no matter how strange, disgusting or immoral.

:bs1: Only if the children remain uneducated and ignorant.

..How many children who grew up the victims of mental, physical and sexual abuse, will themselves become abusers?

How many people who grew up in perfectly normal homes become abusive? I grew up in a home where mental, physical and sexual abuse was so bad my stepdad was arrested and put in jail.........but I survived and made a point to break the cycle. So, in my case, being exposed to all this gave me a reference point for how I wanted my life to be better.

Once again, you paint broad strokes without thinking that there are exceptions everywhere.

05-17-2010, 09:44 AM
Once again, you paint broad strokes without thinking that there are exceptions everywhere.My opinions, conclusions and assumptions are based on facts, statistics, my extensive travels and exposure to diversity and a lifetime of extraordinary experiences.

[ie, I've been around]..........And many times I have included the disclaimer in my posts that there are 'exceptions' to every rule...MANY TIMES!

At the risk of sounding sexist, I believe you are a good and kind person that primarily relies on your heart and emotions to form many of your opinions, where men take a harder line in their judgement calls.

I believe God created men and women with different qualities to make us a more complete team...We were designed to combine these unique resources to work as one unit to better our chances of procreation and survival.

Unfortunately, modern civilization and it's technologies have caused men and women to rely less and less on each other and created much conflict between the sexes...The progressives love it and have used this to further their agenda.

05-19-2010, 01:02 AM
My opinions, conclusions and assumptions are based on facts, statistics, my extensive travels and exposure to diversity and a lifetime of extraordinary experiences.

Me too!! :thumb:

[ie, I've been around]..........And many times I have included the disclaimer in my posts that there are 'exceptions' to every rule...MANY TIMES!

Thank you for the disclaimer....I might have missed it earlier. Sorry.

At the risk of sounding sexist, I believe you are a good and kind person that primarily relies on your heart and emotions to form many of your opinions, where men take a harder line in their judgement calls.

Perhaps you are right - I like being a woman who relies on her heart .... it seems to focus on the exception to the rule first because it isn't blinded by "stats" and "rational" thought processes to make judgement calls. All the personality tests I've taken show me to be a very intuitive person.

I believe God created men and women with different qualities to make us a more complete team...We were designed to combine these unique resources to work as one unit to better our chances of procreation and survival.

I believe God designed women to think with both sides of her brain at the same time so we can multi-task; and men with more strength so they could protect and provide. The need to focus and narrow in on the target for the kill means that using the heart and emotions has to be set aside.

Unfortunately, modern civilization and it's technologies have caused men and women to rely less and less on each other and created much conflict between the sexes...The progressives love it and have used this to further their agenda.

Totally agree with you on this!! :cheers2: