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View Full Version : Atty: Video shows police fired into Detroit home killing child

05-17-2010, 07:41 PM
I'm glad they have it on tape or they would have gotten away with the lies. That blue wall would have covered another crime.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100518/ap_on_en_tv/us_police_search_girl_killed;_ylt=AnrELMc30kFid91X z.cr.9FvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTJ1MGRldTkzBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIw MTAwNTE4L3VzX3BvbGljZV9zZWFyY2hfZ2lybF9raWxsZWQEY3 BvcwMzBHBvcwMxMARzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNhdHR5 dmlkZW9zaG8-

DETROIT – Police who carried out a raid on a family home that left a 7-year-old girl dead over the weekend were accompanied by a camera crew for a reality television show, and an attorney says video of the siege contradicts the police account of what happened.

Geoffrey Fieger, an attorney for the family of young Aiyana Jones, said he has seen three or four minutes of video of the raid, although he declined to say whether it was shot by the crew for the A&E series "The First 48," which has been shadowing Detroit homicide detectives for months.

Police have said officers threw a flash grenade through the first-floor window of the two-family home, and that an officer's gun discharged, killing the girl, during a struggle or after colliding with the girl's grandmother inside the home.

But Fieger said the video shows an officer lobbing the grenade and then shooting into the home from the porch.

"There is no question about what happened because it's in the videotape," Fieger said. "It's not an accident. It's not a mistake. There was no altercation."

"Aiyana Jones was shot from outside on the porch. The videotape shows clearly the officer throwing through the window a stun grenade-type explosive and then within milliseconds of throwing that, firing a shot from outside the home," he said.

A&E spokesman Dan Silberman said neither he nor anyone else from the network would comment about the case, and he denied a request by The Associated Press for the footage.

Detroit police were trying to obtain the film crew's footage, Assistant Chief Ralph Godbee said Monday.

Fieger said the investigation into what happened during the raid "needed to go no further than the videotape."

"The videotape shows clearly that the assistant police chief and the officers on the scene are engaging in an intentional cover up of the events," Fieger said. He said more than one camera was recording at the scene, and that the footage includes sound.

05-17-2010, 07:49 PM
warning......see the video for yourself first....Fieger does not have a reputation for honesty.....

05-17-2010, 07:51 PM
that's an easily proven lie if he's lyin but they wont release the tape to the public. Still good it's on tape.