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05-19-2010, 02:43 AM
Hey Trigg ..... we are on our way!!! :dance:

Updated May 19, 2010
Angry Electorate Roars at Washington, Hands Setbacks to Establishment Candidates


One by one, the incumbents or establishment-backed candidates in Tuesday's slate of high-stake contests fell or fell short.

If Tuesday's primaries were any indication, incumbents and establishment-backed candidates in November should be shaking in their boots.

In Kentucky, Secretary of State Trey Grayson, who was backed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former Vice President Dick Cheney, was soundly defeated by Tea Party favorite Rand Paul. In Pennsylvania, five-term Sen. Arlen Specter, who ditched the Republican Party last year to save his career, ended up being sent into retirement anyway by Rep. Joe Sestak in the Democratic primary.

And in Arkansas, Sen. Blanche Lincoln was forced into a runoff against Lt. Gov. Bill Halter after she failed to win the majority of votes in the Democratic primary.

Taken together, the results of Tuesday's races sent a clear message to Washington that the anti-incumbent wave that has gripped the nation over the past year isn't losing steam.

Tuesday's results come in a month when Democratic Rep. Alan Mollohan of West Virginia fell in a primary to an opponent who highlighted ethic issues and Sen. Bob Bennett of Utah was denied a spot on the ballot at a Utah Republican convention.

The latest primaries were closely watched for clues to how angry the electorate is about a weak economy, record-high deficits, two ongoing wars and a Washington environment that critics say favors rhetoric over results.

If recent elections highlight an undercurrent of voter anger, it remains to be seen how that anger will affect November's midterm elections, when Republicans will challenge Democrats for control of both chambers in Congress.

Yet one thing seems certain -- these are uncertain times for career politicians.

"I'm against the establishment. They're all crooked, unreliable and selfish for power," said Bill Osburn, 79, a military retiree from Murray, Ky., who helped tea party favorite Rand Paul win the Senate GOP nomination. "We need citizen representatives, not political politicians."

Paul, a political novice, defeated Grayson in an early test of the so-called Tea Party, a loose affiliation of disaffected voters -- mostly conservatives.

"It cannot be overstated that people want something new," Paul said, "They don't want the same old, same old politicians and I think they think the system is broken and needs new blood."

The same could be said in Pennsylvania after 80-year-old Specter lost his bid for a sixth term. His rival for the Democratic Senate nomination accused party leaders of trying to foist Specter on Pennsylvania voters.

"My party's establishment got off track," Sestak told USA Today before the election.

In Arkansas, Lincoln didn't do well enough Tuesday to avoid a June 8 runoff against Halter. Her 17-year career in Congress is now at risk.

"Voters are so angry they are throwing plates," said Democratic consultant Dane Strother

Link: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/05/19/angry-electorate-roars-washington-hands-setbacks-establishment-candidates/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fpolitics+%28Text+-+Politics%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher

05-19-2010, 04:44 AM
Some of us are old enough to remember the term "Silent Majority". That term was meant for the large segment of the population that did not believe in the Left's agenda but were not politically active.

Well, the Silent Majority finally has become politically active and the Left is crapping its pants.


Now, for a change, let those idiots in Washington, who think they know better than the rest of us, let them know what its like to find a job.

Of course, some people, including members of this board will attribute the victories of yesterday's elections to extreme right wing crazies who are racist, homophobic, gun totting, bible beating and like to take away Grandma's Social Security. Right... like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are typical Americans...

Frankly, I won't be happy until the Doofus-in-chief is out of office... but I have to wait until January of 2013.

I only hope and pray that Americans have learned their lesson and will never ever let a bunch of quasi-Communists run this country. But, I'm afraid, people have very short memories and the Left is very good at manipulating popular opinion. It is just a matter of time before we will be back here again, voting the next round of pinkos out of office.

05-19-2010, 03:57 PM
Hey Trigg ..... we are on our way!!! :dance:

Link: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/05/19/angry-electorate-roars-washington-hands-setbacks-establishment-candidates/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fpolitics+%28Text+-+Politics%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher

Isnt it strange that this comes at a time when Democrats are in firm control of every branch?

Strange that it comes at a time when the President was partially elected because of his claim of "not politics as usual?"

05-19-2010, 04:00 PM
Some of us are old enough to remember the term "Silent Majority". That term was meant for the large segment of the population that did not believe in the Left's agenda but were not politically active.

Well, the Silent Majority finally has become politically active and the Left is crapping its pants.


Now, for a change, let those idiots in Washington, who think they know better than the rest of us, let them know what its like to find a job.

Of course, some people, including members of this board will attribute the victories of yesterday's elections to extreme right wing crazies who are racist, homophobic, gun totting, bible beating and like to take away Grandma's Social Security. Right... like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are typical Americans...

Frankly, I won't be happy until the Doofus-in-chief is out of office... but I have to wait until January of 2013.

I only hope and pray that Americans have learned their lesson and will never ever let a bunch of quasi-Communists run this country. But, I'm afraid, people have very short memories and the Left is very good at manipulating popular opinion. It is just a matter of time before we will be back here again, voting the next round of pinkos out of office.

Absolutely correct. I have seen it over and over again,,,

one correction though

The term silent majority was referenced to those who do vote, but dont go out in the streets and protest, hence "silent"
Nixon, I dont know if he started it, but he certainly used that term, and said it was the "silent majority" that would lead him to victory, which it did, when the press was making it look like the entire country was opposed to him, when in fact, it was only the "noisy minority"

05-19-2010, 04:23 PM
Some of us are old enough to remember the term "Silent Majority". That term was meant for the large segment of the population that did not believe in the Left's agenda but were not politically active.

Well, the Silent Majority finally has become politically active and the Left is crapping its pants.


Now, for a change, let those idiots in Washington, who think they know better than the rest of us, let them know what its like to find a job.

Of course, some people, including members of this board will attribute the victories of yesterday's elections to extreme right wing crazies who are racist, homophobic, gun totting, bible beating and like to take away Grandma's Social Security. Right... like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are typical Americans...

Frankly, I won't be happy until the Doofus-in-chief is out of office... but I have to wait until January of 2013.

I only hope and pray that Americans have learned their lesson and will never ever let a bunch of quasi-Communists run this country. But, I'm afraid, people have very short memories and the Left is very good at manipulating popular opinion. It is just a matter of time before we will be back here again, voting the next round of pinkos out of office.

You know when the democrats got in control of ..what both houses and the Presidency... it was a backlash from the center and left and liberty minded people to the Republican Neo-cons rape of the constitution among other things. Now the left has been to be shown doing the same things and worse. I hope every one remembers that BOTH parties are PRO BIG GOV"T, PRO GOV'T CONTROL, ANTI CITIZEN RULE.

If we just swap out one pack of crap for the same pack crap of we had years ago it won't make a bit difference.

Rand Paul will be new Constitution blood in the senate. (If he sticks by the views of his Father) I can't think of any senators that have a good consistent constitutional voting record. That's not to say that they all are all bad all the time but they all lean toward the pragmatic ($$) or more big gov't control and not principal. And have even less incentive than the House members to listen to the people.

05-20-2010, 02:54 PM
You know when the democrats got in control of ..what both houses and the Presidency... it was a backlash from the center and left and liberty minded people to the Republican Neo-cons rape of the constitution among other things. Now the left has been to be shown doing the same things and worse. I hope every one remembers that BOTH parties are PRO BIG GOV"T, PRO GOV'T CONTROL, ANTI CITIZEN RULE.

If we just swap out one pack of crap for the same pack crap of we had years ago it won't make a bit difference.

Rand Paul will be new Constitution blood in the senate. (If he sticks by the views of his Father) I can't think of any senators that have a good consistent constitutional voting record. That's not to say that they all are all bad all the time but they all lean toward the pragmatic ($$) or more big gov't control and not principal. And have even less incentive than the House members to listen to the people.

In a way I agree, and in a way I dont.
TRUE, right now republicans are making govt bigger also, but not nearly as bad as the Dems do.

Political parties generally have to govern, once in office, towards the center, but the problem is the center has shifted so far to the left, that what is now considered "center" used to be considered far left.

We have to start making that pendulem swing back, if we can.

Until the 60's, that pendelum always swang back and forth, but the 60's and other events have caused what I believe to be an irreversable shift.

Originally the Ffathers only allowed land owners to vote. The idea being that they would be educated enough to make an informed vote.

Today, the idea that even people so stupid that cant push a chad all the way through, have the right to vote.
This opens us up to a majority of people swayed by things other than what the politician really stands for. Whilst the uneducated (which today includes high school grads) vote based on sound clips, how the guy dresses, if he "seems" honest, how much he promises to them, etc, etc, etc.

Technology is one of the biggest problems involved in the change also. The way they report the elections is part of it. Plus, people think that the mostly lies and distortions they read and hear on tv and the printed media is true. HEY, I SAW IT ON TV, IT MUST BE TRUE. KEITH OLBERMAN SAID....

And then when you try to point out to some people how dishonest the Dems are, they revert to the ol', well, their all a bunch of crooks, which we simply shouldnt allow

Yea, republicans arent being ideal for us, but whats the alternative. Im a libertarian at heart, but Im also a pragmatist, and I wont throw my vote away on someone who cant win, no matter how much I agree with them, nor will I refuse to participate.

This country might go down in flames, but my children and grandchildren will at least be able to say, "well dad fought them tooth and nail and never gave up", before they venture off to a new land that will allow them to carry on the American dream of Freedom, Liberty and self reliance.

I will never give in to the Liberal dems and I will always vote against them

05-20-2010, 03:19 PM
I fully agree with you LuvRPgrl, especially the part about not throwing your vote away. I t was a point I argued constantly in 08. we have to settle for almost conservatives until an independent comes along that really has a chance. And more importantly we need independents in the house and senate more than anything.

05-20-2010, 03:46 PM
Hey Trigg ..... we are on our way!!! :dance:

Link: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/05/19/angry-electorate-roars-washington-hands-setbacks-establishment-candidates/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fpolitics+%28Text+-+Politics%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher

Yep after months of listening to the MSM slam the protests and call them "AstroTurf". WE ARE VOTING THE INCUMBENTS OUT ON THEIR ASSES!!!!!

I am thrilled to see that the democrate voters are also getting rid of the crooked incumbents in their own parties. Just goes to show you that the tea parties WERE IN DEED attended by Dem's, independents and republicans.

05-20-2010, 04:20 PM
I fully agree with you LuvRPgrl, especially the part about not throwing your vote away. I t was a point I argued constantly in 08. we have to settle for almost conservatives until an independent comes along that really has a chance. And more importantly we need independents in the house and senate more than anything.

I want to say this kindly. And not toward you and luvRp personally but at the concept.
BULL-SCrap! the the 2 parties are only different around the edges we've all been played by both over the years IMO. the only reason we say an independent can't win is because they've trained us to believe it. I'll Never vote for a rank and file Republican again that doesn't convince me by their records that they consistently support the values that they claim. How long will we let them SAY "I'm for smaller gov't" but then don't do anything to back it up. I've voted republican since Reagan, over 20 years and watched them lie about what they say they stand for. The lone republican to consistently vote small constitutional gov't is Ron Paul. How long will we let them SAY "I'm Pro-life" but when it comes time to vote to on any pro-life bill it's like pulling teeth. How long will we let them SAY "No foreign or U.N Control" but every treaty that comes along that does set it up it they vote for it or have to be dragged to the right position.
well, i'm sorry, you guys keep doing your band-aid on a cut artery voting if you want to. Lets see how that works for us in 20 more years of 2 party pendulum. My guess is more fed gov't , more surveillance, more tracking of citizens "to protect us from ____", less freedom, more dead U.S. soldiers overseas, more illegal immigrants or amnesty (like Bush wanted), More deficit spending ...I can go on..

Newt Gingrinch talks a good game on a few issues but he's shown that he has no will to follow thru. Please prove me wrong and name a few Republicans that are constantly voting against bail outs and for freedom and for national sovereignty. For constitutional rights over "safety". Please show me these candidates. I'll send them money.

Until then I'll not vote again for any of them. I've wasted my votes for almost 30 years I may as well waste it on candidates that I can have some reasonable expectation of DOING what they say when they get in rather than voting because someone tells me what amounts to "you don't want the democrat to win do you? He'll drive us into the wall at 90 miles an hour, the republican we'll keep it down to 60."

All incumbents need to GO! and independents or true non-establishment 2 party people need to go in there places. If they don't do what right by the constitution in 1 term they need to be voted OUT. We are Way to far down the road for band aids it's time for surgery.

05-20-2010, 04:33 PM
I want to say this kindly. And not toward you and luvRp personally but at the concept.
BULL-SCrap! the the 2 parties are only different around the edges we've all been played by both over the years IMO. the only reason we say an independent can't win is because they've trained us to believe it. I'll Never vote for a rank and file Republican again that doesn't convince me by their records that they consistently support the values that they claim. How long will we let them SAY "I'm for smaller gov't" but then don't do anything to back it up. I've voted republican since Reagan, over 20 years and watched them lie about what they say they stand for. The lone republican to consistently vote small constitutional gov't is Ron Paul. How long will we let them SAY "I'm Pro-life" but when it comes time to vote to on any pro-life bill it's like pulling teeth. How long will we let them SAY "No foreign or U.N Control" but every treaty that comes along that does set it up it they vote for it or have to be dragged to the right position.
well, i'm sorry, you guys keep doing your band-aid on a cut artery voting if you want to. Lets see how that works for us in 20 more years of 2 party pendulum. My guess is more fed gov't , more surveillance, more tracking of citizens "to protect us from ____", less freedom, more dead U.S. soldiers overseas, more illegal immigrants or amnesty (like Bush wanted), More deficit spending ...I can go on..

Newt Gingrinch talks a good game on a few issues but he's shown that he has no will to follow thru. Please prove me wrong and name a few Republicans that are constantly voting against bail outs and for freedom and for national sovereignty. For constitutional rights over "safety". Please show me these candidates. I'll send them money.

Until then I'll not vote again for any of them. I've wasted my votes for almost 30 years I may as well waste it on candidates that I can have some reasonable expectation of DOING what they say when they get in rather than voting because someone tells me what amounts to "you don't want the democrat to win do you? He'll drive us into the wall at 90 miles an hour, the republican we'll keep it down to 60."

ITs not about "proving" anyone right or wrong. Its a difficult issue to deal with any way you look at it.

If Bush had been any more conservative, he wouldnt have won either election, then we would have dad Gore, OMG !!! Yea, Bush wasnt that great in many ways, but he was not as bad as Gore would have been.

The issue isnt about showing a Republican who has shown to have real conservative values, we agree with you on that, the issue is how to get someone into office who has conservative values. YOu have one approach, we have another.

You dont think Repubs will ever have anyone who is conservative again. BUt have they ever had one? I submit, yes, at some point in time, so we know its possible, just not possible in our current social polticial climate. So, we are working on changing that climate to allow real conservative Repubs to win.

On the other hand, has any libertarian ever won a significant office? Thats an honest question, if not, then your method is suggesting something that has never worked before.

In all honesty, I dont know if either is possible, and I think all real libertarians and conservatives struggle with it, but dont think the libs dont have their own version of this.

And that is what ultimately sways me, I LOVE IT when someone like Ralph nadar or the green party siphon votes off the mainstream errr, liberal Dems,
so, on the other hand, its bothersome to me when we lose votes and elections because of libertarians. BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS WRONG, it is just bothersome to me, thats all.

We strive for the same ideals, we just disagree on how to achieve them.
Kinda like when they were debating which was the best target for the Enola Gay, Tokyo or Hiroshima

And dont worry, I dont take it personal, never have, never will. IF someone wants to TRY and insult me personally, I LAUGH, if they speak the truth, then I need to change, if they lie, then who gives a crap

05-20-2010, 04:40 PM
Sorry to beat this idea but we can't let the 2 party hacks bamboozle over and over.

Why is the 2 party system good for the country but in the free market system, which we on the right try to promote, the more competition the better?
Isn't a 2 party system essentially a 2 party cartel Gov't. they have and do work together to keep other parties out and keep the power/money/ between themselves.

Another way to look at it is that
we on the right have been like 2 guys trying to make a living on selling a truck load of cantaloupe on the side of the road. It's not selling, not make us any money and has been to stinking for a while now. 2 other guys are across the road trying to sell honeydew melons which aren't making any money and stink even worse. One cantaloupe guy says to the other, "Hey I know what the problem is , We need a bigger truck."

05-20-2010, 04:51 PM
I want to say this kindly. And not toward you and luvRp personally but at the concept.
BULL-SCrap! the the 2 parties are only different around the edges we've all been played by both over the years IMO. the only reason we say an independent can't win is because they've trained us to believe it. I'll Never vote for a rank and file Republican again that doesn't convince me by their records that they consistently support the values that they claim. How long will we let them SAY "I'm for smaller gov't" but then don't do anything to back it up. I've voted republican since Reagan, over 20 years and watched them lie about what they say they stand for. The lone republican to consistently vote small constitutional gov't is Ron Paul. How long will we let them SAY "I'm Pro-life" but when it comes time to vote to on any pro-life bill it's like pulling teeth. How long will we let them SAY "No foreign or U.N Control" but every treaty that comes along that does set it up it they vote for it or have to be dragged to the right position.
well, i'm sorry, you guys keep doing your band-aid on a cut artery voting if you want to. Lets see how that works for us in 20 more years of 2 party pendulum. My guess is more fed gov't , more surveillance, more tracking of citizens "to protect us from ____", less freedom, more dead U.S. soldiers overseas, more illegal immigrants or amnesty (like Bush wanted), More deficit spending ...I can go on..

Newt Gingrinch talks a good game on a few issues but he's shown that he has no will to follow thru. Please prove me wrong and name a few Republicans that are constantly voting against bail outs and for freedom and for national sovereignty. For constitutional rights over "safety". Please show me these candidates. I'll send them money.

Until then I'll not vote again for any of them. I've wasted my votes for almost 30 years I may as well waste it on candidates that I can have some reasonable expectation of DOING what they say when they get in rather than voting because someone tells me what amounts to "you don't want the democrat to win do you? He'll drive us into the wall at 90 miles an hour, the republican we'll keep it down to 60."

All incumbents need to GO! and independents or true non-establishment 2 party people need to go in there places. If they don't do what right by the constitution in 1 term they need to be voted OUT. We are Way to far down the road for band aids it's time for surgery.

I agree with you. I want the incumbents out. Unfortunately we don't get the choices we would like to have. Often there is not an independent on the ballot to vote for. The two parties have it all sewn up to make it difficult if not impossible for an independent individual to run. We are always stuck with who the media presents to us. And way too many voters are ignorant of their choices and just go with what's presented on the media. LuvRPgrl made that point. A lot of incumbents are going to be out on their asses this year, but not nearly enough.

My argument is that if 5% of the voters go for the independent and the two main party people are close, 51 to 49 percent, then the independent's could sway who gets elect. The choice is bad or worse. Without the independent's worse wins.

The surgery that's needed is a congress full of conservative independents. Even a bad president would be helpless to ruin things if that was the case.

05-20-2010, 07:00 PM
Sorry to beat this idea but we can't let the 2 party hacks bamboozle over and over.

Why is the 2 party system good for the country but in the free market system, which we on the right try to promote, the more competition the better?
Isn't a 2 party system essentially a 2 party cartel Gov't. they have and do work together to keep other parties out and keep the power/money/ between themselves.

Another way to look at it is that
we on the right have been like 2 guys trying to make a living on selling a truck load of cantaloupe on the side of the road. It's not selling, not make us any money and has been to stinking for a while now. 2 other guys are across the road trying to sell honeydew melons which aren't making any money and stink even worse. One cantaloupe guy says to the other, "Hey I know what the problem is , We need a bigger truck."

You know, its kinda funny, but my wife is from the Philippines, and they have multiple parties, and she likes our two party system better. She says its too easy for a powerful party to play games by entering people who will steal votes away from one of their opponents, and then ONLY ONE PARTY has the power.

go figure, be careful what you ask for

05-20-2010, 07:05 PM
I agree with you. I want the incumbents out. Unfortunately we don't get the choices we would like to have. Often there is not an independent on the ballot to vote for. The two parties have it all sewn up to make it difficult if not impossible for an independent individual to run. We are always stuck with who the media presents to us. And way too many voters are ignorant of their choices and just go with what's presented on the media. LuvRPgrl made that point. A lot of incumbents are going to be out on their asses this year, but not nearly enough.

My argument is that if 5% of the voters go for the independent and the two main party people are close, 51 to 49 percent, then the independent's could sway who gets elect. The choice is bad or worse. Without the independent's worse wins.

The surgery that's needed is a congress full of conservative independents. Even a bad president would be helpless to ruin things if that was the case.

Actually, the problem is more social than it is political.

One thing to remember though, and anyone who has traveled abroad knows, it aint perfect, but it is the best in the world.

That said, the social atmosphere has to change or too many people will continue to elect ultra liberals. Unless PEOPLE GET MORE CONSERVATIVE VALUES, we will never elect conservatives to enough of a majority.

ONe other thing, sucess breeds apathy and liberalism, so its kinda a double edged sword, conservative breeds sucess, which breeds widespread apathy and liberalism.

But you gotta just do the best you can, and enjoy life, like we do here in THE WORLDS GREATEST CITY !! SAN DIEGO,,,

05-21-2010, 10:11 AM
You know when the democrats got in control of ..what both houses and the Presidency... it was a backlash from the center and left and liberty minded people to the Republican Neo-cons rape of the constitution among other things. Now the left has been to be shown doing the same things and worse. I hope every one remembers that BOTH parties are PRO BIG GOV"T, PRO GOV'T CONTROL, ANTI CITIZEN RULE.

If we just swap out one pack of crap for the same pack crap of we had years ago it won't make a bit difference.

Rand Paul will be new Constitutional blood in the senate. (If he sticks by the views of his Father) I can't think of any senators that have a good consistent constitutional voting record. That's not to say that they all are all bad all the time but they all lean toward the pragmatic ($$) or more big gov't control and not principal. And have even less incentive than the House members to listen to the people.

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Love his answers on abortion and Bail outs. the iran thing mmm I dun know... Iran getting one nuke is no threat to U.S. no matter how hyperbolic O'Riely gets about it. Iran is not a treat to the U.S.. period. we have THOUSANDS (?) of nukes and an almost exponentially stronger military in the navy/army airforce and marines. If Iran wanted to bomb an American city with a nuke it could have bought one from our CIA friends the Turks or Pakistanis years ago and done it.
Oriely's question about working with Obama is pitiful... Just because O'Riely is PAID to fight with anyone with a D on there resume doesn't mean everyone in the world has to act like a butthole every time you talk to someone you don't agree with. sheeh Bush wasn't a demon when the libs try to make him into one and Obama's not a demon either. Fight the policies not the people.

05-21-2010, 12:28 PM
I agree with you Revvie. I'm sick and tired of this two party system. Over the decades, they have continually lied to us saying things they think we want to hear. And then, bam.....on comes the real agendas. Agendas that they all had from the very beginning, but kept hidden from view....under the radar.... As for myself, I am voting indep. in the next election. Win, lose or draw, so to speak, at least I know in my heart that I was not a party to electing another demopug...Unless either party proves to me they can stand up straight and fly right, I will no longer vote for ither.

Getting rid of these few incumbants is only the beginning. It has long since been time to reach in and grab them by their short and curlies and give them the old heave ho hoping they land in a huge pile of cow manure....

As I've said in some posts over the last month, the day of reckoning is at hand and we, the people, have that power to change and move this country back in the direction it should be going. WE.......as a people, can do this. Now we need to continue the job and get rid of more lifetime politicians that have made it their lives goal to destroy this country. To take away our freedoms....To take away our right to bear arms..... To tell us what we can and cannot say because it's politically incorrect..... They're asking for a fight......Are we up to giving them one? I guess as time goes on we'll find out. But we'd better pick up the pace of ass kicking and do our jobs of getting them out and putting in those that want to straighten out this country. Or else they can get ousted as well...... Time is running out. This new world order is coming around the bend.....

How many people get to stay in a job for 40 plus years and ride that wave until the day they kick off? Not too darn many is my guess. So why in the world have we been letting them stay in those cushy jobs? Is it because they each have a great line of bullpucky that they've learned to speil, knowing we'll fall for it?...They have learned to manipulate the citizens very well. You would think, after decades of the crapola these lifers have done, we, the people, would've noticed and spoken up and ousted them eons ago..... But alas, it's easy to fall into the bed of apathy pulling the safe cloak of darkness around our brains....:eek:

05-21-2010, 05:11 PM
I agree with you Revvie. I'm sick and tired of this two party system. Over the decades, they have continually lied to us saying things they think we want to hear. And then, bam.....on comes the real agendas. Agendas that they all had from the very beginning, but kept hidden from view....under the radar.... As for myself, I am voting indep. in the next election. Win, lose or draw, so to speak, at least I know in my heart that I was not a party to electing another demopug...Unless either party proves to me they can stand up straight and fly right, I will no longer vote for ither.

Getting rid of these few incumbants is only the beginning. It has long since been time to reach in and grab them by their short and curlies and give them the old heave ho hoping they land in a huge pile of cow manure....

As I've said in some posts over the last month, the day of reckoning is at hand and we, the people, have that power to change and move this country back in the direction it should be going. WE.......as a people, can do this. Now we need to continue the job and get rid of more lifetime politicians that have made it their lives goal to destroy this country. To take away our freedoms....To take away our right to bear arms..... To tell us what we can and cannot say because it's politically incorrect..... They're asking for a fight......Are we up to giving them one? I guess as time goes on we'll find out. But we'd better pick up the pace of ass kicking and do our jobs of getting them out and putting in those that want to straighten out this country. Or else they can get ousted as well...... Time is running out. This new world order is coming around the bend.....

How many people get to stay in a job for 40 plus years and ride that wave until the day they kick off? Not too darn many is my guess. So why in the world have we been letting them stay in those cushy jobs? Is it because they each have a great line of bullpucky that they've learned to speil, knowing we'll fall for it?...They have learned to manipulate the citizens very well. You would think, after decades of the crapola these lifers have done, we, the people, would've noticed and spoken up and ousted them eons ago..... But alas, it's easy to fall into the bed of apathy pulling the safe cloak of darkness around our brains....:eek:

HOw do you feel about term limits?

05-21-2010, 07:34 PM
HOw do you feel about term limits?

Two years sounds like a nice small number and a shorter time span for them to screw everything up more and further corrupting the system...

One thing is for sure........we no longer have the luxury of crawling into our bed of apathy and ignoring the truth that flies all around us. The time has come for the people of America to get up off their laurels and take back our country.


05-22-2010, 12:10 AM
Hey Trigg ..... we are on our way!!! :dance:

Link: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/05/19/angry-electorate-roars-washington-hands-setbacks-establishment-candidates/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fpolitics+%28Text+-+Politics%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher

All sound and fury, signifying nothing...

05-22-2010, 12:45 AM
All sound and fury, signifying nothing...

Ignoring the "sound and fury" is like ignoring tornado warnings....just because you can't see them right now doesn't mean they won't touch down in your little area of the world and create a new landscape.

Keep playing the ostrich BP, that's what we want you liberal progressives to do. You can pull your head out on November 3rd.

05-23-2010, 06:11 AM
Ignoring the "sound and fury" is like ignoring tornado warnings....just because you can't see them right now doesn't mean they won't touch down in your little area of the world and create a new landscape.

Keep playing the ostrich BP, that's what we want you liberal progressives to do. You can pull your head out on November 3rd.

The tea party movement is made up of the same 20%, or so, of the same fearful, paranoid Americans that have been the base of the GOP for years. Are they a force to be reckoned with? Only in as one would reckon with a colicky, fitful infant. They become a force only if the majority remains silent in the face of their tantrums. Much like what happened in Germany in the 1930's.

red states rule
05-23-2010, 06:18 AM
The tea party movement is made up of the same 20%, or so, of the same fearful, paranoid Americans that have been the base of the GOP for years. Are they a force to be reckoned with? Only in as one would reckon with a colicky, fitful infant. They become a force only if the majority remains silent in the face of their tantrums. Much like what happened in Germany in the 1930's.

Libslike you BP will never get it. This election is not about Republicans and Dems. It is about people fed up with politicans on both sides that continue to flip them off

All you do is play the race and Nazi card - and sprew your usual persoanl attacks while ignoring what Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and with the help of some RINO's have accomplished

The CBO released a report showing the cost of Obamacare will increase by an additional $115 billion. This report came out after Obamacare was signed into law, proving Nancy Pelosi was correct when she said the bill had to be passed so we could find out what was in it.

The total cost of the hope and change we were promised continues to set records, and bust the federal budget. In March, the U.S. Treasury posted a $65 billion deficit, and a $85 billion deficit in the month of April. Yet President Obama continues to blame the "reckless spending and deficits" of President Bush for our economic woes.

When calculated by the average annual percentage of the GDP, Obama is on track to become the biggest-spending president since 1930 and will outspend FDR.

Now we have Fannie Mae asking taxpayers for another $8.4 billion. This came a few days after Freddie Mac begged for an additional $10.6 billion to balance its books.

On top of all this, the White House is now calling Obama's promise not to raise taxes on those making less then $250,000/yr a preference - and not a promise

OK BP, now attack, spin, and duck the facts in this post

05-23-2010, 10:44 AM
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/august_2009/42_say_people_randomly_selected_from_phone_book_be tter_than_current_congress

Forty-two percent (42%) of U.S. voters say a group of people randomly selected from the phone book would do a better job than the current Congress. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that an identical number (42%) disagree, but 16% are not sure.

Last fall, just 33% thought the random group could do as good a job.

Today, Republicans by a two-to-one margin believe that the phone book sample would be better than the current Democratic-controlled Congress. Democrats, by a similar margin, have the opposite view. A slight plurality of those not affiliated with either major party say the randomly selected group would do a better job.

05-23-2010, 11:50 AM
The tea party movement is made up of the same 20%, or so, of the same fearful, paranoid Americans that have been the base of the GOP for years. Are they a force to be reckoned with? Only in as one would reckon with a colicky, fitful infant. They become a force only if the majority remains silent in the face of their tantrums. Much like what happened in Germany in the 1930's.

Where do you get your information about the Tea Party movement? From MSNBC, from idiots like Matthews, Olberman, Maddow, Rhodes, Stewart? Do any of these names ring a bell for you BP .... or maybe it's the Huffington Post? Wherever you are getting your information it is way off the mark. I have never been a Democrat or a Republican and yet I was one of the first members of our local Tea Party group. I joined because I didn't like the comment "share the wealth" that was made by Obama. And then I continue to stay in because I see the socialist agenda this administration has in store for America...and it's coming from both the Democrats and the Republicans. So, for you to think the members are just the GOP is pure idiocy. :laugh2:

I have been voting for over 40 years and have not voted from a "fearful or paranoid" position ever. I vote to send a message - whether it is a message for change or stability, it's still a vote to get a message across. As for you dismissing the Tea Party as a force to be reckoned with .... we will see if this proves out. Looks like more and more mainstream people are becoming part of the movement. :clap::clap:

As for a tantrum .... give me a break. :coffee: When have you seen one of the tea party events ever turn out to be like the progressive protests? Look what happened recently with the SEIU --- bussing in over 500 people to intimidate someone on their front lawn.........totally a tantrum organized by the Obama administration goons. :slap:

So, BP, other than maligning the Tea Party members, can you tell us one thing you have against their ideaology that you personally have issue with? :poke:

05-23-2010, 01:45 PM
Libslike you BP will never get it. This election is not about Republicans and Dems. It is about people fed up with politicans on both sides that continue to flip them off

So why, in the only race which Republicans and Democrats squared off against each other, the special election to fill the remainder of John Murtha's term, did the Democrat win by a huge margin?

All you do is play the race and Nazi card - and sprew your usual persoanl attacks while ignoring what Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and with the help of some RINO's have accomplished

I send nastygrams to their offices an call them on a regular basis because they have failed to live up to their promises.

The CBO released a report showing the cost of Obamacare will increase by an additional $115 billion. This report came out after Obamacare was signed into law, proving Nancy Pelosi was correct when she said the bill had to be passed so we could find out what was in it.

The slights of hand to improve the CBO scoring seem to be pro forma for any administration, and needs to be brought to a grinding halt. Never mind that the CBO's track record on estimating the costs of healthcare is dismal and the new law has little, if anything, in the way of cost controls. A robust public option would have changed that. But people for whom the terms "communism" and "socialism" are just buzz-words to strike fear into the hearts of their constituents...who don't really seem to grasp the meaning of either...won the day on that point.

The total cost of the hope and change we were promised continues to set records, and bust the federal budget. In March, the U.S. Treasury posted a $65 billion deficit, and a $85 billion deficit in the month of April. Yet President Obama continues to blame the "reckless spending and deficits" of President Bush for our economic woes.

When calculated by the average annual percentage of the GDP, Obama is on track to become the biggest-spending president since 1930 and will outspend FDR.

All of the spending for the Iraq war by the Bush administration was off budget in the form of emergency supplementals. Rather than raise taxes to pay for these wars...as has been the case in every other war in US history...the Bush administration borrowed from foreign creditors. The spending for Iraq and Afghanistan is now on the books, thus contributing to an increase deficits. Oh, and I didn't hear any complaints from the right when the Bush administration and GOP controlled Congress were spending tax-payer money like drunken sailors on liberty.

Now we have Fannie Mae asking taxpayers for another $8.4 billion. This came a few days after Freddie Mac begged for an additional $10.6 billion to balance its books.

This remains a part of the collapse of the housing bubble that was a direct result of GOP and Bush administration deregulation of the financial industry. So yeah, this flaming bag of dog-shit can be left on Bush's door step.

On top of all this, the White House is now calling Obama's promise not to raise taxes on those making less then $250,000/yr a preference - and not a promise

And you and your fellow travelers thought we were going to get out of the messes left behind by the Bush administration with just a wink and a nod? Bush left the Texas economy a smoking crater when he left office. I predicted, before he was ever elected POTUS that the same would happen on a national level. Well, guess what, Red, the mushroom cloud is still rising, and we're gonna have to pay the piper at some point.

OK BP, now attack, spin, and duck the facts in this post

No spin, and just the facts, Red. Sucks for you that reality has such a liberal bias.

red states rule
05-24-2010, 04:30 AM
So why, in the only race which Republicans and Democrats squared off against each other, the special election to fill the remainder of John Murtha's term, did the Democrat win by a huge margin?

I send nastygrams to their offices an call them on a regular basis because they have failed to live up to their promises.

The slights of hand to improve the CBO scoring seem to be pro forma for any administration, and needs to be brought to a grinding halt. Never mind that the CBO's track record on estimating the costs of healthcare is dismal and the new law has little, if anything, in the way of cost controls. A robust public option would have changed that. But people for whom the terms "communism" and "socialism" are just buzz-words to strike fear into the hearts of their constituents...who don't really seem to grasp the meaning of either...won the day on that point.

All of the spending for the Iraq war by the Bush administration was off budget in the form of emergency supplementals. Rather than raise taxes to pay for these wars...as has been the case in every other war in US history...the Bush administration borrowed from foreign creditors. The spending for Iraq and Afghanistan is now on the books, thus contributing to an increase deficits. Oh, and I didn't hear any complaints from the right when the Bush administration and GOP controlled Congress were spending tax-payer money like drunken sailors on liberty.

This remains a part of the collapse of the housing bubble that was a direct result of GOP and Bush administration deregulation of the financial industry. So yeah, this flaming bag of dog-shit can be left on Bush's door step.

And you and your fellow travelers thought we were going to get out of the messes left behind by the Bush administration with just a wink and a nod? Bush left the Texas economy a smoking crater when he left office. I predicted, before he was ever elected POTUS that the same would happen on a national level. Well, guess what, Red, the mushroom cloud is still rising, and we're gonna have to pay the piper at some point.

No spin, and just the facts, Red. Sucks for you that reality has such a liberal bias.

BP did you bother to read what Chist ran on to win? He was opposed to Obamacare, pro gun, but did promise to bring home the prok. Of course, you failed to mention Dems LOST a seat in HI (the same district Obama grew up in) He has to run again in November so we will see how he votes, and if the votes match what he ran on

The CBO report was asked for BEFORE the bill was rammed thru - Dems kept telling us the total cost would be under $1 trillion (where are they getting the money for it - oh, it is getting put on the charge card) More then 60% still want Obamacre repealed as the cost of health care insurance starts to go up, and companies decide if they should continue to offer the benefit as their costs increase

So now you defend Obama spending by pointing to Bush's spending? Dems have controled the checkbook for the last 6 years and Dems were "outraged" over Bush's deficits. Yet we have have trillion dollar plus deficits under Dems rule. Keep trying to pass the buck BP - it is starting to look very immature and voters are fed up with the insane spending

So far Obama and the Dems have spent over $200 BILLION to "fix" the housing mess BP. Perhaps if Dems were more worried about creating jobs in the private sector instead of ramming thru their social aganeda people could afford their homes. Then again more then 50% of the loans that were modified are back in default. Why? Because Dems loosened credit requirements because they saw owning a home was a "right" - much like you guys see health insurance
