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05-14-2010, 11:39 PM

Bomb went off at a Courthouse.

05-15-2010, 07:10 AM
bet the Spartans never saw that one coming....

05-15-2010, 08:15 AM
Warning calls means it wasn't muslims. The Greeks have a civil war looming. Similar events will happen here as early as next year.

05-15-2010, 12:29 PM
Hmmm, people who become dependent on government programs, sure become violent when those programs are taken away or reduced, don't they?

First protests, then riots, now bombings?

Kind of lets you know what kind of people these government programs have been supporting.

Coming soon to a government near you?

06-17-2010, 03:37 PM
Warning calls means it wasn't muslims. The Greeks have a civil war looming. Similar events will happen here as early as next year.

No civil war coming, wasn't even about anything remotely close to that but i'll cut you some slack as i'm sure not many here even realize what it all was about.

There will not be anything close to that happen here in America, Americans are way too apathetic and take just about anything that comes their way up the ass with a smile and a thank you. No passion or fervor here, well unless you are a teabagger and think that Mrs. Wasilla is the most intelligent thing you've ever heard and judging by some of the teabaggers I met a budding carnation is more intelligent.

06-17-2010, 03:53 PM
Warning calls means it wasn't muslims. The Greeks have a civil war looming. Similar events will happen here as early as next year.I was hoping we had a little longer than a year.

I'm no where near through with my preparations.

06-17-2010, 04:32 PM
I was hoping we had a little longer than a year.

I'm no where near through with my preparations.

Might want to move your preparations up to about this November when the election fraud really kicks into gear.

06-18-2010, 08:21 AM
Might want to move your preparations up to about this November when the election fraud really kicks into gear.Have you ever heard of this? http://www.louisbeam.com/leaderless.htm

"It is the duty of every patriot to make the tyrant's life miserable" - Col. U L Amoss :salute:

06-18-2010, 02:41 PM
Might want to move your preparations up to about this November when the election fraud really kicks into gear.

tinfoil.........no wait, Repubs will def have to commit some fraud to win in big numbers seeing as how they blew the economy and cost many their jobs.

06-18-2010, 04:52 PM
tinfoil.........no wait, Repubs will def have to commit some fraud to win in big numbers seeing as how they blew the economy and cost many their jobs.

Since when did Bullypulpit gain access to OCA's account?

06-18-2010, 06:42 PM
tinfoil.........no wait, Repubs will def have to commit some fraud to win in big numbers seeing as how they blew the economy and cost many their jobs.

Everyone but you knows where the fraud will come from. You stay in your little world and the rest of us will go about the important things. All that time on hiatus and you still have your head up your ass.

red states rule
06-18-2010, 07:06 PM
Everyone but you knows where the fraud will come from. You stay in your little world and the rest of us will go about the important things. All that time on hiatus and you still have your head up your ass.

I guess the "fraud" is starting to show thru


Looks at the approval numbers of Obama, Congress, right/wrong direction, and the losses Dems are looking at in the House and Senate

Like with his prediction that Hillary would get the nomination - he will be making many excuses the day after the Election to spin Obama's massive loss

06-18-2010, 07:23 PM
I guess the "fraud" is starting to show thru


Looks at the approval numbers of Obama, Congress, right/wrong direction, and the losses Dems are looking at in the House and Senate

Like with his prediction that Hillary would get the nomination - he will be making many excuses the day after the Election to spin Obama's massive loss

One thing you can count on, if oca makes a prediction about something the opposite will happen. He's infallible. And if he hates something its good for the country. People should always keep that in mind when reading his posts.

red states rule
06-18-2010, 07:26 PM
One thing you can count on, if oca makes a prediction about something the opposite will happen. He's infallible. And if he hates something its good for the country. People should always keep that in mind when reading his posts.

I also suspect OCA is in a foul mood given the Rasmussen Daily Tracking poll that has Obama at 41% today

Obama has been on a steafy downward track. Even Obamacare did not help him


06-18-2010, 07:40 PM
I also suspect OCA is in a foul mood given the Rasmussen Daily Tracking poll that has Obama at 41% today

Obama has been on a steafy downward track. Even Obamacare did not help him


I'm anxious to see his poll numbers at 20% before Nov. I think that would be a record. 20% poll numbers with less than two years in office.

red states rule
06-18-2010, 07:44 PM
I'm anxious to see his poll numbers at 20% before Nov. I think that would be a record. 20% poll numbers with less than two years in office.

We were told how Obam not having executive experience wasnt a problem? People wanted change - but not this kind of change

06-18-2010, 08:08 PM
No civil war coming, wasn't even about anything remotely close to that but i'll cut you some slack as i'm sure not many here even realize what it all was about.

There will not be anything close to that happen here in America, Americans are way too apathetic and take just about anything that comes their way up the ass with a smile and a thank you. No passion or fervor here, well unless you are a teabagger and think that Mrs. Wasilla is the most intelligent thing you've ever heard and judging by some of the teabaggers I met a budding carnation is more intelligent.

OCA, seriously, in what way have I personally insulted you? but yet, time and again you insult me. "teabagger" this, and "teabagger" that, it's not even original. It's the political equivalent of saying, "You're a doodyhead!"

you complain about apathy, then bitch about the people actually doing something. Have you even really studied what the Tea Party movement is about, OCA, or do you only have the liberal talking points version of it? We don't have a leader, and no, for the most part, I do not agree with Palin's politics. Are there idiots in the Tea Party? Of course there are, I mean what are you expecting? There are idiots in every party, that's pretty simple.

the key difference is that I see no reason to slander the whole group over the words or actions of only a few. Apparently, you are okay with that, however, but where does that stop, really?

06-19-2010, 09:13 AM
I also suspect OCA is in a foul mood given the Rasmussen Daily Tracking poll that has Obama at 41% today

Obama has been on a steafy downward track. Even Obamacare did not help him


Guess he's still got a ways to go to get to that teen reading that the retarded cowboy had.

06-19-2010, 09:19 AM
OCA, seriously, in what way have I personally insulted you? but yet, time and again you insult me. "teabagger" this, and "teabagger" that, it's not even original. It's the political equivalent of saying, "You're a doodyhead!"

you complain about apathy, then bitch about the people actually doing something. Have you even really studied what the Tea Party movement is about, OCA, or do you only have the liberal talking points version of it? We don't have a leader, and no, for the most part, I do not agree with Palin's politics. Are there idiots in the Tea Party? Of course there are, I mean what are you expecting? There are idiots in every party, that's pretty simple.

the key difference is that I see no reason to slander the whole group over the words or actions of only a few. Apparently, you are okay with that, however, but where does that stop, really?

No teabagger is not meant at you personally, don't get caught up in emotions, showing outward emotion too much is a sign of weakness.

Mrs. Wasilla has publicly claimed the mantle of being head teabagger, many at their conventions and meetings think she's the best thing since sliced bread. As many know here, i've been actively looking at 3rd parties after being disillusioned with Repubs during the reign of the retarded cowboy, when the teabaggers first came out I immediately checked them out, even went to a couple of meetings of the local group here in Carroll County......HOLY SHIT! They were expousing an even more rabid brand of the same philosophy that just recently almost brought the country to extinction.......and wingnuts? You say wingnuts? HOLY HELL!

06-19-2010, 09:22 AM
Interesting, in order to deflect attention away from the fact that they don't know jack about international politics the head reynolds wearers get back on with rants about the Black man.....sad really.

06-19-2010, 12:46 PM
No teabagger is not meant at you personally, don't get caught up in emotions, showing outward emotion too much is a sign of weakness.

Mrs. Wasilla has publicly claimed the mantle of being head teabagger, many at their conventions and meetings think she's the best thing since sliced bread. As many know here, i've been actively looking at 3rd parties after being disillusioned with Repubs during the reign of the retarded cowboy, when the teabaggers first came out I immediately checked them out, even went to a couple of meetings of the local group here in Carroll County......HOLY SHIT! They were expousing an even more rabid brand of the same philosophy that just recently almost brought the country to extinction.......and wingnuts? You say wingnuts? HOLY HELL!

You keep calling me a teabagger, since I'm part of the Tea Party movement, it is not weakness to take you to task, though trying to weasel out of responsibility for your own words is.

Ms. Palin is definitely NOT head of the Tea Party movement, which Tea Partiers shot her down on pretty quickly. There is no head for the Tea Party, which is a good thing at this point. The problem is that you are on the left, so hearing people actually call for less government (unlike the GOP who calls for "less government", but actually means less Democrats), and that shocks you. Our woes were not caused by deregulation, namely because we've not been deregulated since prior to WWI. We've been kinda sorta deregulated, but regulated, but no... See, that's what caused the problem.

It's like our government is doing the hoky-poky right now, it just can't seem be in or out, and so they're just fucking up everything all around, Dems or Reps.

06-19-2010, 01:17 PM
I seriously don't remember OCA being that liberal in the first place. I thought he was a libertarian? Guess I was wrong. He might as well have been BP or rather psychoblues. At least BP isn't as angry.

06-21-2010, 02:54 PM
I seriously don't remember OCA being that liberal in the first place. I thought he was a libertarian? Guess I was wrong. He might as well have been BP or rather psychoblues. At least BP isn't as angry.

Not a lib Insein, not a conservative anymore either, i'm nothing. I believe that no matter who you elect, which party they hail from or at whatever level they preside they are out to fuck us, the people. They just want to line their pockets with gold.

I currently believe that political office corrupts, that there is not 1 single good politician out there and that our system sucks ass.

I think the whole thing needs to be scrapped and if a suitable replacement can't be found then let anarchy reign and the strong will survive.

06-21-2010, 02:56 PM
You keep calling me a teabagger, since I'm part of the Tea Party movement, it is not weakness to take you to task, though trying to weasel out of responsibility for your own words is.

Ms. Palin is definitely NOT head of the Tea Party movement, which Tea Partiers shot her down on pretty quickly. There is no head for the Tea Party, which is a good thing at this point. The problem is that you are on the left, so hearing people actually call for less government (unlike the GOP who calls for "less government", but actually means less Democrats), and that shocks you. Our woes were not caused by deregulation, namely because we've not been deregulated since prior to WWI. We've been kinda sorta deregulated, but regulated, but no... See, that's what caused the problem.

It's like our government is doing the hoky-poky right now, it just can't seem be in or out, and so they're just fucking up everything all around, Dems or Reps.

Let me tell you what ultimately soured me on the tea party.............charging to attend the convention, can't remember the organizer's name now but it became quickly apparent that the whole thing is mostly a money making scheme............Bernie Madoff would be proud.