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Pale Rider
04-26-2007, 02:35 PM
In Carson: Board commutes sentences for 45 illegal aliens

Provided by the Nevada Appeal
April 26, 2007

Nevada’s Pardons Board on Wednesday commuted the sentences of 46 illegal aliens in the Nevada prison system, clearing the way for the Parole Board to release them.

But they won’t be let go. Instead, they’ll be released to federal immigration authorities who will deport them.

Supreme Court Justice Jim Hardesty suggested releasing many of the illegals, who may constitute more than 10 percent of the prison population, as a way to reduce overcrowding. He said there are 1,065 illegal aliens in the Nevada prison system, many are being held for nonviolent crimes.

David Smith, of the Parole Board, said 35 illegals have been turned over to federal authorities. But the group dealt with Wednesday wasn’t eligible for release because they hadn’t served their minimum sentences yet. Only the Pardons Board, which consists of the seven Supreme Court justices, the attorney general and the
governor, has the power to make them eligible for parole early.

Hardesty said another 40 or so will become eligible for parole and deportation before June. Altogether, he said, the parole board should be able to turn over a total of 121 illegals by June 15.

But he said that’s just the first phase of the plan. He said another 186 inmates will be considered at the Pardons Board on May 29. He said the inmates on that list are also good candidates for deportation since their crimes are nonviolent. Once the Pardons Board commutes their sentences, the parole board can release them for deportation as well.

In the future, he said, the board hopes to develop a system that routinely hands over
illegals to the federal government for deportation.

Gov. Jim Gibbons, chairman of the Pardons Board, said he wants one stipulation attached to the releases.

“My goal is we never see them back here again,” he said. “If we find them back in our judicial system, they should not be privileged to have their minimum sentence commuted again. It’s a one strike and you’re out.”

The other members of the board agreed.

Dorla Salling, chairwoman of the Parole Board, said any inmates who decide to return to the U.S. shouldn’t be the state’s problem because they will be prosecuted at the federal level. But she said if the state isn’t satisfied with the federal punishment, the inmates who return would be parole violators who could be put back in the Nevada prison system.

Hardesty said he doubts that will be a problem because it isn’t with the illegals who finish their sentences and are deported.

“The return rate is two or three people out of the 40 to 50 being deported each month,” he said.

The idea behind the Pardons Board action is to get them out much quicker to reduce the overcrowding in Nevada’s prison system. That overcrowding will force the state to build $1.9 billion in new prison beds over the next 10 years unless changes are made. In addition, it would save more than $20,000 per year it costs to house each inmate.

Hardesty said there will still be illegals in the Nevada prison system because release and deportation isn’t an option for those who committed violent or sex crimes.

The 2007 Legislature is considering other changes as well to reduce overcrowding including doubling the rate at which inmates can earn good time credits that reduce their sentences.


Pale Rider
04-26-2007, 02:36 PM
This is excelent. Now they should start doing this on a national scale.

04-26-2007, 02:40 PM
This WOULD be an excellent thing... if not for the fact that they'll be back less than 24 hours after being dropped off in Mexico.

We need to:

1.) Deport existing illegal aliens
2.) Build a strong fence/wall/etc. to keep them out
3.) Expand the Border Patrol to monitor the fence properly
4.) Imprison employers who kowingly hire illegal aliens

Once ALL FOUR of these things are rigorously done, then it will be an excellent thing.

Pale Rider
04-26-2007, 02:46 PM
This WOULD be an excellent thing... if not for the fact that they'll be back less than 24 hours after being dropped off in Mexico.

We need to:

1.) Deport existing illegal aliens
2.) Build a strong fence/wall/etc. to keep them out
3.) Expand the Border Patrol to monitor the fence properly
4.) Imprison employers who kowingly hire illegal aliens

Once ALL FOUR of these things are rigorously done, then it will be an excellent thing.

ITA, but deporting these criminals is better than doing nothing at all.

04-26-2007, 02:58 PM
Perhaps our politicians should quit trying to appease a certain sector of people and begin seriously pressuring the Mexican government to deal with this problem.
The Mexican government is rife with corruption. They enjoy their system where 10 percent of the people own 90 percent of the wealth. Instead of attempting to deal with massive unemployment and horrible business practices, they encourage citizens to cross the border.
The U.S. government (BOTH parties) refuses to deal with this issue. Politicians are more interested in attracting voters than dealing with problems.
One decent thing The Govinator has done has made it very difficult to cross the border into California. Too bad Texas and Arizona can't say the same thing.

If you have a rotten tree in your yard, you can't keep trimming the branches. You eventually have to remove the tree.

Pale Rider
04-26-2007, 03:08 PM
Perhaps our politicians should quit trying to appease a certain sector of people and begin seriously pressuring the Mexican government to deal with this problem.
The Mexican government is rife with corruption. They enjoy their system where 10 percent of the people own 90 percent of the wealth. Instead of attempting to deal with massive unemployment and horrible business practices, they encourage citizens to cross the border.
The U.S. government (BOTH parties) refuses to deal with this issue. Politicians are more interested in attracting voters than dealing with problems.
One decent thing The Govinator has done has made it very difficult to cross the border into California. Too bad Texas and Arizona can't say the same thing.

If you have a rotten tree in your yard, you can't keep trimming the branches. You eventually have to remove the tree.

*picked self up off floor*.... my God... I AGREE with you... :eek:

04-26-2007, 03:15 PM
Pale, this is the point that I have be trying to get across. This is NOT about the Mexicans in the country. It is about our government refusing to keep them out.
Let us take a PURELY hypothetical example. Suppose Nevada became its own state and adopted a very corrupt government. The only job your son or daughter could get to support their families was a factory job paying $1 an hour for a 12-hour work day. But if they illegally crossed the border into California, they could earn $10 an hour for an 8-hour day.
I know you enjoy law and order, but, on a personal basis, what would you advise your kids to do?

Pale Rider
04-26-2007, 03:22 PM
Pale, this is the point that I have be trying to get across. This is NOT about the Mexicans in the country. It is about our government refusing to keep them out.
Let us take a PURELY hypothetical example. Suppose Nevada became its own state and adopted a very corrupt government. The only job your son or daughter could get to support their families was a factory job paying $1 an hour for a 12-hour work day. But if they illegally crossed the border into California, they could earn $10 an hour for an 8-hour day.
I know you enjoy law and order, but, on a personal basis, what would you advise your kids to do?

Well, I'd advise my kids to obey the law and fight to make my state a better place.

I know as well as you do that mexico is just as much to blame as America. I also know that many of the mexicans coming here do so because they can, and then we take care of them. Hell, who wouldn't. I think that along with us securing our own border, we need to ALSO work HARD with mexico to end it's corruption. I mean for crying out loud, they're our geographical neighbors, and they've got a long and great history shared with America. There is much to benefit from for America and mexico to be on good neighborly standing.

I don't hate mexico. I don't hate mexican people. I hate the people that have allowed this catastrophy to happen, and now are doing nothing to correct it.

04-26-2007, 03:40 PM
Well, I'd advise my kids to obey the law and fight to make my state a better place.

Those who try to do this in Mexico often disappear. Are they are just killed outright.
The Mexican government cares very little about its own people. They care about getting kickbacks from business people. They especially care about not getting killed by the leaders of drug cartels.
I agree about sealing our borders. We can't do it with a fence, though. It would become a 21st Century Berlin Wall. We have to do with tough dealing with the Mexican government. As well as a better paid Border Patrol.
I don't know if anyone realizes how poorly compensated our Border agents are. If you make $8-10 an hour, how are you going to look the other way when a coyote or drug king offers you $10,000 to look the other way?
We also have to improve the Immigration process. We need to have tougher standards, like England and Australia. In Australia, you can't become a citizen or hold a job unless you can demonstrate mastery of English.

Who is MOST responsible for American problems with immigration?
Of course, it is the employers. Slap on the wrist fines are not enough. If businesses could be shut down and their top executives jailed for hiring illegals, there would not be much of a problem. Instead, we deport the workers and do very little to the companies.

Pale Rider
04-26-2007, 04:14 PM
Those who try to do this in Mexico often disappear. Are they are just killed outright.
The Mexican government cares very little about its own people. They care about getting kickbacks from business people. They especially care about not getting killed by the leaders of drug cartels.
I agree about sealing our borders. We can't do it with a fence, though. It would become a 21st Century Berlin Wall. We have to do with tough dealing with the Mexican government. As well as a better paid Border Patrol.
I don't know if anyone realizes how poorly compensated our Border agents are. If you make $8-10 an hour, how are you going to look the other way when a coyote or drug king offers you $10,000 to look the other way?
We also have to improve the Immigration process. We need to have tougher standards, like England and Australia. In Australia, you can't become a citizen or hold a job unless you can demonstrate mastery of English.

Who is MOST responsible for American problems with immigration?
Of course, it is the employers. Slap on the wrist fines are not enough. If businesses could be shut down and their top executives jailed for hiring illegals, there would not be much of a problem. Instead, we deport the workers and do very little to the companies.

Again... *gasping for air*... I totally agree with you. Drugs is the number one problem in mexico. I think America should help mexico deal with this, and we could do that with better border security.

I don't think a fence will work either, alone that is. I do think a fence is good ALONG with other forms of surveliance and much increased manning.

04-26-2007, 09:46 PM
The most important thing to do is crack down on the businesses that hire the illegals. Crack down hard. Drying up the job market for illegals will take away their incentive to come here. Also crack down on the welfare system to discourage them from using that. We wouldn't have to deport anyone. They would go back on their own.

04-26-2007, 11:48 PM
The most important thing to do is crack down on the businesses that hire the illegals. Crack down hard. Drying up the job market for illegals will take away their incentive to come here. Also crack down on the welfare system to discourage them from using that. We wouldn't have to deport anyone. They would go back on their own.

:clap: :cheers2: