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05-18-2010, 05:12 AM
let me know what you think

get off your ass, and tell these fuckers what you really think of them
sjackson@sandi.net; rbarrera1@sandi.net; jdebeck1@san.rr.com; johnleeevans@sandi.net; board@sandi.net

dont just complain, get off your ass, and tell those communist basterds at the san diego school board how you feel!

I did, do you have the balls to do the same?

my email word for word to the san diego school board

I am personally ashamed of you. Your job is to educate children not interject your own politically views into the public arena. Would you please for the love of god, remember your not a politician, your not running for office, and personally I dont think arizona wants you anyway. Nobody gives a dam, what you think or belief. Atleast anyone with a rational mind.

I am thoroughly disgusted and embarassed at your actions, and you dont speak for me, the vast majority of the country or san diegans. If you wanna be liberal fine, if you wanna not support a law, fine. But you are NOT being asked by san diegans to give your political views, which might I remind you 2 million ARIZONIANS visit each year and because of your actions, some will not come here now. You just hurt innocent people in our state and their state who have NOTHING to do with this law.

Please remember your priorities are to control the government monopoly you hold on brainwashing, i mean teaching our children.

Apparently, you cant even do that well.

05-18-2010, 05:26 AM
now the san diego city council, except carl demaio :), he supported arizona

sherrilightner@sandiego.gov; kevinfaulconer@sandiego.gov; toddgloria@sandiego.gov; anthonyyoung@sandiego.gov; donnafrye@sandiego.gov; martiemerald@sandiego.gov; benhueso@sandiego.gov

I can barely find the right words to describe the arrogance and self importance of a bunch of politicians, who feel they know better then the citizens they supposedly claim to represent. What right do you have, sticking your nose into another states affairs. who asked you, to stick your noses into arizona's business, when your doing such a good job screwing up San Diego. We are broke, spending billions on a state where we, reward those who break our laws, disrespect our sovereignty, and then demand freebies. And Do you have any clue how mexico treats its illegal aliens?, do you think they get emergency medical, care, ssi, food stamps, housing, and education?.

You sicken me to the core, with your blatant arrogance, dishonesty, and lack of integrity. If you really cared about your constituents, if you really wanted to do the right thing. You would take away the jobs and other freebies that lure so many illegals here. you wouldn't be asking your constituents to foot the bill for people who dont respect our values, culture or identity. Many of these criminals, and yes they are criminals, because they do not wait in line, like so many do from all over the world, many of them dont learn english and dont assimilate into american life.

We are broke, spending billions, that we cant afford, and we dont know who's coming here. Infact two of the 9/11 highjackers were living in san diego. Your misplaced compassion is making sure that ms-13, and drug cartels, have free reign into the u.s., we dont know who's here, we dont know if their a murderer, child rapist, gang banger or terrorist and your response is to condemn a state that is trying to deal with the problem while you put your heads in the sand. Let me make it clear, I believe each and every one of you should be thrown out of office, charged with treason not upholding the constitutional duty to protect and keep our border sovereign, improperly using funds to support those who didnt earn it. for aiding and abetting criminals, and not upholding the constitution.

Next time, mine your own god damn business and stay the hell out of other states political affairs

05-18-2010, 05:26 AM
now the dispicable l.a. city council.

councilmember.reyes@lacity.org; councilmember.krekorian@lacity.org; councilmember.zine@lacity.org; councilmember.labonge@lacity.org; paul.koretz@lacity.org; councilmember.cardenas@lacity.org; councilmember.alarcon@lacity.org; councilmember.parks@lacity.org; jan.perry@lacity.org; councilmember.wesson@lacity.org; councilman.rosendahl@lacity.org; councilmember.smith@lacity.org; councilmember.garcetti@lacity.org; councilmember.huizar@lacity.org; councilmember.hahn@lacity.org

Let me start out by saying that as a jew, one who had extended family die in the holocaust how dare you compare this to the holocaust. I am deeply ashamed and embarassed that you are American. You have the chutzpah to make such insulting and factually incorrect claims that compare those who's skin was cut off for lampshades and bars of soap, had their toddlers heads bashed against trees, had operations without anesthesia to people who broke into to our house, yes its not your house, its the american citizens house.

Jews were stripped of their citizenship, which illegals dont have because they didnt earn it, like those who wait in line and respect this countries sovereignty and the laws of this land.

The jews of europe did not illegally enter europe they were their for thousands of years. They were citizens, who came to their countries legally. My parents, and many people to this day, from all over the world, wait their turn to come here legally. Those people, many come here with nothing, and ask for nothing but a chance. They dont demand freebies that they didnt earn, and they waited inline and respected this nation. They learned english, and they assimilated.

Do you even know what mexico's laws are, and how they are applied to their illegals? They are draconian. But yet I dont see you condemning their laws, which are much worse then arizona's proposed law, which is simply applying federal law.

No, I guess you like a corrupt mexican governments money and cheap labor more then you care about your own citizens.

05-18-2010, 05:27 AM
is this too mean to my liberal friends on facebook

it was under whats on your mind:

The bottom line is this: Respect our laws, respect our sovereignty, wait in line like everyone else, and dont demand favors for choosing to be a criminal. Whatever your lame excuse, you are not a victim. You chose to spit on the sovereignty of this country, and for that you deserve nothing more then a swift kick in the ass

I'm tired of illegal aliens, and their supporters whom I think are more evil then the illegals. Most illegals wanna work, which I understand. I don't support but I understand. Their Enablers like cardinal (I wanna ignore the child molesters in my own church er religion) mahoney and other legal Hispanics, and white and black liberals. Should all be... See More tried for treason and deported. I don't give a dam what you label me, I dont give a dam what you think. If you don't support the sovereignty of this country, if you don't respect our laws, then you are a traitor and should be dealt with i.e. your a traitor who should be jailed and or deported.

05-18-2010, 05:45 AM
I am very angry that some americans believe it right and morally just to betray our right as a nation to sovereign border and allow by supporting those who break our laws, to come here illegally and get freebies they didnt earn, while so many do it the right way, wait in line for their turn, come here legally and ask for nothing but a chance. It is a dam disgrace, and outrageous.

I dont see not one of you left wing liberals on the city councils of san diego, l.a. and san francisco. I dont see one of you protesting how mexico treats its illegal aliens, but when a state wants to protect itself, you lie and distort the truth when Arizona has 1/3 hispanics on the police force, and you have the nerve to compare it to the holocaust. I am sickened to the core by your arrogance, stupidity and lack of historical knowledge.

05-18-2010, 07:32 PM
I am very angry that some americans believe it right and morally just to betray our right as a nation to sovereign border and allow by supporting those who break our laws, to come here illegally and get freebies they didnt earn, while so many do it the right way, wait in line for their turn, come here legally and ask for nothing but a chance. It is a dam disgrace, and outrageous.

I dont see not one of you left wing liberals on the city councils of san diego, l.a. and san francisco. I dont see one of you protesting how mexico treats its illegal aliens, but when a state wants to protect itself, you lie and distort the truth when Arizona has 1/3 hispanics on the police force, and you have the nerve to compare it to the holocaust. I am sickened to the core by your arrogance, stupidity and lack of historical knowledge.

Links arent working

05-18-2010, 10:08 PM
for the emails?

Links arent working

05-19-2010, 01:51 AM
Hey Noble - great job of letting them know how you feel. More importantly, do you feel better now? I had a similar reponse to the stupidity of San Francisco .... and then thought better of it after my daughter said it was the best thing to happen to Arizona. No more SF lunatics invading Arizona!!!

05-19-2010, 01:46 PM
I do feel better, thank you :dance:

Hey Noble - great job of letting them know how you feel. More importantly, do you feel better now? I had a similar reponse to the stupidity of San Francisco .... and then thought better of it after my daughter said it was the best thing to happen to Arizona. No more SF lunatics invading Arizona!!!

Abbey Marie
05-19-2010, 02:02 PM
Martin, I think you did a terrific job here. :clap:

05-19-2010, 04:24 PM
for the emails?

Yea, the email links didnt work for me

Good job though,,,,,,,,,

Mr SKURT princess...:)
I heard FRISCO passed something that will allow illegal aliens to vote?

05-21-2010, 03:14 AM
We need to have an earthquake that will cause SF to break off and float away, away from the normal world .... it makes the rest of CA look conservative, so I wouldn't doubt what you said!!!